

Multi vehicle linkage turning: optimize and improve traffic efficiency

Recently, the traffic police department of our city optimized the turning lanes of many roads to improve the traffic efficiency of vehicles.

The newly added linkage turn around lane on Weishan Road. Publicity photography

Recently, the traffic police department of our city optimized the turning lanes of many roads to improve the traffic efficiency of vehicles.

On the morning of the 12th, when the reporter came to the intersection of Jilin Road and Linhe Street, he found that vehicles were queuing up in an orderly manner on the left turning lane of the road. Parking lot numbers are marked on the road in turn, and turn around signs are marked on each parking lot.

"When driving to this position, the driver should follow the ground marking to enter the corresponding parking space, and there should be no space between the rear car and the front car." Li He, a police officer of the traffic police detachment of the municipal public security bureau, said that if it is the first car, it should enter the corresponding parking space 1, and the second car should enter the parking space 2, and so on, when the traffic signal turns green, When the vehicle is allowed to turn around, the waiting vehicle in the parking space can turn around and drive at the same time.

Li He reminded that the traffic management department will continue to optimize some signs and markings in our city in the near future. Drivers should pay attention to looking up at the signs, looking down at the markings, and participating in the traffic in a civilized and law-abiding manner.

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