

Intercropping corn and soybean to achieve double harvests in one field

In the golden autumn, Sunjiatun Village, Kai'an Town, Nong'an County, is a scene of bumper harvest.

The technicians of Nong'an County Haosong Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. conduct yield measurement and sampling for soybeans in the field. Photographed by Zhang Xinyu

In the golden autumn, Sunjiatun Village, Kai'an Town, Nong'an County, is a scene of bumper harvest. Nong'an County Haosong Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Haosong Agriculture) conducted a remarkable experiment here. They raised the yield of corn and soybeans to a very high level through the large-scale intercropping mode of corn and soybeans - the yield of corn per hectare can reach 10500 kg, and that of soybeans can reach 2000 kg!

On the 7th, the yield measurement process went through scientific planning, experimental planting, yield measurement acceptance and other steps. Scientific and technical personnel used scientific methods and data analysis to provide farmers with optimized planting plans, which not only promoted grain production, but also helped protect valuable black land.

"Check the plants and seeds per square meter. According to the 100 seed weight of soybeans, use the relevant formula to calculate the yield per mu and the yield per hectare. The yield of corn is measured through five points." Zhao Qingding, a technician of Haosong Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., told reporters that the total yield of corn and soybeans increased by more than 20% compared with conventional corn planting after the use of this model in the land under foot.

This year, the No. 1 Document of the Central Committee pointed out that we should solidly promote the belt compound planting of soybean and corn. This policy has inspired Nong'an County and Haosong Agricultural Team, who decided to provide better services for farmers with scientific and technological strength, and promote soybean planting and new technologies.

Soybeans, such as copper bells, and corn, such as gold sticks, walk among the crops that are always tall and sometimes short, and the wind blows big or small, "beating" the land to a different harvest rhythm. "There are reasons for the different wind speeds. Because each group of corn can gain marginal effects under the new planting mode of" one high and one low ", which is generally said to be close to the side, ventilated and transparent, so it grows very large. At the same time, corn also has a good shading effect on soybeans, effectively reducing the burning of soybeans." Zhang Xi, a farmer, sighed, Last year, his family used traditional planting methods for soybean and corn respectively. It was difficult to pick soybeans, and corn seeds were also small, unlike this year's corn, which was widely spaced, easy to pick, and full of soybeans.

After careful yield measurement and sampling, Haosong Agriculture began to harvest in large areas. The soybean harvester and the corn harvester in the field were arranged in parallel in separate rows. The soybeans could be filled every half an hour, and then the soybeans were transported to the drying yard. After impurities were filtered and moisture was reduced, they were stored for trading at an appropriate time.

"The characteristics of this pattern can also be seen from the harvest in rows, that is, the intercropping of high and low crops. When we ridged at the beginning of this year, we adjusted the ridge direction of the field to 18 ° to 20 ° south by west to achieve the best light. At the same time, we adopted the wide and narrow row combination ridge planting method, changing the single ridge single row 65cm to large ridge double row 130cm. Soybean plays an obvious role in nitrogen fixation and soil nutrition, which is conducive to improving soil conditions and improving soil fertility, but it should be noted that soybean cannot be planted year after year. " Wang Hao, the person in charge of Haosong Agriculture, said that this technical model is not as simple as planting soybeans and corn together on the surface, but has a certain level of technical requirements. Therefore, they provide trusteeship services in 8 villages and towns in Nong'an County, covering an area of more than 2000 hectares, involving 10 villages and towns. Haosong Agriculture produces agricultural machinery and technology to help farmers achieve double harvests in one land.

Zhang Wei, director of the Soybean Research Institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that the changes in the pattern of soybean maize composite planting in northeast China, as well as the innovation of mechanized planting, and the use of 4-to-4 and 6-to-6 intercropping have played an important role in improving soybean yield. This scientific planting method makes high stalk corn and low stalk soybean realize complementary advantages, and contributes to the realization of stable yield and soybean expansion and food supply security.

This year, the sown area of crops in Nong'an County is 6.231 million mu, and the sown area of major grain crops is 5.817 million mu, 100000 mu more than last year's 5.717 million mu. In Nong'an County, technology and innovation have changed the face of agriculture. The grain output of 12500 kilograms per hectare not only makes farmers smile, but also provides a strong guarantee for food security. This successful experience is expected to be popularized in a wider range and contribute more possibilities to solving the problem of food supply.

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