

Provide full life cycle health services

"Bright and Practical Ways" to Strengthen Maternal and Child Health Security in Zhuhai

On the 11th, the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on "Strengthening Maternal and Child Health Security and Improving the Quality of Birth Population". Zhang Jing, deputy director of the Municipal Health Commission, introduced the specific measures such as the "three exemptions and two screening" carried out in our city at present.

In order to comprehensively guarantee the physical and mental health of women and children, further improve the quality of the birth population, and better meet the needs of the masses for healthy pregnancy, currently, our city focuses on the promotion of maternal and child health at various stages, such as pre marriage, pre pregnancy, pregnancy, and newborn. Relying on the three-level prevention of "three exemptions and two screenings", two free special service projects continue to help prevent and control the occurrence of serious birth defects, so that the general public can fully enjoy health services throughout the life cycle.

Our city has built a comprehensive prevention system for birth defects through the three-level prevention of "three exemptions and two screening". For people at different stages of marriage and childbearing, optimize service processes, and constantly improve coverage and service quality. At present, the city's 15 maternal and child health care institutions provide services to the general public from Monday to Friday. Through free premarital medical examination, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting marital and reproductive health can reduce the risk of disease transmission, improve the quality of marriage and childbirth, reduce the incidence of birth defects of newborns, and improve the quality of the birth population. Through free prenatal health examination and free folic acid supplementation to prevent neural tube defects, we found genetic, environmental, psychological and behavioral risk factors that may affect fertility, received targeted eugenics counseling and guidance, and took corresponding preventive measures to avoid and reduce the risk of birth defects and adverse pregnancy outcomes. By guiding pregnant women to participate in prenatal screening in a standardized manner, they actively accept screening for genetic metabolic diseases, hearing disorders, etc., and give timely medical guidance and suggestions for serious birth defects such as congenital heart disease and Down's syndrome. Through neonatal disease screening, ensure early treatment of children and effectively avoid disability of children. Our city took the lead in carrying out neonatal genetic metabolic disease screening and the diagnosis and treatment of hyperphenylalaninemia in the province, and established a screening network with the neonatal disease screening clinics of all midwifery institutions in the city as the first level, the neonatal disease screening management office of county (district) maternal and child health institutions as the second level, and the neonatal disease screening center of the municipal maternal and child health hospital as the third level, The screening coverage reached 100%.

In order to help women and children's physical and mental health, our city launched two free special service projects, namely, the free blocking project of mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus and the free prenatal screening project to prevent birth defects. Since 2012, our city has launched a free project to block mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus, and innovatively established a unique full process management model for mother to child transmission of hepatitis B, helping to achieve zero mother to child transmission of hepatitis B. Over the years, the blocking of mother and infant hepatitis B has given full play to the advantages of resource integration through up and down linkage and multi department cooperation, with a blocking success rate of 99.8%. In June 2018, our city took the lead in carrying out the characteristic project of "free prenatal screening for birth defects prevention" across the province, and played an important role in reducing the incidence of birth defects and improving the quality of the birth population by strictly implementing the prenatal screening process. Up to now, our city has screened more than 130000 pregnant women for free, and diagnosed more than 70 cases of serious birth defects such as Down's syndrome through prenatal diagnosis. Through timely intervention, we have effectively avoided the birth of severely defective children.

As an important part of public health service projects, maternal and child health service projects include 16 maternity insurance projects, 14 child insurance projects, 8 major projects, contraceptive services and other free maternal and child public health projects. Our city insists on carrying out the propaganda and guidance of maternal and child health prevention knowledge online and offline by means of theme publicity of key health days, large-scale free clinics, production of practical and diverse publicity materials, expert presentations and other ways, so that more people can benefit from high-quality services.

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