

Stabilizing high standard farmland can stabilize production capacity

On the morning of the 21st, in the paddy field of Qingying Family Farm, Yanhe Korean Township, Yushu City, green rice waves swayed with the wind.

On the morning of the 21st, in the paddy field of Qingying Family Farm, Yanhe Korean Township, Yushu City, green rice waves swayed with the wind. Hu Changyu, the person in charge of the farm, stood beside the paddy field, looked at the Lalin River in the distance and said, "Make use of the sunny weather to try to make rice more watery." With the help of high standard farmland and natural conditions, they had the confidence to meet the challenges of drought and flood.

The frequent rainfall and high temperature after the summer solstice create favorable conditions for rice growth, and also test the drainage system of paddy fields. The high standard farmland of Qingying Family Farm shows the advantages of drought tolerance and waterlogging tolerance. The farm has built a water channel pipe network with steel bars and concrete, and introduced the Lalin River to irrigate rice fields. In dry season, deep wells can ensure water use for rice; During the rainy season, the water volume is controlled by regulating the upstream and downstream gates to ensure the harvest in case of drought or waterlogging.

"If we stabilize high standard farmland, we can stabilize the major part of grain production capacity." Hu Changyu said that high standard farmland can achieve high and stable yields in case of drought or flood.

In order to improve the comprehensive grain production capacity, Yushu City has continued to build high standard farmland. At present, 2.286 million mu has been built, accounting for 40% of the cultivated land area.

In order to further improve the grain production capacity and disaster resistance, Yanhe Township Rice Variety Demonstration Base cooperated with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to develop new rice varieties Jijing 830, Jijing 325, Jijing 816 and Fuyu 333, which improved the lodging resistance and disease resistance of crops in terms of varieties, and promoted them in Yushu City, significantly increasing the yield.

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