

Propaganda and interpretation of spiritual civilization building activities - civilized city building

The awarding ceremony of "Changchun Civilized Stadium" was held in the city library

As one of the 26 civilized venues, the Changchun Library shared the experience of building civilized venues at the awarding ceremony. The city library innovatively held the theme activity of "three comparisons and three innovations", and created eight star brands. At the same time, more than 20 activities were held, such as military training, competition and exchange training. More than 600 volunteers were recruited, more than 20 times of volunteer service, and more than 2000 people were served, creating a strong atmosphere of "everyone participates in innovation, sharing civilization".

Since August 2022, the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Civilization Office, together with relevant municipal functional departments, have carried out the standardization creation activity of "Civilized Changchun in December" in the city. After a year of scientific, standardized and dynamic comprehensive evaluation, and through the selection at all levels, the awarding ceremony of "Changchun Civilized Venues" was held in the city library recently, and 26 civilized venues stood out.

As one of the 26 civilized venues, the Changchun Library shared the experience of building civilized venues at the awarding ceremony. The city library innovatively held the theme activity of "three comparisons and three innovations", and created eight star brands. At the same time, more than 20 activities were held, such as military training, competition and exchange training. More than 600 volunteers were recruited, more than 20 times of volunteer service, and more than 2000 people were served, creating a strong atmosphere of "everyone participates in innovation, sharing civilization".

In terms of improving citizens' civilization quality, the city library has made great efforts to build 28 brand projects, including "Little Tree Seedling" parent-child reading, "Warm Time" cultural disability assistance, and "Leling" elderly service. It has built a brand matrix of "Reading HUI · Long Map", and has carried out more than 500 reading promotion activities every year, with nearly 200000 people participating. By advocating reading for the whole people, we will promote the civilization consciousness of people with culture, and turn morality into kindness.

In terms of venue facilities, the city library has continuously optimized the library environment to create a healthy and civilized reading space. At the same time, give play to the radiation and driving role of the central library, accelerate the construction of the urban reading network, build 46 demonstration branches, 7 reading rooms, 16 mobile service points, and distribute more than 80000 books annually.

"For many years, the Municipal Library has taken the establishment of spiritual civilization as an important carrier and measure to improve service quality, and has carried out various reading promotion activities and building reading brand projects every year to create a rich atmosphere of reading more, reading well and loving reading," said Yao Shuhui.

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