

Propaganda and interpretation of spiritual civilization building activities - civilized unit building

Municipal Mass Art Museum: Innovative Cultural Carrier Watering the Flower of Civilization

The activity of creating civilized units is an effective way to realize the overall development of grass-roots units, and an important carrier to strengthen the spiritual civilization construction of units. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the active promotion of various regions and departments, the creation of civilized units has been widely and deeply carried out. The connotation of the creation has been constantly enriched, the forms of creation have become more diverse, and the fields of creation have been gradually expanded, effectively promoting all walks of life to strengthen moral construction, standardize industrial behavior, improve service levels, and establish a new style in the industry Create a good image.

The colorful public benefit classes in Changchun Mass Art Museum have enabled many people to find meaningful cultural life. Photographed by Bi Xinyue

The activity of creating civilized units is an effective way to realize the overall development of grass-roots units, and an important carrier to strengthen the spiritual civilization construction of units. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the active promotion of various regions and departments, the creation of civilized units has been widely and deeply carried out. The connotation of the creation has been constantly enriched, the forms of creation have become more diverse, and the fields of creation have been gradually expanded, effectively promoting all walks of life to strengthen moral construction, standardize industrial behavior, improve service levels, and establish a new style in the industry Create a good image.

On the morning of August 8, Wei Zhonglan, who lives in the Auto Development Zone, took the No. 15 bus to Changchun Mass Art Museum (hereinafter referred to as the City Mass Art Museum). During the hour on the road, she kept thinking about what to draw in class later. For the 52 year old, her participation in the public welfare painting class opened by the Municipal Art Museum has opened a new world for her life.

Walking into the third and fourth floors of the Municipal Qunyi Hall, each classroom was full of laughter and laughter of students. "Every year, we will open free art classes with various forms and rich contents. Generally, only a few minutes after online registration, thousands of places will be snapped up." Jiang Hongmei, head of the Citizen Training Center and teacher of vocal music and solfeggio, told the reporter that in order to better play the cultural service function of the Municipal Mass Art Museum, This year, the Municipal Mass Art Museum has innovated the cultural carrier, opened 27 professional training courses in seven categories, including music, dance and art, and set up a variety of classes according to the needs of citizens. "The first training class is about to end, and we are preparing for the enrollment of the second training class."

Let the masses become the "main force" to create spiritual civilization, and let the flowers of civilization bloom all over Changchun. It is the original intention of the Municipal Art Museum to actively participate in public welfare training and build a learning achievement display platform for citizens. Sun Yixin, the dance teacher of the Shiqun Art Museum, said, "Just dance, we have set up people's health dance, national dance, health dance, etc., and the number of participants can reach 1000 per week."

Wang Xiuyan, a citizen who has studied dancing for five years in the City Qunyi Hall, is now the leader of the Yingge Yanwu Dance Team in Yihe Community, Yongchang Street, Chaoyang District, and has been able to lead people around to "dance a better life". "After retirement, I realized my dream of dancing here, learned Tibetan dance, Korean dance, classical dance... and got a great harvest." Wang Xiuyan said, "I come to the Qunyi Hall to learn three times a week, and I learn with tasks. Because I want to take the new dance steps I learned back to teach the team members."

At the end of the interview, Jiang Hongmei said with emotion: "The government attaches great importance to the people's spiritual and cultural life and has issued many good policies. As a grass-roots executive service unit, we will stick to our posts, implement the policy of cultural benefits to the people, and truly bring tangible benefits to the people, so that everyone can gain a sense of happiness, gain and belonging here."

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