

Dongshan Village, Changchun City: "integral system" stimulates new vitality of changing customs

Since the launching of the "changing customs and customs point system", it has played a role in anti fraud propaganda, civilization building and other work. The villagers of Dongshan Village are using their own actions to compose a beautiful life with simple customs, beautiful living environment and rich cultural life.

At the beginning of this year, Xia Zhonglin, 86, from Dongshan Village, Qikai District, Changchun City, passed away. In accordance with his will, the children held a simple funeral for him without inviting guests or accepting gifts.

"Although over the years, we have not been less involved in other people's affairs, and we have not been less courteous, but now we advocate changing customs, and we have decided to raise more and bury less, which can also make the old father go at ease." On the 13th, Xia Lixue, the son of Xia Zhonglin, told reporters.

In Dongshan Village, four Xia Lixue brothers, who practice the new custom of "caring more and burying less", added points in the village's rural civilization practice score table.

"By the end of the year, we will reward the families with the highest scores by means of points supermarket materials, notification of praise, priority recommendation of advanced appraisal, etc., so as to better guide the villagers to establish a civilized and healthy township style." Li Guangping, secretary of the Dongshan Village Party General Branch, said.

In recent years, Dongshan Village has continued to explore and implement the activity of "changing customs and ways of life" in combination with rural revitalization and the construction of a new socialist countryside, and gradually improved the rural style, family customs and folk customs by using the point system to promote changing customs and ways of life and constantly improve the social civilization of the whole village.

Dongshan Village takes "filial piety, honesty, diligence and cleanness" as the theme, comprehensively promotes "ten advocations and ten boycotts", and breaks down such stereotypes and bad customs as extravagance and waste, showing off wealth to compete with others, doing great exercises, burying and caring less, feudal superstition, pornography, gambling and drugs, and "waiting for the important", so as to establish honest labor, hard work and thrift, advocating science, paying attention to health, showing filial respect to parents, and loving couples Harmonious neighborhoods and other civilized and healthy local customs.

Dongshan Village has formulated the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Reward of Points in Dongshan Village's Practice of Civilization, which specifies the categories, projects, contents, conversion and management of points, and review processes of points, with a total of 25 scoring items. It has also informed the villagers of the Proposal for Changing Customs through modern means such as on-site distribution and WeChat, advocating thrift and opposing extravagance and waste. We should break through the old and establish a new style, vigorously promote the trend of civilization, and actively advocate the new social trend of advocating morality and etiquette, health and thrift, and civilization and harmony.

Since the launching of the "changing customs and customs point system", it has played a role in anti fraud propaganda, civilization building and other work. The villagers of Dongshan Village are using their own actions to compose a beautiful life with simple customs, beautiful living environment and rich cultural life.

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