

Propaganda and interpretation of the creation of spiritual civilization -- the creation of national civilized units

The tenth committee community keeps pace with the times to build a high-quality "civilized front"

"Sing folk songs to the party again, happy songs for you..." On the 16th, the multifunctional hall of the office building of the 10th Committee Community, Dongzhan Street, Erdao District heard melodious songs early in the morning. It turned out that the members of the 10th Committee Red Dance Star Art Troupe were rehearsing the dance "Sing folk songs to the party again". "Now the community environment is more and more clean and tidy, and the neighborhood relationship is more harmonious. The community also provides us with a wide and bright rehearsal venue, which is really a sense of happiness." Gao Fengyun, the head of the Red Dance Star Art Troupe of the 10th Committee of the Communist Party of China, said to everyone's heart.

The Red Dance Star Art Troupe of the 10th Committee rehearsed the dance "Singing Folk Songs to the Party Again". Photographed by Bi Xinyue

The activity of creating a civilized city is the leading project of the creation of spiritual civilization. It is an important way to reflect the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, improve the ability and level of urban governance, improve the quality of civic civilization and the degree of urban civilization, and ensure the smooth progress of socialist urbanization with Chinese characteristics.

The activities of creating a civilized city should be guided by Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly implement the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping on urban work and the work of creating a civilized city, adhere to the work orientation of people building and building a good city for the people in people's cities, promote scientific urban planning, careful construction and fine management, and promote urban production and development Liveable and ecologically sound, create a beautiful urban environment, good order, and high-quality services, improve the quality of civic civilization, urban civilization, urban cultural taste, and the quality of people's life, and build a civilized city that upholds virtue and is good, culturally rich, harmonious, livable, and people's satisfaction.

"Sing folk songs to the party again, happy songs for you..." On the 16th, the multifunctional hall of the office building of the 10th Committee Community, Dongzhan Street, Erdao District heard melodious songs early in the morning. It turned out that the members of the 10th Committee Red Dance Star Art Troupe were rehearsing the dance "Sing folk songs to the party again". "Now the community environment is more and more clean and tidy, and the neighborhood relationship is more harmonious. The community also provides us with a wide and bright rehearsal venue, which is really a sense of happiness." Gao Fengyun, the head of the Red Dance Star Art Troupe of the 10th Committee of the Communist Party of China, said to everyone's heart.

As a community where old residential quarters were concentrated in the past, how did the Tenth Committee Community improve the overall humanistic quality of residents and let the new style of civilization touch the ground and enter the hearts of the people?

Lin Jing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the 10th Community Committee of Dongzhan Street, Erdao District, gave the answer: "While keeping pace with the times to build a high-quality civilized front, the Ten Committee Community actively promotes the '1+' civilization project. '1' means relying on the Ten Committee Community Party Committee, '+' means gathering all forces of society, providing residents with six aspects of services, including ideology, public service, voluntary service, art exhibition, consultation and discussion, and Internet connectivity, to jointly help build a civilized unit."

What is the response of the new "1+" project among the residents? Zang Jinhai, a resident of the district, cannot help praising public service. "The waterproofing of our buildings is not good. After the community learned about the situation and coordinated with the relevant departments, it soon sent a special person to do the roof waterproofing for us for free, and we will never have to worry about waterproofing again."

Warming people's hearts with public service is only a small part of the "1+" project. In terms of ideological guidance, the Tenth Committee community has made the voice of the Party and the government "fly into the homes of ordinary people" in four forms of "listening, watching, reading and speaking"; The "free clinic market" regularly carries out free clinic, free lecture and other services, advocates a healthy and civilized lifestyle for residents, and promotes the new trend of the times to jointly build a better life dream; The art performance gives full play to the role of micro publicity, art performances and other activities, so that more and more supporters, beneficiaries and participants of community work are growing; A multi-party discussion team always solves residents' concerns such as "difficulties and anxieties" in a timely and effective manner; The Tenth Committee of the Communist Party of China has also made full use of the Internet to expand the channels of serving the people by relying on WeChat groups, conference software, and "Leeboo" livelihood services and other platforms jointly developed by the community and enterprises.

So far, the "1+" project has provided 32 service categories for residents, benefited nearly 10000 people, and worked face to face, heart to heart, and in a down-to-earth manner, so that the masses can "see, identify, be willing to participate, and really appreciate".

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