

Mini pocket park becomes a happy paradise for residents

Recently, the reporter saw such a scene in the pocket park on the street of Cuidi Street in Changchun New Area. Changchun New Area is people-oriented, focusing on building more small parks and pocket parks into comprehensive entertainment, sports and leisure places with multiple effects, so that urban residents can meet "poetry and distance" at the corner of life.

Pocket Park has become a good place for children to play. Photographed by Hu Xiaoqiong

In the park, the winding paths lead to seclusion, the cloisters are shadowy, and the flowers are looking forward to life in the breeze; Under the pavilion, parents chat and enjoy the cool; On the grass, the children chased each other around the set up tent... Recently, the reporter saw such a lively scene in the pocket park on the street of Cuidi Street in Changchun New Area. Changchun New Area is people-oriented, focusing on building more small parks and pocket parks into comprehensive entertainment, sports and leisure places with multiple effects, so that urban residents can meet "poetry and distance" at the corner of life.

The street pocket park on Cuidi Street is built along the small bridge on the creative road. The park is full of trees, squares, pavilions, footpaths, and fitness equipment. "It used to be a big earth slope here, but now it has been changed into a pocket park, and you no longer need to drive for more than ten minutes to go to other parks." Ms. Li, who lives near Cuidi Street, has deep feelings about environmental changes.

On Heyuan Road of Changchun High tech Zone, Qianjin Park is very busy this summer. "Now the park has been re planned and constructed. It looks much more open. There are also running trails and good air. People around us like to come here to exercise," said Mr. Ma, who lives in Gaoxin Yizhong Mingcheng Community. The small park on the street not only improves the quality of life of nearby residents, but also makes people feel happier and happier.

As a "grounded" urban park, Pocket Park is by no means "green" in design and construction. The landscape design of the small gardens around Longxiang Square in the North Lake Science and Technology Development Zone is more diversified, and the ecological green space is integrated with the prosperity and modernity of the new urban area, which is both heroic in the north and exquisite in Jiangnan gardens. A small open-air square is set around the park to provide a place for people to rest and play. The seats and sketches in the park seem to be placed at random, but in fact, they are carefully arranged according to the length of the pedestrian journey, making the paths in the park feasible.

In Changchun New Area, various pocket parks like jade beads scattered on the street corners of the city, becoming the nearest "poem and distance" to the residents. These pocket parks, which highlight the local culture and have their own characteristics, integrate the functions of culture, ecology, fitness and leisure, and make the "5-minute good life circle" of Changchun New Area residents more and more wonderful. In the future, Changchun New Area will continue to promote the construction of pocket parks, so that the beauty of flowers in spring, shade in summer, color in autumn and sunshine in winter can be reflected into reality, and people's "micro happiness" can be realized.

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