

Learn to publicize good people around Liu Chang: guard the peace of a party with fine service

The investigation and control work is a "race" against the virus. The task is tedious and urgent. Every time the task comes, Liu Chang tries to analyze the position, check the track and reduce the risk points in the shortest time. In the face of complicated data information, she checked the identity of personnel and judged the itinerary of activities. She often checked and inquired all night long. When the track chain broke, she raced against the clock to fill in the vacancy information, making outstanding contributions to effectively blocking the communication chain and timely controlling and resolving risks.

"Hurry, check this information." This is the most frequently said sentence by Liu Chang, director of the Information Center of Chaoyang District Branch of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, during the anti epidemic period. In the anti epidemic work, she worked meticulously and diligently in the special class for epidemic prevention and control in the city, contributing an important force to the city's peace and harmony.

The investigation and control work is a "race" against the virus. The task is tedious and urgent. Every time the task comes, Liu Chang tries to analyze the position, check the track and reduce the risk points in the shortest time. In the face of complicated data information, she checked the identity of personnel and judged the itinerary of activities. She often checked and inquired all night long. When the track chain broke, she raced against the clock to fill in the vacancy information, making outstanding contributions to effectively blocking the communication chain and timely controlling and resolving risks.

On the basis of carrying out the flow survey work, Liu Chang did her best to meet the needs of the masses: escorting the 80 year old to see a doctor, delivering medicine for the 1-year-old high fever baby, coordinating the green channel for emergency medical care for pregnant women... She has solved the difficulties of the masses for more than 200 people, and was recognized and trusted by the masses.

"As a people's policeman, the thing of the masses is the biggest thing in my heart, and I will try my best to serve the people!" Liu Chang said firmly when talking about work.

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