

Changshan Garden Community: Serve residents with passion to build a happy home

In the past two years, bearing in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Changshan Garden Community has innovated its working methods around the key work of serving residents, constantly expanded its service connotation and quality, and continuously improved the happiness of residents living here.

Changshan Garden Community staff are enthusiastic about recording and answering residents' demands. Publicity photography

Two years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection at Changshan Garden Community, Tuanshan Street, Kuancheng District, that "we hope that everyone can play a role in the spirit of ownership, participate in and form a joint force, do a good job in serving the people, and work together to build our homes more happy and beautiful."

In the past two years, bearing in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Changshan Garden Community has innovated its working methods around the key work of serving residents, constantly expanded its service connotation and quality, and continuously improved the happiness of residents living here.

On the afternoon of July 27, the reporter saw in the hall on the first floor of the Changshan Garden Community Party and People Service Center that several uncles and aunts were reading newspapers and chatting occasionally; Some residents hold their passbooks to check the balance at the financial service station... They have nothing to do but go to the community and look for the community when they have something to do. Residents have long regarded this place as a "second home".

Joint construction to relieve residents' worries

At about 15:00 on July 27, the "Chang Jiu Leling Canteen" was filled with fragrance. Fang Guixiang, the cook, scooped up a tablespoon of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and put them into a lunch box. Yang Jihong, on the other side, peeled the large watermelon and cut it into small pieces, then put it in a box with a lid.

"Today I'm going to Building 7 and Building 3."

"OK, then I will go to the house yesterday."

Fang Guixiang and Yang Jihong quickly packed food and fruit while discussing who would go to where and whom to send food to.

Delivering meals to the elderly living alone and special groups is a new service provided by Changshan Garden Community. Changjiu Leling Canteen was established by Changshan Garden Community in conjunction with Jiutai Rural Commercial Bank. The canteen provides two meals a day at a price of 7 yuan each to meet the daily dietary needs of special groups. At the same time, it provides food safety and health guarantees to solve the worries of residents about home care.

At 15:30 on July 27, Fang Guixiang mentioned two bags of dinner and went to Huang Xinmin's house on time. After receiving the warm food and fresh fruit, the old couple thanked each other repeatedly. Huang Xinmin, 79, told reporters that since his wife had cerebral thrombosis, he had to take care of her daily life and cooking had become a big problem. Fortunately, there is a Changjiu Leling Canteen. Two meals a day are delivered directly to the home. "It's hot these days. They either send watermelons or mung bean soup. They send dumplings and noodles to the first dog and noodles to the second dog. When they send rice, they don't pay attention." Huang Xinmin said that he and his wife ate delicious food.

After leaving Huang Xinmin's house, Fang Guixiang came to Cai Guirong's house in Building 7. Cai Guirong is a "regular customer" of the canteen. She told reporters: "In the past, we went to the community canteen to eat. Since this year, people have sent meals directly to their homes. They are tired and we are convenient."

The elderly care service is meticulous and up to standard

The masses have a voice, and the community has an answer. In view of the fact that 18% of the elderly in the community are over 60 years old and the pension problem is prominent, Changshan Garden Community provides refined services for the elderly in the area under its jurisdiction.

In addition to delivering meals at home, Changshan Garden Community has also set up an elderly care service team, established the "Leisure Home Elderly Service Center", built a "ten minute service circle for the elderly", installed "electronic nannies" for the elderly with mobility problems, and provided "ten free" services such as haircut, bath, medicine, and housekeeping. Through the professionalization of services for the elderly, a platform, resources The elderly care service mode of service sharing has greatly improved the sense of acquisition, happiness and security of the elderly.

The Changshan Garden Community, jointly with the health center under its jurisdiction, will set the 6th, 16th and 26th of each month as the guidance days for hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, carry out "March 6 health guidance", set up a self-management team for chronic diseases, establish health files for the elderly, archive them as basic medical files, and form disease tracking records to share resources with large hospitals, Guide the elderly to realize the transformation from medical care to health care.

Sun Shuqing, 75, told reporters that if there is any minor problem, you can go to the health center just a few steps outside. You can usually have a physical examination, and measure your blood pressure and blood sugar at any time, which is much more convenient than going to a large hospital.

Changshan Garden Community also organized volunteers to pay regular visits to the elderly living alone and empty nesters, and carried out knocking actions to chat with the elderly, help the elderly clean the house, and run errands for the elderly, forming a good atmosphere of loving, helping and respecting the elderly.

Considering that there is no bank within two kilometers around the community, Changshan Garden Community has established a community financial service station in conjunction with Jilin Bank Kaixuan Sub branch to facilitate the elderly to deposit and withdraw money with passbooks and bank cards. Today, Changshan Garden Community Financial Service Station has a service range of more than 10000 person times and an amount of 20 million yuan.

Fully protect the safety of residents

There is no need to worry about food and drink, and health is guaranteed. On this basis, Changshan Garden Community has introduced intelligent equipment to protect the safety of residents in an all-round way.

Entering Changshan Garden Community, the monitoring data of "smart gas alarm" is displayed in real time on the large screen. "There are a lot of elderly people in our district who are forgetful. They often forget to turn off the fire and burn the dry pan. The green light on the big screen flashes to indicate that everything is normal, the yellow light indicates that there is a fault, and the red light starts to alarm. The residents, their children, and the grid leader can receive prompts and immediately check the specific situation." Han Liping, secretary of the Party Committee of Changshan Garden Community, introduced that for gas safety, Community United Technology Company has installed "smart gas alarm" for residents, which integrates gas leakage alarm, relatives receiving information, and community receiving information. At present, 38 alarms have been solved in time, effectively avoiding the loss of life and property of residents.

In addition, Changshan Garden Community also built a unit mini fire station in 2021, placed water-based fire extinguishers in the unit leader's home of each building, and installed smoke detectors in each unit corridor. The wall of each building shall be pasted with a notice board of fire extinguishers, clearly indicating the location of the fire extinguishers.

Everyone is responsible and happy

While serving the people, the Changshan Garden Community Party Committee also stimulates the sense of ownership of the residents to participate in community governance. At present, residents have spontaneously leveled 500 square meters of depressions, paved more than 4000 square bricks, planted more than 4000 flowers and plants, repaired a fitness site, cleaned 150 wells twice a year, installed 11 45 unit anti-theft doors, replaced 223 corridor plastic steel windows, and maintained corridor acoustic control lights all year round.

In addition, residents also participated in a series of projects benefiting the people, such as the transformation of gas, sewage and heating pipe networks, and the planning of parking spaces. Residents' sense of ownership has never been higher in their joint participation in community governance. "Garden" is becoming "Happiness Garden".

Wu Yaqin, the first secretary of the Party Committee of Changshan Garden Community, said that in the future, the community will continue to work hard to serve the residents. While improving material civilization, it will guide the residents more from the spiritual level to keep up with the pace of the times and national development.

There is no "last mile", only "the most beautiful zero distance"

Community work connects thousands of families. It seems to be a trivial daily matter, but it is a practical livelihood event. Changshan Garden Community, built in the 1980s, had no property management for more than ten years, and the environment was poor, contradictory and unpopular. Faced with this situation, the Party Committee of Changshan Garden Community insisted on leading grass-roots governance with party building, guiding community residents to carry forward the spirit of ownership, and jointly built a well-known "National Demonstration Community for Harmonious Community Construction", which has become a happy home for nearly 7000 people.

In particular, in the past two years, the Changshan Garden Community Party Committee, bearing in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and adhering to the service concept of "residents are my relatives", has established a financial service station, a Changjiu Leling Canteen, installed a smart gas alarm, and built a micro fire station... starting from meeting the actual needs of community residents, We have put every practical thing in the heart of the residents.

There is no "last mile" to serve the masses, only "the most beautiful zero distance". The secret of Changshan Garden Community's practice of serving residents is to "make the best service the best governance", constantly upgrade the service content, meet the people's growing needs for a better life with refined and precise services, and focus on solving the people's worries, troubles, and worries. It is this "zero distance" service-oriented governance that has turned Changshan Garden Community into a garden community with beautiful environment, perfect service, orderly management, harmony and happiness. (Sun Jiaoyang)

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