

Publicity and interpretation of spiritual civilization building activities——

Shuxun Primary School builds a civilized style and makes contributions to educating people

The Shuxun Primary School in Nanguan District fully implements the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, adheres to the guidance of value, adheres to being close to teachers and students, attaches importance to practical results, adheres to extensive participation, closely centers on the "six good" standard, integrates the construction of a civilized campus into all aspects of school education and teaching, and constantly consolidates the foundation of campus civilization. It has successively won the honors of National Civilized Unit, National Hundred Famous Brand Characteristic Schools, National Education and Research Experimental School, National School Art Education Demonstration School, etc.

The activity of building a civilized campus is an important carrier for comprehensively implementing Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, implementing the Party's educational policy, and implementing the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people. It is a systematic project to comprehensively improve the overall level of running a school, and achieve the goal of educating people from all walks of life. It is also an incentive for young people to be good, filial, and loyal to the motherland and the people, It is an effective way to cultivate new people of the times who are responsible for national rejuvenation.

Accurately grasp the goal and task of building a civilized campus, and promote curriculum education, culture education, activity education, practice education, management education, and collaborative education. We should guide schools to improve their ideological awareness and work consciousness, implement the "six good" standards of ideological and moral construction, leading group construction, teacher team construction, campus culture construction, beautiful environment construction, and activity front construction into specific work, and continue to focus on the construction of school spirit, teaching style and campus culture, Comprehensively improve the civilized literacy of teachers and students and the level of campus civilization.

The Shuxun Primary School in Nanguan District fully implements the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, adheres to the guidance of value, adheres to being close to teachers and students, attaches importance to practical results, adheres to extensive participation, closely centers on the "six good" standard, integrates the construction of a civilized campus into all aspects of school education and teaching, and constantly consolidates the foundation of campus civilization. It has successively won the honors of National Civilized Unit, National Hundred Famous Brand Characteristic Schools, National Education and Research Experimental School, National School Art Education Demonstration School, etc.

Strengthening Ideological and Moral Construction and Cultivating New People of the Times

The school thoroughly studies and publicizes Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, comprehensively implements the Party's educational policy, and always puts the ideological and moral construction of teachers and students in the first place and at the center. Through theoretical training and practical education, teachers' political quality and students' civilization quality are constantly improved. At the same time, we will integrate the socialist core values into the subject teaching, build seven major fields of curriculum led by "morality and social practice", combine the moral education curriculum with scientific research, and deeply discuss how to conduct "civilization" education for students from the perspective of scientific research projects, so as to provide a basis for teaching and promote teaching through research. Extensive educational activities with the theme of "Buckling the First Button of Life", annual selection of "Little Talents" and volunteer service activities of "Small Hands in Large Hands" are held to let teachers and students experience civilization in activities and internalize civilization in activities.

Strengthening the construction of the leading group and giving play to the "head goose" effect

As a national civilized unit, the school has always taken the creation of a civilized campus as an important goal. Actively build a learning, service-oriented and innovative leadership, and give play to the leading role of the leadership. The school also incorporated the civilized campus work into the "top project", established a leading group with the president as the group leader and the vice president as the deputy group leader, and set up a civilized campus office to be responsible for the daily work of creating a civilized campus. Adhering to the principle responsibility system, we formulated and improved the school's various work systems, drew up a development plan for civilization construction, and made overall arrangements and scientific plans for the establishment work.

Strengthen the construction of teachers and build a team of famous teachers

The school attaches great importance to the construction of teachers' morality and style, and takes the "double exhibition" theme practice activity of "showing the style of the branch, running a school that the people are satisfied with; showing the style of the party members, and being a model for teaching and educating" as the carrier to improve the party spirit cultivation of teachers' party members, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. At the same time, the school focuses on the "Five Cultivation Theory" of teacher development, namely, self-cultivation, spiritual cultivation, moral cultivation, professional cultivation and realm cultivation. It strengthens the construction of teachers' ethics, formulates teachers' professional growth plans, constantly updates teachers' educational concepts and knowledge structure, and improves teachers' teaching level.

Strengthening the Construction of Campus Culture and Enriching Cultural Connotation

The school insists on educating people with culture, forming cultural elements with the characteristics of making great contributions. At the same time, efforts should be made to create a good school spirit, teaching style and learning style, and campus cultural symbols such as school motto, school song, school logo and school logo should be used to encourage students to love the school, love learning and jointly build campus civilization. In 2019, the school created and edited the song "Pursuing the Dream of the Troops" to catch up with the pace of development of the times, refine the cultural connotation of the Troops, and become the school song of the Troops in the new era. The school also makes full use of classroom corridors, walls, campus cultural walls and other carriers to play the role of campus radio stations, team classrooms and honor rooms, and expand educational channels and carriers.

Strengthening the Construction of Beautiful Environment and Building a Harmonious Campus

The school formulates an overall plan for campus construction, improves various management systems, standardizes canteen management, advocates civilized dining, and creates a beautiful campus; Establish and improve the campus safety system and emergency response plan, organize teachers and students to carry out fire drills regularly, check the surrounding environment regularly, and build a safe campus; We have fully opened up mental health and life safety education courses, carried out education activities such as "food is not shared, love is not separated" and civilized use of public chopsticks and public spoons, and built a healthy campus. Through all-round campus environment construction, create a warm learning and living environment for teachers and students, and create a harmonious campus.

Strengthen the construction of activity positions and build a growth platform

Shuxun Primary School has a long history and a hundred years of cultural heritage carries the dreams of generations. On the basis of inheritance and development, the school pays attention to the building of cultural positions and strives to build a "scholarly campus". There are more than 80000 books in the library, which can meet the reading needs of teachers and students in the school. We should encourage teachers and students to read together, parents and children to read, and carry out reading activities such as "love, joy and reading". Efforts have been made to plan, manage and use teaching facilities, and create "five centers" for the physical and mental health of teachers and students, namely, sports fitness guidance center, cultural activity center, science and technology experience center, 3D film and television center, and logistics support center.

Looking back on the road of creation, "civilization" has a long way to go. In the future, Shuxun Primary School will establish a team of famous teachers, cultivate confident students, constantly enrich the school's characteristic curriculum system, actively expand the practical channels of moral education, combine the construction of a civilized campus with the construction of a civilized family, and comprehensively promote the in-depth development of school education and teaching. (Writer/Chuai Xiaoqian)

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