

Qi Jinyu, a good man in Changchun: giving back to the society with responsibility and love

Qi Jinyu, the general manager of Jilin Fujia Bafang Liquor Co., Ltd., is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings and actively participates in various poverty relief actions. It has been Qi Jinyu's belief for more than ten years to solve problems for people in need and deliver positive energy to the society.

Qi Jinyu delivers materials to the people in need. (Data picture)

Qi Jinyu, the general manager of Jilin Fujia Bafang Liquor Co., Ltd., is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings and actively participates in various poverty relief actions. It has been Qi Jinyu's belief for more than ten years to solve problems for people in need and deliver positive energy to the society.

Qi Jinyu, a farmer, went to Changchun to work as a wine salesman in 2006. Later, he did business with a group of like-minded people. The business became better and better, with considerable economic benefits. Qi Jinyu, who has made great progress in business, never forgets to repay the society when he gets rich. Every year, he spends part of his profits on public welfare undertakings. From 2017, Qi Jinyu began to pay attention to the difficult groups around him, starting from every bit. "For example, he bought some rice, flour, oil or other living goods for the residents who were in difficulty, and when encountering natural disasters, he took the initiative to donate money and goods, just hoping to help them and do something within his power." Qi Jinyu said.

Qi Jinyu also responded to the call of the Party and the government and actively participated in the poverty alleviation campaign. He donated tens of thousands of yuan to send seeds to five families in need, including Zhu Kuan, Yongsheng Village, Liujia Town, Yushu City. In addition to sending rice flour oil, we also sent 2000 yuan of consolation money to every needy family. In June 2019, Qi Jinyu funded books and school supplies worth 30000 yuan for more than 100 students in a love activity. Qi Jinyu has done a lot to help others like this. In 2020, during the fight against COVID-19, Qi Jinyu donated disinfected alcohol, masks, protective clothing and other anti epidemic materials worth more than 100000 yuan to the Luyuan District Urban Law Enforcement Bureau, the Luyuan District Government, and the Jiutai District Government.

In recent years, Qi Jinyu has participated in assistance activities in 10 streets and more than 20 villages and towns, helped more than 10 families all the year round, helped more than 10 students in need all the year round, and provided jobs for rural migrant workers, giving care and warmth to those in need. In September 2021, Qi Jinyu won the title of "Changchun Good Man" for helping others.

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