

Recent thunderstorm weather in our city

On the afternoon of the 6th, the municipal meteorological station issued a short-term weather forecast: from the night of the 6th to the day of the 7th, there will be heavy rain to moderate rain, and may be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall and other severe convective weather. From the night of the 7th to the day of the 8th, it was cloudy with thunderstorms. From the night of the 8th to the day of the 9th, there was a thunderstorm. In the next few days, thunderstorms will prevail in our city.

According to the analysis of the meteorological department, during the precipitation process from the 6th to the 7th, the rainfall was heavy and intense. In addition, since the flood season, the accumulated rainfall in our city was too much, and the soil around was nearly saturated or oversaturated. Attention should be paid to prevent secondary disasters such as farmland waterlogging, urban waterlogging, small and medium-sized river flooding and geological disasters that might be caused by heavy rainfall.

Since May 1 (from May 1 to July 6), the precipitation in our city is relatively high, the temperature is slightly low, and the average precipitation in the city is 256.4 mm. 78.4mm more than the usual 178 mm. It is estimated that in the next 10 days (from July 7 to July 16), the trend of the weather in our city is that the temperature is relatively high and the precipitation is relatively high. The average temperature of the city is about 24 ℃, which is higher than the 23.6 ℃ of the year. The average precipitation of the city is 60 mm to 80 mm, which is more than 40.8 mm of the same period of the year.

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