

Follow the Footprint of the General Secretary · Xinjiang Chapter and Strive to Create a New Situation of Social Stability and Long term Peace

Snow capped mountains and oases dot the northwest corner of the motherland, which is a beautiful Xinjiang with an area of more than 1.66 million square kilometers.

Original title: Strive to Create a New Situation of Social Stability and Long term Peace (Xinjiang Chapter, along the footprint of the General Secretary)

Snow capped mountains and oases dot the northwest corner of the motherland, which is a beautiful Xinjiang with an area of more than 1.66 million square kilometers.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to Xinjiang's work, reviewed, planned and deployed Xinjiang's work from a strategic and overall perspective, deepened the understanding and grasp of the laws governing Xinjiang, and formed the Party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era. In September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum that we should fully and accurately implement the Party's strategy for Xinjiang governance in the new era, firmly grasp the general goal of Xinjiang work, govern Xinjiang according to law, unite and stabilize Xinjiang, run Xinjiang through culture, enrich the people and revitalize Xinjiang, and build Xinjiang for a long time. With the modernization of the governance system and capacity as the guarantee, we should seek more long-term policies and take more fundamental actions, We will strive to build a socialist Xinjiang with Chinese characteristics for a new era that is united, harmonious, prosperous, civilized, progressive, contented, and ecologically sound.

The cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region fully implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Xinjiang work and the Party's strategy for Xinjiang governance in the new era, anchor the general goal of social stability and long-term stability, coordinate and promote the work of stable development, unswervingly promote the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee to take root in Xinjiang, and strive to create a new situation of social stability and long-term stability, Strive to build Xinjiang of the motherland more and more beautiful.

Governing Xinjiang according to law——

Implement the requirements of comprehensively governing the country according to law in all areas of Xinjiang's work

At the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to maintain the overall social situation in Xinjiang to be sustainable, stable and long-term, it is necessary to hold high the banner of socialist rule of law, promote the spirit of the rule of law, and implement the requirements of comprehensive rule of law in all areas of Xinjiang work.

Xinjiang has thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's idea of the rule of law, placed the rule of law in a more prominent position, and worked hard to build a higher level of the rule of law in Xinjiang.

Follow the law and govern according to the law. The masses will attack whatever they hate most.

On the training ground, the police of Naizerbagh Police Station in Kashi City are conducting a simulated anti-terrorism and riot drill.

In April 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to visit the public security police. "The General Secretary said that I am very concerned about your equipment and training, and we must have effective means to deal with violent terrorist criminals. Training is very important, and we must adhere to the practice." Tao Yongsheng, head of the Nazerbag police station, said, "We kept in mind the General Secretary's instructions, forged a fist and spearhead for anti-terrorism and stability maintenance, and won the title of" National Police Pacesetter Group for Practical Combat "."

In recent years, the public security organs at all levels in Xinjiang have strengthened practical training based on the special geographical environment of desert, gobi, plateau and so on, and effectively improved the emergency response ability of grass-roots police.

We should promote the spirit of the rule of law, adhere to the principle of the rule of law, and continue to promote the normalization and specialization of anti-terrorism, stability maintenance, rule of law.

Adhere to the combination of expertise and mass prevention and mass governance, and improve the three-dimensional, legal, professional and intelligent level of social security.

Xinjiang also takes the construction of law enforcement standardization as a comprehensive and fundamental work, and has built and put into use all the law enforcement and case handling management centers of county level public security organs, effectively promoting the development of law enforcement and case handling to standardization, intelligence and refinement.

Follow the law and rule by law. The construction of a society ruled by law is also accelerating.

In recent years, Xinjiang has prevented risks, resolved conflicts, safeguarded rights and interests in accordance with the law, and accelerated the formation of a new pattern of modern grass-roots social governance featuring joint construction, common governance and sharing. In 2021, the whole district will accept 174000 people's mediation cases, with a success rate of 99.43%; 146000 contradictions and disputes were investigated and 22000 contradictions and disputes were prevented.

On May 9, there were more than 112000 legal service personnel including party and government leaders at all levels, national staff and lawyers in Xinjiang, and the same rule of law lesson was held in 7300 branch venues. Since May this year, Xinjiang has held rule of law training activities on the 9th, 19th and 29th of each month to enhance the ability of leading cadres at all levels to solve problems with rule of law thinking and methods.

Xinjiang will give full play to the leading and exemplary role of leading cadres, the "key minority", and promote the whole society to respect, abide by and use the law. In 2021, more than 20000 leading cadres in the district will carry out the propaganda activity of "walking with the law".

Solidarity and stabilizing Xinjiang——

Promote people of all ethnic groups to hold together like pomegranate seeds

During his inspection in Xinjiang in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that "national unity is the cornerstone of development and progress" and "the most difficult and long-term problem in Xinjiang is national unity". At the second Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a clear statement on "the consciousness of the Chinese nation community".

Over the years, Xinjiang has fully implemented the Party's ethnic policy, adhered to the main line of building a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation, and constantly consolidated the great unity of all ethnic groups.

When the bell rang, the children rushed out of the classroom, kicking shuttlecock, skipping rope, playing with sandbags... The playground of Tuokezak Town Central Primary School in Shufu County suddenly became lively.

In April 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping told the teachers at Tuokezak Central Primary School that "bilingual education for ethnic minority children should be improved".

"We are the first rural school in Kashgar to realize the full coverage of national common language teaching in primary schools from grade one to grade six." Yao Hongyu, secretary of the Party branch of the central primary school in Tokzak Town, said, "Over the years, the enthusiasm of people of all ethnic groups to send their children to learn the national common language has never been higher."

Xinjiang vigorously promotes the popularization of the national common language, advocates and encourages all ethnic groups to learn from each other, and constantly promotes the communication of languages and minds among all ethnic groups.

When he was just elected as a deputy to the 12th National People's Congress, the secretary of the Party branch of Yujimai Village, Brazil, Cele County, Maimaitiyibu Reyimu · Maimaitiming could not speak the national common language, and now he is more and more fluent.

"When General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberation of the Xinjiang delegation at the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress, he asked me, 'Did you talk about pair recognition in your speech just now? Is there any pair in your family?' I replied, 'Yes.'" The scene at that time was vividly vividly, "The General Secretary said at the time that it would be very meaningful to promote national unity to carry out the twinning recognition seriously and effectively."

"Over the years, the cadres and workers of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power have become 'relatives' with the villagers. They often go to the village to eat, live and work together with the villagers. They help solve any difficulties," said Maimaiti Yibu Yimu.

Xinjiang has continued to carry out "national unity and family affinity" and national unity and friendship activities. Up to now, more than 1.2 million cadres and workers in the region have made friends with more than 1.6 million people of all ethnic groups, and more than 24 million practical good deeds have been done. At the same time, the village work of "visiting people's conditions, benefiting people's livelihood, and gathering people's hearts" has been carried out in depth. Every year, more than 70000 cadres sink into grass-roots rural communities, listen to the opinions of the masses, implement policies that benefit the people, strengthen grass-roots organizations, and promote national unity.

In Hotan, to the delight of Uncle Kurban's descendants, as of May this year, the "Kurban Tulumu Special Fund for National Unity and Mutual Assistance of the Chinese Children's Charity Society" has helped more than 5700 people in total.

On January 11, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his reply to the eldest daughter of Kurban Turumu, Tokhtihan Kurban: "I hope your family will continue to be like Uncle Kurban and work together with fellow villagers to become a model of loving the Party, the motherland and the Chinese nation, so as to promote the people of all ethnic groups to hold together like pomegranate seeds and jointly create a better tomorrow in Xinjiang under the leadership of the Party."

"Set up a family public welfare fund, which is dedicated to condolence with the people of all ethnic groups who have made outstanding contributions to maintaining national unity and social stability, and help more people in need." In March 2017, the proposal of Qurban Turumu's grandson, Matisseti Aisa, was supported by the whole family, and the "Qurban Turumu Thanksgiving Motherland Family Public Welfare Fund" was launched. In June of that year, the Foundation and the Children's Charity Society of China jointly established the "Special Fund for National Unity and Mutual Assistance of the Children's Charity Society of China Kurban Turumu".

The Regulations on the Establishment of a Model Area for National Unity and Progress in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was formulated and implemented, and 103 demonstration units for national unity and progress and 14 national education bases for national unity and progress were built.

Culture Runs Xinjiang——

Building a common spiritual home for all ethnic groups

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to fostering the identification of all ethnic groups with the Chinese culture, pointing out that "to strengthen the great unity of the Chinese nation, the long-term and fundamental goal is to strengthen cultural identification, build a shared spiritual home for all ethnic groups, and actively cultivate the awareness of the Chinese national community".

Walk into the National Common Language Primary School in Yimamu Town, Wushi County, Aksu Prefecture, and listen to the classical chanting sounds such as The Analects of Confucius and Di Zi Gui. "My responsibility is not only to run a school, but also to let children know more about and identify with the excellent traditional Chinese culture through my own efforts," said Kurban Nyaz, the headmaster.

Since the founding of the National Common Language Primary School in 2003, Kulban Nyaz has hired professional teachers to offer courses such as Peking Opera, Guzheng, Erhu, Ansai Waist Drum, etc., so that students can fully feel the charm of Chinese excellent traditional culture and enhance their recognition of Chinese culture. Since 2021, he has actively promoted the implementation of the "Chinese excellent traditional culture into the countryside and village life project", and piloted the "Runjiang Cultural Life Supermarket" in Yima Town.

"A drop of water can only gain permanent life when it flows into the sea, and a nation can only achieve sustainable development when it is integrated into the family of the motherland. I want to be a disseminator of excellent traditional Chinese culture and a practitioner of national unity and progress," said Kulban Nyaz.

At the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should do a good job in the ideological field and carry out the cultural moistening project.

On March 18 of this year, the film Why Flowers Are So Red, adapted from the heroic deeds of the "model of the times" Lazini Bayika, was released, triggering a movie watching boom in Xinjiang. Lazini Bayika comes from Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County. A family of three generations has guarded the border for 70 years, and countless soldiers and civilians have been touched by their patriotic dedication. On January 4, 2021, in order to rescue the children who fell into the ice cave, 41 year old Lazini Bayka died tragically and heroically.

Xinjiang has deeply implemented the project of cultural moistening Xinjiang, increased support for literary and artistic creation, and launched excellent works such as the film Why Flowers Are So Red, the documentary "Historical Impressions of Xinjiang, China", the dance drama "Zhang Qian", the drama "Golden Poplar", and the symphony concert "Children of Tianshan Mountain Loving to the Party", using advanced socialist culture, revolutionary culture The outstanding traditional Chinese culture has infiltrated and infected people.

On the eve of May Day this year, Xinjiang Normal University officially opened its "Lecture Hall on the Spiritual Pedigree of Chinese Communists". Tan Wenbo, a national model worker from the oil testing company of CNPC Western Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd., and Wu Changbo, a school ideological and political teacher, explained to all teachers and students the connotation and era value of the spirit of model worker, labor spirit and craftsmanship.

"At the second Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should strengthen ideological and political work, create an uplifting social atmosphere, and guide the people of all ethnic groups to pursue modern and civilized life." Ge Guo, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Normal University, said that the school focuses on building a "new teacher red class" brand ideological and political course system, and strive to cultivate socialist builders and successors.

Relying on the world cultural heritage, revolutionary sites, museums, etc., launch the red tourism boutique scenic spots (spots) and routes; With the construction of the "Cultural Courtyard" demonstration site, the "Pomegranate Seed" cultural team's service for the benefit of the people, and the "Mobile Museum" tour as the starting point, it is linked with the new era civilization practice institute (station), township (village) comprehensive cultural station and other grass-roots cultural positions, and organizes a series of cultural activities that are popular with the masses and easy to participate in

Xinjiang insists on guiding cultural construction with socialist core values, and fully arouses the good feelings of people of all ethnic groups who love the Communist Party of China, love socialist China, and love the Chinese nation.

Enrich people and revitalize Xinjiang——

Close to people's livelihood and promote high-quality development

General Secretary Xi Jinping raised the economic development and improvement of people's livelihood to the strategic height of stabilizing and securing Xinjiang, and required that "development should be implemented to improve people's livelihood, benefit the local people, and enhance solidarity" and "adhere to the people's livelihood to promote high-quality development".

On May 27, a China Europe train full of daily necessities and mechanical parts left the country from Khorgos railway port - this is the 5000th China Europe train leaving the country through Xinjiang railway port this year.

Xinjiang is located in the core area of the ancient Silk Road. During his visit to Xinjiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that Xinjiang has an irreplaceable position and role in the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt. We should seize this historical opportunity to integrate our regional opening-up strategy into the overall layout of the construction of the national Silk Road Economic Belt and opening to the west.

In recent years, Xinjiang has accelerated the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt and created a highland for inland and border opening by giving full play to its regional advantages, enriching the carriers of opening up, improving the level of opening up, and innovating the open economic system. There are 57 fixed routes of China Europe (Central Asia) trains passing through Horgos and Alashankou ports, and more than 50000 inbound and outbound trains have passed in total.

Xinjiang Fruit Industry Group Co., Ltd., located in Urumqi High tech Industrial Development Zone, is a national leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, operating more than 1000 famous and special agricultural products in Xinjiang, mainly fruit products.

"When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the company in April 2014, he hoped that we would continue to work hard to further develop Xinjiang's characteristic resources and make more contributions to promoting economic development and increasing farmers' income." Yang Yongxiang, executive director of Xinjiang Fruit Industry Datang Silk Road E-commerce Co., Ltd. affiliated to Xinjiang Fruit Industry Group, said, "Over the years, we have built a 'two networks' of featured agricultural products acquisition in Xinjiang and sales outside Xinjiang, helping Xinjiang melons and fruits go to the whole country, and promoting farmers and herdsmen to increase their income and become rich." In 2021, Xinjiang Fruit Industry Group's business scale of forest and fruit products reached 5 million tons, and from 2019 to 2021, it has driven 1.5848 million rural households to increase their income.

"It is necessary to promote industrial base strengthening, efficiency increasing, transformation and upgrading, cultivate and strengthen Xinjiang's characteristic advantageous industries, and drive local people to increase income and become rich." Bearing in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions, Xinjiang will deepen the supply side structural reform and optimize the industrial structure. In recent years, the modernization of agriculture and animal husbandry in Xinjiang has enjoyed a strong momentum of development. Industrial informatization, digitalization and intellectualization have accelerated the integrated development. The position and role of the service industry in economic growth have become increasingly prominent. In 2021, the GDP of Xinjiang will increase by 7%, the added value of industries above designated size will increase by 8.8%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by 8.0% and 10.8% respectively.

The four prefectures in southern Xinjiang Hotan Prefecture, Kashgar Prefecture, Aksu Prefecture and Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture were once the areas of deep poverty determined by the state, and were the "difficulties in the middle" of the national poverty alleviation campaign. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has included the four prefectures in southern Xinjiang into the scope of "three districts and three prefectures", and increased preferential support in terms of funds, projects, policies, etc.

Focusing on the main battleground of poverty alleviation in the four southern Xinjiang prefectures, Xinjiang has taken a series of powerful measures such as industrial poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, and relocation of ex situ poverty alleviation. By the end of 2020, it has completed the goal of poverty alleviation of 3.0649 million people in the whole region, the withdrawal of 3666 poor villages, and the decapitation of 35 poor counties, so as to completely eliminate the overall regional poverty in the four southern Xinjiang prefectures.

The asphalt road is wide and straight, and the red wall courtyard has its own characteristics... In today's Ayagamangan Village, Shufu County, Kashi Prefecture, the villagers' life is getting better every year.

"Our rural party organization must become a strong fortress to unite and lead the masses to build a new socialist countryside. With this principle, whether we focus on stability or development, we will have strength and stamina." Bearing in mind the request of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he visited the village in April 2014, the Ayagmangan village party branch adhered to the leadership of party building and improved the long-term mechanism of serving the people, Lead the villagers to develop red tourism, facility agriculture, flower and seedling planting and other industries, and enhance the endogenous development power and vitality.

We will unswervingly implement the people centered development idea, and spend more than 70% of the general public budget expenditure every year to ensure and improve people's livelihood. Today, Xinjiang basically realizes full employment of the population with the ability to work, basic social security for everyone, and all administrative villages have access to hard roads, buses, power, and broadband, and people of all ethnic groups live and work in peace and contentment, The smile on his face is more brilliant.

Long term construction of Xinjiang——

Do a good job of laying a solid foundation for long-term benefit

At the second Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should adhere to the long-term construction of Xinjiang, take multiple measures, and work hard for a long time. We should do a solid job in laying the foundation for long-term benefits, and lay a solid foundation for social stability and long-term stability.

The cotton field of the Communist Youth League Farm of the Sixth Division of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is endless in the clear sky, and the pesticide machine is moving along the cotton path. Zhang Fengtuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Political Commissar of the Communist Youth League Farm, introduced that the mechanization rate of main crops in the farm reached 100%.

The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps is a strategic force to achieve the general goal of Xinjiang work. "The formation of the Corps in Xinjiang, responsible for the mission of stationing troops to cultivate and garrison the border, is the strategic layout of the CPC Central Committee to govern the country and secure the state, and is an important strategy to strengthen border governance." During an investigation in Xinjiang in April 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that under the new situation, the work of the Corps can only be strengthened, not weakened. To do a good job in Xinjiang, we must put the work of the Corps in an important position and make efforts on the fundamental, fundamental and long-term issues.

Conscientiously implement the deployment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps actively and steadily implement various reform and development tasks, strengthen the Corps' comprehensive strength, improve its ability to maintain stability and defend the border, promote the integration of military and civilian development, comprehensively deepen the Corps' reform, build a high-quality corps team, and build the Corps into a stabilizer for border security and Xinjiang consolidation, a melting pot for the people of all ethnic groups Demonstration area of advanced productivity and advanced culture. In 2021, the XPCC's GDP will increase by 8%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by 5.6% and 11.7% respectively.

At the Third Central Xinjiang Work Forum, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is necessary to carry forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times, practice the spirit of Populus euphratica and the spirit of the Corps, and encourage cadres at all levels to take root in and contribute to the frontier in the new era.

"When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Xinjiang in 2014, I reported on the forum my story of stationing and guarding the border and building a husband and wife's post at Sandk on the border between China and Kazakhstan, and made a promise that" I will only do one thing in my life, and I will be a defender of the motherland. "Ma Junwu, a member of the 185 Regiment of the 10th Division of the Corps, remembered the scene eight years ago.

Over the years, the construction of border villages and corps border regiments has become better and better. Sandk's post has been renamed as a military military post, and more than 30 border guards have joined the patrol team. "I am most proud that there has not been a violation of the border defense policy or a foreign-related incident on the border we guard," Ma Junwu said. "I will continue to stay here and stand guard for the motherland."

Family and country feelings are deeply rooted in the hearts of cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

"My heart has gone to the west, and I don't want to talk about the vast desert." In 2020, Wei Pengfei and more than 110 graduates from the Karamay campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing) chose to work at the grass-roots level in Xinjiang.

General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to them, supporting their life choices, and encouraging them to "integrate their personal ideals into the cause of the Party and the country, and make more contributions to the Party, the motherland, and the people".

"After receiving the reply, I was very excited. I wrote this poem to express my determination and confidence to take root in the frontier." Now, 118 graduates, including Wei Pengfei, are blooming colorful youth at grass-roots posts in Xinjiang.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "counterpart assistance to Xinjiang is a national strategy, which must be adhered to for a long time, and the work of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang should be built into a project to strengthen national unity." "All provinces and cities assisting Xinjiang should strengthen coordination and cooperation with Xinjiang, adhere to counterpart assistance to Xinjiang for a long time, and improve the comprehensive benefits of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang."

The central government and state organs, central enterprises and 19 provinces and cities providing assistance to Xinjiang accurately grasped the direction and focus of the work of counterpart assistance to Xinjiang in the new era, focused on the urgent problems of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and made precise efforts to effectively support the economic and social development of Xinjiang. During the 13th Five Year Plan period alone, 19 provinces and cities have invested more than 76.677 billion yuan in Xinjiang.

Adhere to the principle that capital projects are inclined to people's livelihood, grassroots level and key areas, continue to deepen and expand the "group" aid to Xinjiang to extend to education, medical care, culture and tourism, rural revitalization and labor-intensive industries, continuously improve the comprehensive benefits of counterpart aid to Xinjiang, and help build a socialist Xinjiang with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

From the vast Tarim Basin to the towering Altay Mountains, from the majestic Pamir Plateau to the fertile Turpan Basin, Xinjiang today is full of vigorous hope.

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