

Following the Footprint of the General Secretary · Shanghai Chapter: Accelerating the Construction of a World Influential Socialist Modern International Metropolis

Riverside and sea, long wind; Hundreds of barges compete for the current, and those who strive for speed are the first.

Former Title: Accelerating the Construction of a World Influential Socialist Modern International Metropolis (Following the Footprint of the General Secretary, Shanghai Chapter)

Riverside and sea, long wind; Hundreds of barges compete for the current, and those who strive for speed are the first.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Shanghai for many times to investigate and attend important activities. He has participated in the deliberations of the Shanghai delegation to the 12th National People's Congress five times, made important instructions, assigned major tasks and entrusted major missions.

"Looking into the future, we have every reason to believe that on the grand journey of China's development in the new era, Shanghai will be able to create a new miracle that will impress the world and show a new atmosphere of building a modern socialist country!" The deep encouragement of the General Secretary pointed out the way forward for this mega city with a population of 25 million.

Bearing in mind the earnest request of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shanghai, as a pioneer of reform and opening up and a pioneer of innovative development, carries forward the great spirit of Party building, practices the concept of people's city, thoroughly implements the new development concept, and strives to promote high-quality development, create high-quality life, and achieve efficient governance, Accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

No matter how far you go, you can't forget the way you came

This is an important scene recorded in history——

On October 31, 2017, just one week after the 19th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to travel from Beijing to Shanghai and Jiaxing, Zhejiang, to pay a special visit to the site of the First National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai and the South Lake Red Boat in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, to review the history of the founding of the Party, review the oath of joining the Party, and declare the firm political faith of the new leadership of the CPC Central Committee. The General Secretary said that all the history of our party was started from the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and we can never forget the way we came no further.

"Every cultural relic at the time of the founding of the Communist Party is very precious, and every scene is thought-provoking. We should always recall, think deeply, and interpret the original intention of our party from it." Practice earnestly and earnestly, Shanghai carefully protects the spiritual home of the Chinese Communists, makes full use of the rich red resources, and interprets the great founding spirit contained in the revolutionary sites and revolutionary cultural relics, Tell a good story about the Communist Party of China.

On June 3, 2021, the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will open, with the number of exhibits increasing from 278 to 1168 in the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), vividly demonstrating the founding of the CPC as a "groundbreaking event", and promoting the great spirit of party building from the source of the spiritual pedigree.

Shanghai has continued to promote the project of exploring and publicizing the birthplace of the Party. Led by the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China Memorial Hall, it has sorted out 612 revolutionary sites and memorial venues, making the revolutionary sites the "classroom" of party history, revolutionary cultural relics the "teaching materials" of party history, heroic deeds the "teachers" of party history, and has established Zou Bihua, Zhong Yang Wu Mengchao and a group of loyal, clean and responsible Communists in the new era.

On July 1, 2021, the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Inheritance, Promotion, Protection and Utilization of Red Resources was implemented to promote the protection and utilization of red resources by strengthening legal protection. In the same year, the "Red Culture Inheritance and Promotion Project" was listed as one of the 16 popular projects in Shanghai. This year, the large-scale original exhibition with the theme of "the great spirit of party building", which was planned by the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), etc., was touring around the country.

Let the original aspiration be passed on, and the mission be always on the shoulder. Shanghai will anchor the spiritual coordinates, and promote grass-roots party building for a long time.

The Shanghai Center Building, located in Lujiazui, Pudong, is a landmark building in Shanghai. On November 6, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the party building service center of Lujiazui Financial City on the 22nd floor.

"At that time, we were holding a theme party day activity in the Hanging Garden Seminar Exchange Area of the Party Construction Service Center, and the General Secretary talked with us cordially." Chen Jingyao, a staff member of Guohua Life Insurance Co., Ltd., recalled.

"The difficulty of Party building lies at the grassroots level, and the highlight lies at the grassroots level as well." General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the grassroots party building should not only carry forward the fine tradition, but also keep pace with the times, constantly adapt to the new situation, broaden the field of grassroots party building, so that where the party members work and live, the party organizations will cover, so that the party members can find organizations and homes wherever they are. It is hoped that Shanghai will continue to explore and take the lead in strengthening grass-roots party building.

From fulfilling the heavy trust to continuing to explore, Shanghai's grass-roots party building has been constantly creating new situations.

Lujiazui Financial City has 285 commercial buildings and more than 500000 employees. The Financial City has achieved "distribution" of party building in buildings, "connection" of party building in industries, "completion" of party building in business districts, and "integration" of regional party building. Xiao Jian, Director of Lujiazui Administration Bureau of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, said, "We should train Party members to be business backbones and business backbones to be Party members. Over the past three years, nearly 100 business backbones have been attracted to join the Party, and more than 500 Party members have grown into enterprise executives."

From village communities and commercial buildings to new economy and new business types, Shanghai actively explores grass-roots party building work that conforms to the characteristics and laws of megacities to strengthen party building and promote reform, development and stability.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has replied and written letters to Shanghai party members and cadres for many times, from Niu Ben, a film performance artist who joined the Party in his eighties, to all members of the party member volunteer service team in the Exhibition Hall of the Communist Manifesto of Fudan University, from 100 year old soldiers of the Shanghai New Fourth Army History Research Association to all officers and men of the 10th Squadron of the Fourth Detachment of the Shanghai Armed Police Corps, They all expressed deep concern and ardent hope.

"Follow the Party, life will be more meaningful!" Niu Ben's words expressed the aspirations of the majority of Party members and cadres in Shanghai.

On the battlefield of fighting against COVID-19, a party member is a flag, and a branch is a battle fortress. More than 734000 Party members went to the community to report for duty, 336000 buildings (teams) and 249 shelter hospitals established temporary Party organizations... The Party flag always flew high in the front line of the epidemic, leading the whole city to fight and win the Great Shanghai Defense War.

Be a good pacesetter in reform and opening up and a pioneer in innovation and development

Reform is the fundamental driving force for development, and opening up is Shanghai's greatest advantage.

On March 5, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping, when attending the deliberation of the Shanghai delegation at the third session of the 12th National People's Congress, stressed that Shanghai should "continue to be the pacesetter of reform and opening up, the pioneer of innovation and development, and make greater contributions to the overall situation of reform, development and stability of the country".

Backed by the Yangtze River and facing the Pacific Ocean, Shanghai has long led China in opening up. Openness, innovation and inclusiveness have become the most distinctive character of Shanghai. Eating reform, taking the road of opening up, and playing the card of innovation, Shanghai has always adhered to the central government's strategic positioning for Shanghai's future development, under the general trend of economic globalization, in the overall pattern of national development, and in the overall deployment of the country for the development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The construction of China Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is a major decision made by the CPC Central Committee and a major measure to promote reform and opening up in the new situation. On May 23, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Shanghai that the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is a large experimental field. It is necessary to plant good varieties, cultivate and protect them carefully, expect a good harvest, and promote the experience of cultivating good varieties.

"Go boldly, try boldly, and reform independently", the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone has gone boldly to reform the deep-water zone: the investment management system with the negative list as the core, the trade supervision system with the trade facilitation as the focus, and the financial innovation system with the capital account convertibility and the opening of the financial service industry as the goal... Now, the "seed" planted by the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, It has thrived in pilot free trade zones in more than 20 provinces, and more than 100 system innovation achievements have been replicated and promoted nationwide.

Lujiazui, with many tall buildings and colorful scenes, was a farmland more than 30 years ago.

"The remarkable achievements of Pudong's development and opening up over the past 30 years have provided the most vivid evidence of the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the most vivid practical portrayal of reform, opening up and socialist modernization!" On November 12, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the celebration conference of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up that Pudong should seize the opportunity and seize the momentum, "Have the courage to shoulder the heaviest burden and gnaw the hardest bone, strive to become a pioneer of higher level reform and opening up, a pacesetter in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, a practical example of demonstrating" four self-confidence ", and better show the world China's concept, spirit, and path."

In April 2021, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the Opinions on Supporting the High level Reform and Opening up of Pudong New Area to Build a Leading Area for Socialist Modernization, giving Pudong New Area new major tasks for reform and opening up.

Formulate and implement the action plan for implementing the opinions, implement pilot policies such as private equity and venture capital share transfer, achieve major reform breakthroughs such as market commitment and immediate entry, and issue six regulations specifically formulated for Pudong New Area, including Zhangjiang Biomedical Industry Innovation... For more than a year, closely focus on high-level reform and opening up We will build a leading area for socialist modernization and deepen the high-level reform and opening up in Pudong New Area.

Today in Pudong, the reform and opening up weather is updated: the construction of the new area near the port has accelerated, and 90% of the tasks specified in the overall plan have been completed, basically forming an institutional open system framework of "five freedoms and one convenience"; Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone was put into operation, and a number of major functional innovation initiatives were first tried; The "one industry, one license" reform was first launched and upgraded to a national level reform pilot, and the "license separation" reform was replicated nationwide

The completion and operation of Yangshan Port has created better conditions for Shanghai to accelerate the construction of an international shipping center and a free trade pilot zone and expand its opening up. On November 6, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in a video link to the Phase IV automated terminal of Yangshan Port, listening to the introduction of the terminal construction and operation, that it is necessary to have the ambition and courage to bravely create world-class, do the best if you want to do it, and strive to create more world firsts.

Bearing in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. has continuously improved its port operation and management capabilities and comprehensive service capabilities. During this round of COVID-19 epidemic, Shanghai Port did not stop for a day. By the end of May, the daily container throughput of Shanghai Port had recovered to 95.3% of the normal level. In the first four months of this year, the container throughput of Shanghai Port reached 15.35 million TEUs, ranking first in the world.

Only the reformer advances, only the innovator is strong, and only the reform innovator wins. Building a science and technology innovation center with global influence is an important carrier for Shanghai to implement the innovation driven development strategy.

As the core area of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center and a national science and technology highland, Zhangjiang Science City has gathered a number of large scientific facilities, scientific platforms and first-class innovative institutes. On November 6, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his visit to Zhangjiang Science City that at the critical moment of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should enhance the sense of urgency and mission of scientific and technological innovation, put scientific and technological innovation in a more important position, play a good "doorstep", and let scientific and technological innovation play a major role in implementing the innovation driven development strategy and accelerating the transformation of new and old drivers.

Focusing on strengthening the function of global resource allocation, the function of scientific and technological innovation as the source of policy, the function of leading high-end industries, and the function of opening the hub portal, Shanghai has paid more attention to promoting sustainable and healthy economic development through innovation in recent years. The construction of the National Laboratory in Shanghai was smoothly promoted, the construction of the world's top scientist community was started, and the expansion of Zhangjiang Science City was completed; The implementation of the "Shanghai Plan" for the three major industries of integrated circuit, biomedicine and artificial intelligence was accelerated, and a number of key core technologies achieved major breakthroughs; The number of high-value invention patents per 10000 people has reached about 34, and the number of high-tech enterprises has exceeded 20000.

He who strives first will succeed. Shanghai is full of the aspirations of pioneers, pioneers and entrepreneurs.

The international economic, financial, trade and shipping center has been basically completed, the international scientific and technological innovation center has formed a basic framework, the special functions of the new area of the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone have been accelerated, the effect of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's science and technology innovation board and registration system has been constantly amplified, the system innovation achievements of the Yangtze River Delta Ecological and Green Integration Development Demonstration Zone have emerged, and the construction of the Hongqiao International Open Hub has been comprehensively launched, Four consecutive China International Import Expositions have been successfully held... In 2021, Shanghai's GDP will reach 4.32 trillion yuan, and hard core industries such as "China Core", "innovative drugs" and "blue sky dream" will continue to grow larger and stronger; The total volume of port trade in goods exceeded 10 trillion yuan, ranking first in the world. The marketization, legalization and internationalization of Shanghai's business environment have significantly improved, the city's energy level and core competitiveness have significantly improved, and the city's soft power has been comprehensively enhanced.

Walk out a new way to modernize the governance of megacities

Garbage classification, airport passenger flow, river pollution... entered the Comprehensive Management Center of Urban Operation in Pudong New Area, and the "signs" of urban operation on that day were beating on the big screen in real time. The nearly 40000 IOT sensing devices distributed in Pudong New Area, like a neuron system, continuously transmit all kinds of data to the "urban brain".

On November 6, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Comprehensive Management Center for Urban Operation in Pudong New Area to learn about Shanghai's practices in promoting urban refined management, and asked Shanghai to continue exploring, blaze a new path for the management of megacities with Chinese characteristics, constantly improve the level of urban management, and accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis.

Recalling the situation at that time, Chen Weiwei, Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Management Center for Urban Operation in Pudong New Area, still vividly remembered that "the General Secretary's advice has pointed out the direction for us to strengthen urban refined management and build a good 'urban brain'. These years, we have used modern technology to achieve intelligence on the one hand, and constantly improved the level of refinement on the other hand."

With embroidery like carefulness, patience and ingenuity, Shanghai strives to go out of the new road of modernization of megacity governance, formulates and issues opinions on comprehensively promoting urban digital transformation, starts the implementation of action plans for economic, living and governance digital transformation, and forms 11 digital life benchmark scenarios, such as "convenient medical care and less waiting", "one touch service for the elderly", and "fast parking to help smooth". The first megacity in China to be launched in 2021 will run a digital physical sign system, which will help the city feel pulse, consult and treat every minute.

On November 3, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Shanghai that we should focus on some "cow nose" work, "one network for government services", "one network for urban operation", adhere to the needs of the masses and prominent problems in urban governance, integrate decentralized information systems, and make sure that they work in practice, grassroots cadres love to use, and the masses feel useful.

Let citizens and enterprises find government services as convenient as online shopping, and let managers "view the whole city from one screen" to find problems and solve problems in time. Shanghai will further consolidate the foundation of urban governance, and strive to improve governance capacity to a new height.

Up to now, the platform of "All in One Network" has accessed 3500 public service items, with a total of 226 million items handled. The "one network unified management" has been upgraded iteratively, and the three-level platform of city, district and street town and the five level application architecture of city, district, street town, grid and community (building) have been basically built. The urban operation integrated management platform has gathered 220 systems and 1202 applications from 72 departments (units).

The "last mile" of urban governance is in the community, which is the nerve endings for the Party committee and the government to contact and serve the masses.

On November 2, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Gubei Citizen Center, Hongqiao Street, Changning District for investigation. The General Secretary pointed out that it is necessary to promote the focus of urban governance and supporting resources to sink into the neighborhood community, focus on the primary responsibility of primary party building, urban management, community governance and public services, integrate the strength of approval, service, law enforcement and other aspects, and provide services to the people in the region.

"Gubei Community is inhabited by residents from more than 50 countries and regions. We have constantly innovated and practiced international community services and governance, led by the general branch of the Party in the residential area, and led by the backbone of the Party members. Representatives of Chinese and foreign residents who are enthusiastic about public welfare, have prestige and strong ability among the residents are invited to serve as members of the council, and build a multi-dimensional network of deliberation to provide residents with four categories of 17 services. ”Sheng Hong, director of Gubei Civic Center, said.

In recent years, Shanghai has continued to promote the sinking of the focus of urban governance and supporting resources, promote the institutional and institutional adjustment of street and town management, and further reduce the burden and increase energy for the grassroots. Each street and town standardized internal institutions according to the unified model, and changed the focus of street work from "upward counterpart" to "downward counterpart"; A comprehensive administrative law enforcement team was established in all towns and streets, and 423 law enforcement matters were delegated.

Cities are people's cities, people's cities are people

"Cities are people's cities, and people's cities are people's cities." On November 2, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Shanghai that both urban planning and urban construction, both new urban construction and old urban reconstruction, should adhere to the people as the center, focus on people's needs, reasonably arrange production, living and ecological space, and take the connotation, intensive A green and high-quality development path, strive to create a good environment suitable for business, living, entertainment and tourism, so that people have more sense of gain, and create a happier and better life for the people.

Bearing in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shanghai has determined the direction of "five people" in the construction of the people's city - everyone has the opportunity to shine in life, everyone can participate in governance in an orderly manner, everyone can enjoy a quality life, everyone can really feel the temperature, and everyone can have ownership recognition.

Huang Baomei, a 91 year old model worker, was unforgettable when General Secretary Xi Jinping talked with her at the Party Mass Service Station in Renrenwu, Binjiang, Yangpu in November 2019. Huang Baomei said that she had witnessed the great changes in Shanghai from the old China to the new China and then to the new era

With the opening of 45 kilometers of public space on both sides of the Huangpu River and 42 kilometers of public space on both sides of the Suzhou River, the waterfront space has been restored to the people. The once dusty industrial rust belt has become today's colorful life show belt and a beautiful landscape in Shanghai.

"Culture is the soul of a city." On November 2, 2019, when inspecting the riverside section of Yangshupu Waterworks, Yangpu District's riverside public space, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should properly handle the relationship between protection and development, pay attention to continuing the historical context of the city, respect and treat the old buildings in the city like "old people", preserve the historical and cultural memory of the city, and let people remember the history Remember nostalgia, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and enhance family and country feelings.

Leave the best resources to the people. In recent years, Yangpu, Xuhui, Hongkou, Huangpu, Pudong and other places have formed a unique urban texture and regional style through the transformation of industrial relics, connecting history, present and future in public space. The overhead line is accelerated to enter the ground, promoting "urban buildings can be read", and excellent historical buildings such as Wukang Building become "clocking places" for citizens and tourists. The 27 outstanding historical buildings in Changning Campus of East China University of Political Science and Law are all open to the public.

On November 12, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in an important speech at the celebration conference of the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening up that efforts should be made to solve the most direct and realistic interests of the people, and constantly improve the level of balanced and high-quality public services.

People's cities are built by people and people's cities are for people. Shanghai adheres to the people centered development philosophy, asking for government, needs and plans from the people. The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee has carried out major research for six consecutive years to improve its work style and improve its work results. We have formulated and promulgated regulations on soliciting people's suggestions, turning people's "ideas" into "methods" for work, and turning citizens' "golden ideas" into "golden keys" for development. The municipal and district levels actively solicited various people's suggestions and improved relevant policies and measures in a timely manner.

"In the riverside green belt, the proportion of flowering plants has increased," said Zhang Linlin, who is in charge of the Yangpu riverside landscape project. The adjustment was suggested by the citizens. Yangpu District takes Binjiang as a demonstration area for people's suggestions collection, and takes the lead in establishing grassroots people's suggestions collection stations in the city.

Today, Shanghai's urban public services are deepening and expanding. "15 minute community life circle" is convenient for the people, "10 minute public cultural service circle in the central city and 15 minute public cultural service circle in the suburbs" has basically taken shape, and 16 practical projects such as elderly care services, convenient breakfast, and the installation of elevators in old public houses have continued to advance.

"In November 2018, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the first sub station of Jiaxing Road Street, a citizen's post in our district, we completed 38 items in seven categories on the spot, which has now increased to 80 items in ten categories, so as to better enable people to run errands less," said Xin Liping, deputy director of Hongkou District Administrative Affairs Service Center.

Bearing in mind the General Secretary's entrustment, Shanghai regards the livelihood project as a popular project, and accelerates the solution of prominent livelihood problems such as "old, small, old and far away". The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government regard the reconstruction of the old areas, the most difficult "hard bone", as the number one popular project, and make great efforts to solve it. In five years, the total reconstruction area is 3.08 million square meters. The reconstruction of buildings below the second grade old buildings in the central urban area, which has puzzled the people's livelihood of Shanghai for many years, will be solved historically this year.

The leading comrades of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee said that, to keep in mind the instructions and forge ahead, we should take the glorious mission entrusted by General Secretary Xi Jinping as the most powerful action, practice the important ideas put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping as the most vivid embodiment, use the scientific methods under the guidance of General Secretary as the most profound inspiration, and follow the earnest teachings placed by General Secretary Xi Jinping as the most conscious, We will thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, accelerate the construction of a modern international socialist metropolis with world influence, and continue to create new miracles and show a new atmosphere with a pioneering attitude and the responsibility of pioneers.

(Reporter Liu Shi'an, Li Hongbing, Jiang Hongbing, Xie Weiqun, Cao Lingjuan, Tian Hong, Huang Xiaohui, Ju Yunpeng, Shen Wenmin, Ji Juesu)

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