

Strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development in the land of Sanqin (Shaanxi chapter along the footprint of the General Secretary)

The Loess Plateau is green, the Guanzhong Plain is flooded with wheat, the Han River in southern Shaanxi is beautiful, and the land of Sanqin in summer is full of vitality.

The Loess Plateau is green, the Guanzhong Plain is flooded with wheat, the Han River in southern Shaanxi is beautiful, and the land of Sanqin in summer is full of vitality.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Shaanxi for many times to investigate, deliver important speeches and give important instructions, pointing out the direction for Shaanxi's development and providing fundamental guidance.

Bearing in mind the earnest advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shaanxi cadres and masses are highly motivated and unswerving, depicting a new picture of economic development, ecological harmony, rural revitalization, and people's livelihood improvement, and striving to write a new chapter of high-quality development in Shaanxi.

Strengthen the integration of innovation chain and industrial chain, and take greater steps to promote high-quality economic development

Row upon row of machines are running, and new cars are coming off the line. It is a busy scene in the general assembly workshop of Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd. located in Weibei Industrial Zone, Xi'an.

On April 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group Co., Ltd. for research. The person in charge of the enterprise reported to the General Secretary that the core technology of the enterprise's products is basically independent research and development, the localization rate is high, and the products are mainly sold to countries along the "Belt and Road". The spread of overseas epidemics has little impact on the production and sales of the enterprise.

"This is to seize opportunities and turn crises into opportunities." General Secretary Xi Jinping was very pleased.

"The General Secretary asked us to 'be good at creating opportunities from the immediate crises and challenges, constantly develop new models, new formats, new technologies and new products, and constantly step to new levels'." In practice, Gao Xiaobin, a young employee of Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group, actively engaged in scientific and technological innovation, put forward the innovative plan of "windshield suction cup type power lift" in October 2020. Soon, this invention was applied to the production line, and machines were used instead of manual handling of heavy truck windscreens, greatly improving the work efficiency and safety.

On April 23, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Shaanxi that the innovation chain should be deployed around the industrial chain, and the industrial chain should be arranged around the innovation chain to promote high-quality economic development.

Implement the important directive spirit of the General Secretary. In March 2021, Shaanxi launched the construction of a new driving platform for Qin Chuang's original creation, aiming to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various subjects and talents such as universities, research institutes, enterprises, etc., strengthen the integration of the innovation chain industry chain, promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build a large platform for scientific and technological innovation to boost the high-quality development of Shaanxi.

"Relying on Qin Chuangyuan's platform, we established Dechuang Future Automotive Technology Co., Ltd." Yuan Hongming, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Shaanxi Automobile Holding Group, said: "At present, the company has cooperated with Xi'an Jiaotong University, Chang'an University and other universities to complete the development of hydrogen fuel tractors, pure electric steel factory cars and other key products through key technology research."

In 2021, driven by Qinchuang's innovative and new driving platform, the number of high-tech SMEs, high-tech enterprises and technology contract turnover in Shaanxi Province will all grow by more than 30%.

"Core technology cannot come by begging for alms, it must rely on self-reliance." On February 15, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during an inspection at Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"The earnest advice of the General Secretary encourages us to establish a strong innovation responsibility and confidence, and strive to make more contributions to the implementation of the innovation driven development strategy and the construction of an innovative country." Ma Caiwen, director of Xi'an Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, said, "We have successively participated in more than 10 major country projects, including the Chang'e-5 lunar probe, the Tianwen 1 Mars probe, and the Endeavor manned submersible."

On September 13, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in the investigation of Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd., a national energy group, that the coal chemical industry has huge potential and great prospects. It is necessary to improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of coal as chemical raw materials, promote the high-end, diversified and low-carbon development of the coal chemical industry, take strengthening scientific and technological innovation as the most urgent task, and accelerate the tackling of key core technologies, Actively develop coal based special fuels, coal based biodegradable materials, etc.

"After listening to the important instructions of the General Secretary, I feel more responsible," said Tao Long, the plant manager of the 10000 ton polyglycolic acid project of Guoneng Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd. During the day, he and his colleagues were busy on the project site, checking devices and recording data at night... They persisted in innovation and unremitting research, and the design scheme was repeatedly optimized. The project team finally made substantive breakthroughs in core technologies such as polymer filtration model selection.

"It is expected that in September this year, the polyglycolic acid project will be put into trial production. This new coal based biodegradable material can not only be made into disposable tableware, plastic bags and other daily necessities, but also has broad application prospects in medical surgical suture, underground unconventional oil and gas mining and other fields." Huang Congjun, deputy manager of the methanol business department of Guoneng Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd., introduced.

In 2021, the science and technology investment of State Energy Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd. accounted for 6.31% of the total business income. In the whole year, it won 26 national patents such as the filling method of n-butene direct hydration reactor, and scientific and technological innovation injected strong power into the green and low-carbon development of enterprises.

Efforts have been made to strengthen the integration of the innovation chain industry chain and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry chain. Shaanxi has identified 23 key development industry chains, such as numerical control machine tools, aviation, heavy trucks, etc., and deployed and implemented eight major science and technology projects, such as intelligent manufacturing, energy and chemicals, and 272 key industry chain innovation projects.

Protect the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains and thoroughly implement the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains

Zhashui County, Shangluo City, is located in the Lingniu Valley, Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve in the eastern section of the Qinling Mountains. The brook runs through the valley and birds sing in the clear stream.

On April 20, 2020, when inspecting Niubeiliang National Nature Reserve, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the Qinling Mountains, combining the north and the south, and the whole world, are the central water tower of China, the ancestor of the Chinese nation, and an important symbol of Chinese culture. Protecting the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains is of great and far-reaching significance for ensuring the prosperity of the Chinese nation, achieving the "two centenary goals" and achieving sustainable development.

"To protect the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains is the 'biggest player in the country'." Cui Xiaoshuan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of Shangluo Municipal People's Congress and Secretary of Zhashui County Party Committee, said, "We will not let go of the ecological protection of Qinling Mountains, and we will focus on it."

Zhashui has fully implemented the river head system, forest head system and field head system. The 2332 square kilometers of protected area in the county is divided into 82 grid areas. The county, town and village grid members and length are defined, and the detailed ecological and environmental protection grid management is implemented. Since 2020, the water quality of Zhashui County's outbound river sections and drinking water sources has reached the "double standard", and the number of days with good air quality in the county has remained above 350 for two consecutive years in 2020 and 2021.

Revise and issue the Shangluo Qinling Ecological Environment Protection Plan, set up the Qinling Ecological Protection Bureau at the municipal and county (district) levels, which is responsible for the ecological environment protection of the Qinling Mountains, established a mechanism of quick inspection, quick punishment and strict punishment composed of public security, discipline inspection and supervision departments, and investigated and dealt with the "five disturbances" in the Qinling Mountains at the first time... As the only prefecture level city in Shaanxi that is located in the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains, Since 2020, Shangluo has continued to rectify the ecological environment problems in Qinling Mountains, and has taken multiple measures to build a long-term mechanism for ecological protection in Qinling Mountains.

Deeply implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, put the protection and restoration of ecological environment in Qinling Mountains on an important position, deeply absorb the lessons of illegal villa construction in Qinling Mountains, carry out the ten major actions of ecological space governance in Qinling Mountains, and promote the construction of a pilot base for restoration of typical damaged forest ecosystem in Qinling Mountains, The Qinling Mountains ecological protection and restoration project was implemented to build 711000 mu.

In midsummer, apricots are ripe on the hillside of Gaoxigou Village, Yinzhou Street, Mizhi County, Yulin City. In the orchard, several tourists came to pick up the baskets full of fresh fruits.

"Gaoxigou is also blessed with green development." Jiang Liangbiao, secretary of the party branch of Gaoxigou Village, was delighted when he heard the laughter from the orchard. From "the mountain is bare and suffered from famine every year" to "the terraced fields cover the mountains and the forests and grass cover the slopes and depressions", after a decade of continuous struggle, this mountain village in northern Shaanxi has drawn a green picture in the folds of the Loess Plateau.

On September 13, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his investigation in Gaoxigou Village that Gaoxigou Village is a model for ecological governance on the Loess Plateau. You are right to persevere in building ecological civilization and developing rural undertakings with the times. We should thoroughly implement the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, organically combine ecological governance with the development of characteristic industries, and forge a path of coordinated development of ecology and economy, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Recalling the scene of listening to General Secretary Xi Jinping's instruction on the spot, Jiang Liangbiao was still excited. "We must keep in mind the General Secretary's instructions, work one post after another, and unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development." Focusing on barren mountains and slopes, Gaoxigou Village continued to carry out mesh greening activities. By the end of 2021, the village has 3300 mu of forest land, 1500 mu of grassland, 777 mu of high-yield farmland, and 70% of forest and grass coverage.

Relying on ecological advantages, Gaoxigou Village explores and develops rural tourism. In 2021, the whole village will receive 80000 tourists, with a per capita disposable income of nearly 19000 yuan. "We will continue to create ecological agricultural landscapes such as fruit picking gardens to promote industrial integration and development," said Jiang Liangbiao.

Planting green seeds is the adherence of Shaanxi people for ten years. By the end of 2021, the forest coverage rate of the province will exceed 45%, and the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland will exceed 60%. Over the years, Shaanxi's green territory has extended more than 400 kilometers to the north.

Consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and continue to promote rural revitalization

On April 20, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jinmi Village, Xiaoling Town, Zhashui County to investigate poverty alleviation. Jinmi Village, located deep in the Qinling Mountains, was once an extremely poor village. In recent years, the whole village has been lifted out of poverty through the development of agaric, traditional Chinese medicine, tourism and other industries.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that poverty eradication is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and a new struggle. Next, we should do a good job in rural revitalization, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations.

"The general secretary asked about the price, sales and villagers' income of agaric and praised us for making agaric a big industry. We felt warm in our hearts," Xiao Qingsong, a villager, recalled. Now, Xiao Qingsong's contracted greenhouses have increased from two to five, and he is more energetic. "This spring, the whole village planted 4 million bags of agaric, and more than 600 people from 150 households participated in the agaric industry chain," said Li Zhengsen, secretary of the party branch of Jinmi Village.

Small agaric is a big industry. Zhashui County has developed 65 professional agaric villages, 80 production bases and 2519 greenhouses, driving 15000 farmers to increase their income.

In the early morning of February 13, 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping flew from Beijing to Yan'an, and then took a bus to Liangjiahe Village, Wen'anyi Town, Yanchuan County to visit the villagers, and sent the villagers the new year's goods he bought with his own money.

In the afternoon of the same day, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium on poverty alleviation in the old revolutionary base areas of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia at China Yan'an Cadre College. The General Secretary pointed out that we should achieve the first centennial goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. It is incomplete without a moderately prosperous society in the old areas and without the poor people in the old areas getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

Through unremitting efforts, in May 2019, Yanchuan and Yichuan counties withdrew from the poverty county list. So far, all the poor counties in Yan'an City have taken off their hats, and the people in the old areas have bid farewell to absolute poverty.

Today's Liangjiahe Village is equipped with automatic hail suppression network, intelligent monitoring system, and integrated irrigation facilities for water and fertilizer. The apple orchard is equipped with modern equipment, and the old looks new. In the ravines, educated youth wells, biogas digesters and old mills are still the same, attracting tourists from all over the world. Since the establishment of Liangjiahe Rural Cultural Tourism Company in May 2015, Liangjiahe Village has received 6.57 million tourists in total, realizing a comprehensive tourism income of 120 million yuan. In 2021, the per capita net income of Liangjiahe Village will exceed 18000 yuan.

In May this year, Liangjiahe Village registered a company to carry out deep processing of fruits and vegetables and extend the agricultural industry chain. "Walking on multiple legs, the life of Liangjiahe Village will become more prosperous every year," said Gong Baoxiong, secretary of the Party branch of Liangjiahe Village.

The tea garden in Jiangjiaping Village, Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City, has a rolling hillside and green everywhere. "Look, summer tea will be picked soon." Standing between the tea ridges, villager Chen Jingcui pinched a tender leaf. Her family now has 4 mu tea garden, two mu tea garden is transferred to the cooperative, and two mu tea garden is taken care of by her own family. "This year, spring tea has been sold out online, and it is very popular."

On April 21, 2020, when General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Jiangjiaping Village for inspection, he hoped that the villagers would unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development, and become rich and prosperous because of tea, so as to shake off poverty and go to a well-off society.

Jiangjiaping Village, bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, has now built 350 mu of efficient and densely planted tea gardens and renovated 400 mu of old tea gardens. The area of tea gardens in the whole village has reached 2750 mu, and the road to increase income is getting wider and wider.

Consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, and continue to promote rural revitalization. Since last year, Shaanxi Province has introduced policies for the development of industries with characteristics in poverty alleviation areas, vigorously developing the three leading industries of apple, animal husbandry, and facility agriculture, as well as regional leading industries such as tea, traditional Chinese medicine, and jujube. In 2021, the disposable income of rural residents in 56 impoverished counties and districts across the province will increase from 7692 yuan in 2015 to 13909 yuan, with an average annual growth of 10.4%.

Focusing on the people and doing a solid job of improving people's livelihood

On April 21, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Central Primary School of Laoxian Town, Pingli County, Ankang City to ask the children about their study and life. The general secretary said: "Now children are generally bespectacled, which is my secret worry. And the health of the body has declined due to the lack of physical exercise. Civilization of its spirit, barbarism of its physique, I say 'barbarism of its physique' is to strengthen the body."

"We are deeply moved by the general secretary's love for children," said Wu Jinpeng, the principal of Laoxian Central Primary School. In order to protect students' eyesight, all classrooms in the school are equipped with eye protection lamps, desks and chairs of middle and low grade students are equipped with sitting posture correctors, and myopia prevention and control classrooms and vision care rooms are also specially set up.

"The school has increased the children's outdoor activity time to guide students to love nature, and now there are fewer and fewer 'small glasses'." Wu Jinpeng introduced that the school has established a martial arts team and martial arts association, hired professional coaches to teach, and from the first grade horse step to the sixth grade flash move skills, martial arts has become the characteristic sports of the old town central primary school.

After 5 p.m., the primary and secondary schools in Pingli County are the busiest. On the playground, students are happily carrying out table tennis, basketball and other sports. From 2021, Pingli County will fully implement the "double reduction" policy, improve school sports facilities, and equip and strengthen physical education teachers.

On September 14, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Suide Experimental Middle School, walked into the classroom and playground successively, watched students' calligraphy exercises and physical exercises, and communicated with them cordially.

"The General Secretary pointed out that we should deepen the reform of education and teaching, strengthen the role of school education as the main front, comprehensively improve the quality of school teaching, truly reduce the excessive burden of study and off campus training, and do a good job of education satisfying the people," said Li Jie, deputy principal of Suide Experimental Middle School, "We have implemented the important instructions of the General Secretary, promoted the implementation of" double reduction ", and paid more attention to the cultivation and comprehensive development of students' comprehensive quality. At present, the school has carried out 26 community activities such as sports and intangible heritage inheritance."

In the activity after class, Ma Zihan, a student in the second year of junior high school, straightened his back, held a brush in his hand, and the ink on the rice paper fainted. "We like the colorful club activities organized by the school," said Ma Zihan.

On April 23, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection in Shaanxi that people's livelihood is the foundation of people's happiness and social harmony. We should adhere to the people centred development philosophy and do a solid job of improving people's livelihood.

Keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and do a good job of people's livelihood in Shaanxi. It is not just the campus that has undergone gratifying changes.

Compared with General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Zhaojin Village, Zhaojin Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City in February 2015, the village in the old area has changed into a scenic spot, and people's production and life have changed.

At the home of Zhang Chunsheng, a poverty alleviation household, there are LCD TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and other household appliances, and there are also pots of flowers and plants on the balcony. In September 2018, Zhang Chunsheng and his family moved into Shengyuan Community from the valley. Every time he looked at the old photos in his mobile phone, he was filled with emotion: "The house he used to live in was a slate roof and a rammed earth wall. Now, it is really a heaven and earth."

Living upstairs, working downstairs. In the community factory of Shengyuan Community, Zhang Zhishe, a villager, glanced at the pattern and cut the cloth into shape quickly. "Previously, he went out to work in the coal mine, but now he is employed at home. He threw an iron pick and picked up scissors, and can earn more than 2000 yuan a month." He worked in the factory, in the scenic area, and in the hotel... More than 800 Zhaojin villagers have achieved employment at home.

Kindergartens, schools, health centers, stadiums, and a number of livelihood supporting projects add weight to the happy life of Zhaojin villagers. "We must live up to the General Secretary's entrustment and do the villagers' affairs well wholeheartedly," said Liang Wanying, secretary of the Zhaojin Village Party branch.

Looking at the land of Shaanxi, Shaanxi unswervingly practices the people centered development idea, and continues to strive to ensure and improve people's livelihood. From 2017 to 2021, 2.24 million new urban jobs were created in the province, the income growth of urban and rural residents was basically synchronized with economic growth, and the transformation of old urban communities benefited 903500 households; By 2021, the proportion of inclusive kindergartens in the province will exceed 92%, and the gross enrollment rate in high school will exceed 98%... The sense of gain, happiness and security of the people will continue to increase.

Strive for a new era and embark on a new journey. The main responsible comrades of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee said that, bearing in mind the earnest advice of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Shaanxi will adhere to the overall situation of high-quality development, focus on the work focus, work measures and work force constantly to high-quality development, and promote all work to a new level.

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