

Strive to Create New Brilliance in the New Journey (Following the Footprint of the General Secretary, Guangdong Chapter)

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the work of Guangdong, shows cordial concern, and places high hopes on it. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Guangdong three times for investigation and research, participated in the deliberations of the Guangdong delegation to the National People's Congress twice, made important instructions and instructions for many times, and personally planned, deployed, and personally promoted the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area The construction of Shenzhen Advanced Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will support Shenzhen to implement comprehensive reform pilot, and give Guangdong major opportunities, platforms and missions.

Guangdong is the pioneer, pioneer and experimental area of reform and opening up, and plays a very important role in China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the work of Guangdong, shows cordial concern, and places high hopes on it. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Guangdong three times for investigation and research, participated in the deliberations of the Guangdong delegation to the National People's Congress twice, made important instructions and instructions for many times, and personally planned, deployed, and personally promoted the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area The construction of Shenzhen Advanced Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone and Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will support Shenzhen to implement comprehensive reform pilot, and give Guangdong major opportunities, platforms and missions.

Bearing in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Guangdong will advance reform and opening up with greater boldness and from a higher starting point, strive to take the lead in the new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, create new glory, and continue to write more "stories of spring".

Hold the banner of reform and opening up higher and more stable

In December 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Guangdong when he left Beijing for the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The General Secretary said that the reason why the survey came to Guangdong was to go to the place where China's reform and opening up had taken the lead, review the historical process of China's reform and opening up on the spot, and push forward the reform and opening up.

In October 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again set foot on this hot spot in Guangdong. The General Secretary stressed that Guangdong should carry forward the reform spirit of daring to try and be the first, based on its own advantages, create more experience, and hold the banner of reform and opening up higher and more stable.

Bearing in mind the General Secretary's entrustment, Guangdong will unswervingly take the right road of reform and opening up, the road of strengthening the country, and the road of enriching the people, and promote the re liberation of the mind, the further deepening of reform, and the re implementation of work, so as to be an important window to show the world the achievements of China's reform and opening up, and an important window for the international community to observe China's reform and opening up.

In Qianhai, Shenzhen, there are trees and tall buildings. This "special zone among special zones" used to be a coastal wasteland, but now it is full of vitality. In the first quarter of this year, the actual use of foreign capital in Qianhai increased by 108.4% year on year; There were 5954 newly registered enterprises.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has come here three times. The General Secretary sent a message to Qianhai: "Work hard, carve carefully, and draw the most beautiful and best picture from scratch."

"Promoting the development and opening up of Qianhai is a major national reform and opening up initiative personally planned, deployed and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping." Wang Jinxia, Deputy Director of Qianhai Administration, listened closely to the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping twice. "The ardent advice of General Secretary has inspired Qianhai to stand up to the tide and be the first."

We have launched the pilot cross-border fund pool business of combining local and foreign currencies, explored the establishment of a practice system for overseas professionals, pioneered the closure registration system for commercial subjects, and innovated the diversified resolution mechanism for international commercial disputes. So far, Qianhai Cooperation Zone has launched 685 system innovation achievements in total, and replicated 65 in the whole country.

The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has high hopes for Shenzhen's reform, opening up and innovative development. In October 2020, at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "Shenzhen should build a good demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics and create a city model of a modern socialist power" "Support Shenzhen to implement comprehensive reform pilot, give Shenzhen more autonomy in important areas and key links of reform by means of list batch authorization, and launch 27 reform measures and 40 first batch authorization items in a package".

Shenzhen took the opportunity of implementing the comprehensive reform pilot project to promote the construction of the advanced demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics to run out of the "Shenzhen acceleration" and create "Shenzhen high-quality"——

Take the lead in implementing a non competitive and competitive dual track scientific research investment mechanism, and explore giving scientific researchers the ownership or long-term use right of scientific and technological achievements; We have tried to establish the right of underground space by layers, and formed a more accurate and flexible allocation mechanism of space resources... Over the past year, Shenzhen has made important progress in the pilot work of comprehensive reform, and the first 40 authorized items have all been implemented.

Among the 56 key tasks, 11 have been completed, such as promoting the reform of the registration system and exploring the securitization of intellectual property rights. 45 have made significant progress, such as building a comprehensive national science center with Shenzhen as the main position, and building 5G and other major innovation carriers... Over the past two years, the construction of Shenzhen's leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been comprehensively rolled out and advanced in depth.

On the east coast of Shantou, a modern coastal new town is rising. Shantou Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Pilot Zone has attracted 13 headquarters economic projects to settle down, with economic growth exceeding 20% for two consecutive years.

In October 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that, "This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the special economic zone. I came to Shantou Special Economic Zone for investigation and research, to announce to the world that the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China will unswervingly follow the path of reform and opening up, work hard to promote socialist modernization, and persevere in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. I hope that the villagers will work together and work together!"

"The connotation, conditions and requirements of reform and opening up in the new era are quite different from those in the past. We should do a good job of 'overseas Chinese' according to the new reality, strengthen the work of overseas Chinese, guide and encourage them to support and participate in the modernization of the motherland." Liu Junyi, secretary of the Party Working Committee and director of the Management Committee of Shantou Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Pilot Zone, said, The pilot area is striving to forge a high-quality development road with the characteristics of "overseas Chinese" in the new era.

Make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up, and the surging momentum of reform and opening up is constantly surging in southern Guangdong: digital government, business environment and other reforms are at the forefront of the country, and the 36 reforms of Guangdong Free Trade Zone are the first in the country; The total import and export volume exceeded 8 trillion yuan, and the construction of ten billion dollar foreign-funded projects such as Zhanjiang BASF and Huizhou ExxonMobil started

Seize the Major Historical Opportunity of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Construction

On the vast Lingding Ocean, the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is like a long dragon lying on waves and flying over three places. The longest cross sea bridge in the world has set a good example for the infrastructure interconnection of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

On October 23, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced the official opening of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge. The General Secretary stressed that for major projects such as the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, we should not only build high-quality projects, make every effort to build high-quality projects, model projects, safety projects, clean projects, but also make good use of the bridge to play an important role in the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area.

The next morning, Su Quanke, chief engineer of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Authority, boarded the flight to Beijing and began to prepare for the intelligent operation and maintenance project of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge. "Bearing in mind the General Secretary's request, we reorganized our packing and set out again. We launched a new round of collaborative research in conjunction with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong University, Macao University, China Communications Fourth Harbor Engineering Research Institute and other institutions, and worked hard to build the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge into a world-class digital bridge, making the bridge operation and maintenance more scientific, accurate and intelligent," said Su Quanke.

In October 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the celebration meeting of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone that it is necessary to seize the major historical opportunity of the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the convergence of rules and mechanisms in the economic operation of the three cities, accelerate the construction of the inter city railway in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, promote the efficient and convenient flow of personnel, goods and other factors, and improve the level of market integration.

Guangdong fully implements the Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, takes the province's efforts to promote the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, promotes Hengqin to build a regional development demonstration with Chinese characteristics and highlights the advantages of "one country, two systems", and promotes Qianhai to build a new open highland relying on Hong Kong, serving the mainland, and facing the world.

Hengqin, Zhuhai, is separated from Macao by a river. The island, once known as "banana forests and green fields, with few farms", has become a dynamic new area with many tall buildings.

"The original intention of building Hengqin New Area is to create conditions for the diversified development of Macao's industries." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Hengqin for many times, thinking deeply about the development of Hengqin.

Focusing on the main line of promoting the moderate and diversified development of Macao's economy, the construction of Hengqin Guangdong Macao in-depth cooperation zone has been accelerated to write a magnificent chapter.

"Now we have established a new system of joint consultation, joint construction, joint management and sharing with Macao, opening a new phase in the development of Qinhuangdao Macao integration. My colleagues in Macao and I sit in the same office to negotiate and work together, which is unprecedented." Niu Jing, deputy head of the Executive Committee of Hengqin Guangdong Macao Deep Cooperation Zone, said that as of the end of March this year, there were 4871 Macao invested enterprises in the cooperation zone.

"When talking about actively promoting the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that 'we should deepen the reform and opening up of Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone'." Wang Jinxia said, "Qianhai should keep in mind the important instructions of General Secretary, start with the innovative development of modern service industry, and strive to improve the modern service industry development system and mechanism that connect Hong Kong and Macao and connect with the world."

On November 4, 2021, Huameng Lingjun Liuguo Joint Tax Agent Firm (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. completed the registration procedures in Qianhai, which is the first joint tax agent firm in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao in China. As a result, Qianhai became the first region in China to fully relax the practice requirements of tax professionals in Hong Kong and Macao.

Shenzhen has actively promoted the convergence of rules and mechanisms with Hong Kong and Macao, enriched the coordinated development model, and achieved 75 institutional innovations in Qianhai in 2021. Today, 16 types of Hong Kong and Macao professionals, such as tax agents, architects and tour guides, can practice in Qianhai only after filing.

Deeply implement the "Bay Area Connection" project, and the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area has achieved "acceleration". Infrastructure interconnection is accelerating. The Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge has been completed and opened to traffic, and the two world-class sea crossing projects, Shenzhen China Channel and Huangmaohai Sea Crossing Channel, are accelerating. We will promote the "four networks integration" of trunk railways, intercity railways, urban rail transit and trams, accelerate the formation of the "Great Bay Area on the track", and gradually realize the "one hour living circle" of the Great Bay Area.

The connection of rules and mechanisms is accelerating. Measures such as "Shenzhen Hong Kong Link", "Southbound Link" and "Cross border Wealth Management Link" have been implemented; More than 3000 Hong Kong and Macao professionals have obtained the mainland registered practice qualification; The coordinated development model of science and technology industry of "Hong Kong and Macao universities - Hong Kong and Macao scientific research achievements - Pearl River Delta transformation" has gradually formed

In 2021, the economic aggregate of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area will be about 12.6 trillion yuan, an increase of about 2.4 trillion yuan over 2017.

The Great Bay Area, with a bright future, has become a big stage for Hong Kong and Macao youth to pursue their dreams.

On October 24, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Qianhai, Shenzhen. "As the representative of young entrepreneurs in Hong Kong, I report to General Secretary Xi Jinping about my entrepreneurship in Shenzhen Hong Kong Youth DreamWorks. The General Secretary said that DreamWorks is a place to realize dreams, which makes us feel excited." Now, as the Secretary General of the Hong Kong Youth Professional Alliance and the student tutor of the Hong Kong Chinese University of Culture and Culture, Chen Sheng often shares his life and entrepreneurial experience in Shenzhen with young people in Hong Kong, "The Greater Bay Area can carry the grand dream of Hong Kong youth."

In Guangdong, the Hong Kong and Macao youth innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base system has incubated more than 2300 Hong Kong and Macao entrepreneurial teams, and absorbed more than 3400 Hong Kong and Macao youth employment.

Firmly hold the initiative of innovation and development in their own hands

"We have an overseas customer who produces high-quality automobile stringers for Volkswagen AG. The old production line requires 31 robots and 25 welding guns. We help them build a new generation of production line by relying on software algorithms and process decomposition with independent intellectual property rights. Only 25 robots and 16 welding guns are needed, without affecting the process quality." Yao Weibing, Chairman and CEO of Guangzhou Mingluo Automobile Equipment Co., Ltd., is very proud.

In October 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that private enterprises have made great contributions to China's economic development and have an unlimited future when inspecting Guangzhou Mingluo Automobile Equipment Co., Ltd. The Central Committee of the Party has always attached importance to and supported the development of the non-public economy, and this has not changed, nor will it change. Innovation, creation and entrepreneurship are inseparable from small and medium-sized enterprises. We should create better conditions for the development of private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises.

"The words of the General Secretary have strengthened our determination to move from 'manufacturing' to 'creation'." Yao Weibing said that over the years, the company has been changing in the digital direction, independently developing the design software and digital management platform required by the industrial chain, and creating an intelligent manufacturing ecosystem.

In the Guangzhou Development Zone, where Mingluo Automotive Equipment Co., Ltd. is located, a huge stone is engraved with the words "SMEs can do great things". "The important instructions of the General Secretary have given us great encouragement and encouragement." Chen Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee, secretary of the CPC Huangpu District Committee, and secretary of the CPC Working Committee of the Guangzhou Development Zone, said that the local government is accelerating the construction of an innovation demonstration zone that "SMEs can do great things", formulating and implementing preferential policies such as "10 rules for specialization and innovation", and introducing a policy implementation system for time limited completion, to help SMEs solve land use Talent, financing, innovation and other problems. At present, Guangzhou Development Zone has gathered more than 40000 small and medium-sized enterprises, including more than 3500 national high-tech enterprises.

"It is necessary to have the ambition and backbone to accelerate the enhancement of independent innovation capability and strength, and strive to achieve the independent control of key core technologies." In October 2018, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Gree Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., he encouraged enterprises to firmly hold the initiative of innovation and development in their own hands.

Keep in mind the General Secretary's request that 82000 Gree employees redouble their efforts to make the world fall in love with "Made in China". Dong Mingzhu, chairman and president of Gree Electric, said that in recent years, Gree Electric insisted on doing "the world's first" technology research and development, and tried to strengthen the global technology voice. Today, Gree Electric has mastered compressor and other core technologies, and the number of invention patent applications and authorizations is in the forefront of the industry. In 2021, it will achieve an operating revenue of 187.869 billion yuan, an increase of 11.69% year on year.

Hanshan is green and Han River is flowing. The workshop of Chaozhou Sanhuan (Group) Co., Ltd. is very busy.

In October 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Chaozhou Sanhuan (Group) Co., Ltd. for research. In the production workshop, the employees of enterprises gathered around one after another. General Secretary Xi Jinping said earnestly, "Independent innovation is the most important thing for me at present, and it is also the most important thing for the Party Central Committee. To develop enterprises, upgrade industries, and develop the economy with high quality, we must rely on independent innovation."

"We have strengthened research and development and innovation, constantly promoted industrial upgrading, and strived to be at the forefront of the industry." Pointing to the independently innovated product multilayer chip ceramic capacitor, Zhang Wanzhen, the founder of Chaozhou Sanhuan (Group) Co., Ltd., said that the overall technical level of this electronic component has been greatly improved through the tireless efforts of more than 400 engineers for more than a year, Previously used for low-end electronic products, now it has entered the high-end electronic industry.

We will work together to promote self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, and build a science and technology and industrial innovation highland with global influence. Guangdong's economic viability, competitiveness, development and sustainability will be significantly enhanced. There are more than 15 million market entities in the province, forming 7 trillion yuan industrial clusters, and the regional innovation capacity has ranked first in the country for many consecutive years.

Let the achievements of reform and opening up better benefit the broad masses of the people

In October 2018, when visiting the "Pearl River at the Beginning of the Spring Tide - the 40th Anniversary Exhibition of Guangdong's Reform and Opening up" in Shenzhen, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should stick to the people as the center, and take working for the happiness of the people as the standard to test the effectiveness of reform, so that the achievements of reform and opening up can better benefit the broad masses of people."

Over the years, Guangdong has unswervingly practiced the people centered development philosophy, focused on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and solidly promoted common prosperity. The people's sense of gain, happiness, and security has significantly increased.

Long arcades and continuous Cantonese opera make you walk into Yongqing Square, a historical and cultural street in Xiguan, Guangzhou, and the thick Lingnan ancient rhyme comes to you.

In October 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his visit to Yongqingfang that urban planning and construction should attach great importance to historical and cultural protection, not rush for quick success and instant benefit, and not dismantle or build. It is necessary to highlight the local characteristics, pay attention to the improvement of the living environment, more use the "embroidery" effort of micro transformation, and pay attention to the inheritance of civilization and cultural continuity, so that the city can leave memories and people can remember nostalgia.

"We keep in mind the General Secretary's instructions, and promote the micro renovation of old residential areas with 'embroidery' efforts, so that the old city can be revitalized." Wu Yang, Director of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, said that by the end of 2021, 787 micro renovation projects of residential areas had been completed, and 295 residential areas will be rebuilt during the "14th Five Year Plan" period.

Chaozhou City, in accordance with the principle of maintaining the old as the old, promotes the conservation and repair of the ancient city's cultural relics and buildings, street lanes, and builds the ancient city of Chaozhou into a cultural relics exhibition area, cultural exhibition area, ancient city living area, and tourist business area that integrates the functions of cultural relics protection and cultural experience, cultural creativity, tourism and leisure.

The green mountains are as beautiful as the green water, and the new buildings are built along the mountains. Entering Lianzhang Village, Lianjiangkou Town, Yingde City, in the modern agricultural science and technology demonstration park, fruits and vegetables are growing well; On the cultural and tourism business street, tourists come in an endless stream. The once poor mountain village has become a model village for rural revitalization in Guangdong Province.

"We will win the battle against poverty and continue to promote the revitalization of the countryside. The industry will prosper, the villagers will become rich, and the village will be beautiful." Lu Feihong, secretary of the general party branch of Lianzhang Village, said that the per capita income of the whole village will reach more than 21000 yuan in 2021. "When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the village in 2018, he hoped that the villagers would live more and more happily. Our present day is' sesame blossom '."

Today, in Guangdong, the coordination of urban and rural regional development has been significantly improved, and the outstanding weak board has gradually transformed into a potential board. The per capita income ratio of urban and rural residents has shrunk from 2.67:1 in 2013 to 2.46:1 in 2021.

"In October 2018, when visiting our community, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should put more resources, services and management into the community, provide accurate and refined services for the residents, and effectively handle the people's affairs, big and small." Zheng Yang, secretary of the community party committee of Minzhi Street North Station, Longhua District, Shenzhen, said that the important directive spirit of the General Secretary should be implemented, We focus on improving the community management and service mechanism. Now community governance uses "smart brain". Through the smart service platform, residents can take care of "troubles" at one click; We carried out "in-depth visits and large-scale research" to sort out the demands of various groups, and launched special services for special people.

"When people feel unhappy, unhappy, and dissatisfied in any aspect, we will work hard in that aspect and try our best to solve the problems for the people." Bearing in mind the instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping, Guangdong adheres to "small cuts and big changes" to solve the problems of people's urgent needs and hopes, and continues to spend 70% of its financial expenditure on livelihood security. From carrying out the construction of "ten thousand mile green road" to promoting the three projects of "Guangdong cuisine master", "Guangdong technician" and "Southern Guangdong housekeeping", Guangdong has continuously improved people's livelihood.

Anchoring the mission of "walking in the forefront of the country and creating new brilliance", and keeping in mind the "great man of the country", Guangdong's cadres and masses have bravely stood at the forefront, continued to struggle, and unswervingly followed the strategy of General Secretary Xi Jinping to take a new road to the exam.

(Reporters: Chen Weiguang, Wu Bing, He Linping, Cheng Yuanzhou, Li Gang, Hong Qiuting, Luo Aihua, Liu Taishan, Jiang Xiaodan)

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