

Follow the Footprint of the General Secretary · Henan Chapter to Write a More Brilliant Chapter in the Central Plains in the New Era

In the vast Central Plains, the wheat is ripe and fragrant, and more than 85 million mu of wheat fields are in sight.

Original title: Write a more brilliant chapter in the Central Plains in the new era (along the footsteps of the General Secretary, Henan chapter)

In the vast Central Plains, the wheat is ripe and fragrant, and more than 85 million mu of wheat fields are in sight.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is deeply attached to the Central Plains. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Henan four times for investigation and research, made important speeches and instructions for many times, and placed great hopes on Henan to "strive bravely to be the first in the rise of the central region, and write a more brilliant chapter in the Central Plains in the new era", which has provided the general program, general guidelines and general guidelines for the construction of modern Henan.

Keep in mind and forge ahead. More than 98 million people in Henan have anchored the two goals of "ensuring high-quality construction of modern Henan and ensuring high-level realization of modern Henan", promoted ten strategies such as innovation driven and rural revitalization, strived to take the lead in raising the benchmark, and created a new situation under pressure.

Shoulder the responsibility of stabilizing food security and promote rural revitalization

Henan is a major grain producing province. Over the years, its grain output has accounted for 1/10 of the country, and its wheat output has accounted for more than 1/4 of the country.

"We should shoulder the important task of stabilizing food security." On March 8, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the deliberation of the Henan delegation at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress, and proposed to give full play to the advantages of grain production, build an important core area of grain production in China, promote grain storage on the ground, store grain in technology, and steadily improve grain production capacity, He has taken on new responsibilities and made new achievements in ensuring national food security.

Recently, Han Zhongqian, the head of Zhongqian Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, drove a new combine harvester in the 10000 mu high standard farmland efficient water-saving irrigation demonstration area in Zhangshi Town, Weishi County, and cut 30 mu of wheat in less than one hour, with a loss rate of less than 1%.

Recalling the scene when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited here on May 9, 2014, Han Zhongqian still remembers, "General Secretary came to the field to carefully check the grain filling situation of wheat ears, and urged us to continue to implement comprehensive technical measures to strive for a bumper summer harvest."

"The root of grain production lies in farmland, the lifeblood lies in water conservancy, the way out lies in science and technology, and the power lies in policy." The General Secretary stressed that these key points should be implemented one by one. Zhang Chaoying, senior agronomist of Weishi County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, said that since 2014, Weishi County has invested more than 41 million yuan in two rounds of transformation to build 10000 mu of high standard farmland. Today, the average yield per mu of ten thousand mu of high standard farmland has reached 1400 jin, 600 jin more than before the transformation. Since the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", Henan has built up about 76 million mu of high standard farmland, and increased grain production by more than 150 jin per mu.

"To ensure food security, we must firmly hold the seeds in our own hands." On May 13, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should adhere to the self-reliance of agricultural science and technology, start from cultivating seeds, strengthen the technical breakthrough of improved seeds, and rely on Chinese seeds to ensure China's food security when he visited the Taocha Canal Head Hub located in Xichuan County, Nanyang City in the middle route of the South to North Water Transfer Project.

In recent years, Henan has vigorously implemented the modern seed industry upgrading project. Among the national approved varieties, there are 567 varieties bred in Henan, including 142 wheat varieties.

The advantage and trump card of grain production should not be lost at any time. In 2021, Henan was hit by a catastrophic flood disaster, and the whole province made every effort to reseed and rush to harvest. The grain output reached 130.8 billion jin, stabilizing at more than 130 billion jin for five consecutive years. "In 2022, various measures will be taken to protect summer crops, with Class I and II seedlings accounting for nearly 94%, which will be another bumper year!" said Guo Tiancai, a professor of Henan Agricultural University.

Industrial revitalization is the key to rural revitalization.

On September 17, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Sima Guang Oil Tea Garden, Huaidian Township, Guangshan County, Xinyang City for investigation and study, to carefully understand the overall situation of developing the oil tea industry and promoting poverty alleviation in Guangshan County. Chen Shifa, the person in charge of Guangshan Lvyuan Camellia oleifera Professional Cooperative, who was on the scene at that time, said, "The General Secretary requires us to adhere to the path of green development, promote new technologies, develop deep processing, and make the Camellia oleifera industry better and bigger."

Today, Chen Shifa's oil tea garden has grown to 30000 mu, which directly drives more than 3000 farmers to increase their income in the mode of "company+cooperative+base+farmers". In recent years, the planting area of camellia oleifera in Xinyang has increased to 1.1 million mu, and processing plants have been built to develop high value-added products and promote the extension of the camellia oleifera industry chain.

On May 12, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his investigation in Nanyang Rose Expo Park that the development potential of local characteristic industries is huge. We should be good at tapping and utilizing local advantageous resources, strengthening the protection of local high-quality varieties, promoting the organic combination of production, learning and research, and making overall plans to do a good job in industry, technology and culture.

"The words of the General Secretary have touched on our hearts. We have worked hard and worked hard!" Zhao Lei, the head of Nanyang Rose Expo Park, said that the Expo Park planted more than 2000 famous and excellent roses, which has driven more than 2000 villagers to find jobs.

In the production workshop of Nanyang Yaoyibao wormwood products Co., Ltd., Chairman Zha Hongfu recalled that "the general secretary pointed out that 'developing wormwood products can not only obtain local materials, but also solve employment problems nearby', encouraging us to 'leave more jobs and value-added income to farmers'." Today, the company has developed more than 130 wormwood products, which has driven more than 3000 people to increase their income.

Deep in the Dabie Mountains, there are bamboos at the door of Tianpu Da'a homestay in Tianpu Township, New County, and tea in the courtyard. The pastoral atmosphere is elegant.

In September 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that relying on rich red cultural resources and green ecological resources to develop rural tourism and invigorate the rural economy is a good way to revitalize the countryside. Over the past two years, Xinxian County has established three key villages of national rural tourism and 19 characteristic villages of provincial rural tourism, transiting from "scattered farmhouses" to "tourism complex", and constantly transforming beautiful scenery into beautiful economy.

Consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and promote rural revitalization. By 2020, all 53 poverty-stricken counties in Henan will be lifted out of poverty. In 2021, the annual per capita net income of poverty free households will be 14362 yuan, an increase of 10.2% over the previous year. In the first quarter of this year, the added value of the province's primary industry was 61.5 billion yuan, up 6.7% year on year; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 4760 yuan, up 6.5% year on year.

What expectations do farmers have for rural revitalization? In March 2019, Li Liancheng, secretary of the Party branch of Xixinzhuang Village, Qingzu Town, Puyang County, participated in the deliberation of the Henan delegation at the second session of the 13th National People's Congress, and brought the "eight dreams of farmers" to General Secretary Xi Jinping

Now, when we walk into Xixinzhuang, we can only see two floors of residential buildings in order, and modern hospitals, schools and industrial parks have sprung up. Villagers' dreams are becoming reality one by one.

The Implementation Plan of Rural Construction Action in Henan Province was issued in 2021, which promoted the county and rural planning in a three-dimensional way, and more than 9500 villages formed the preliminary results of the practical village planning of "multi regulation integration". Since the "12th Five Year Plan", 107300 kilometers of rural roads have been newly reconstructed in the province, and the investment in rural power grids has totaled 139.7 billion yuan. The integration of urban and rural infrastructure and the equalization of basic public services in the county are getting higher and higher.

Strengthen independent innovation and develop high-end manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing

"Hard rock drilling can not go down the well, intelligent tunneling", "unattended coal mining, intelligent coal mining"... In Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, China Railway Equipment, Zheng Coal Machinery and other head equipment manufacturing enterprises continue to innovate, and strive to be the first in high-end manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing track.

On September 17, 2019, when inspecting Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Co., Ltd., General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we should firmly promote industrial transformation and upgrading, strengthen independent innovation, develop high-end manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing, and improve China's manufacturing industry and real economy.

"The General Secretary is far sighted, not only feeling the pulse for China's economy, but also pointing out the fundamental direction for the development of enterprises." Jiao Chengyao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Zheng Meiji Group, said that we have always kept in mind the General Secretary's instructions, and strove towards the direction of complete set, intelligence, internationalization and socialization. The net profit in 2021 was nearly double that in 2019.

At present, Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. can provide a complete set of independent intelligent comprehensive mining equipment to realize "unattended and patrolled" underground coal mining; Through big data collection and analysis, provide coal mines with real-time production efficiency, electromechanical equipment, safe production and other operations, and effective early warning; The hydraulic support provides full life cycle management to realize repair and remanufacturing, making coal mining more safe, efficient, intelligent and green. The sales network of the enterprise has covered all coal producing regions in the country and exported to more than 8 countries. Overseas sales in the first quarter of this year increased by 500% year-on-year.

"One place and one enterprise, in order to break through the bottleneck of development and solve deep-seated contradictions and problems, the fundamental way out lies in innovation, and the key is to rely on scientific and technological strength." On May 10, 2014, during the inspection of the shield machine assembly workshop of China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd., General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to promote the transformation from Made in China to Created in China, and the transformation from Chinese speed to Chinese quality Chinese products are changing to Chinese brands.

"I was very excited at the scene." Jia Lianhui, the chief engineer of the company, was deeply impressed by the "three changes". "With the encouragement of the general secretary, our team overcame a number of" choke "technologies."

Over the past eight years, China Railway Equipment has focused on four major technical fields, including tunneling technology and core technology of the equipment industry, adhered to independent innovation, formed 16 internationally leading technologies, and successfully developed the first domestic horseshoe shield machine, the world's largest diameter hard rock tunneling machine, kilometer shaft tunneling machine and other products to fill the gap at home and abroad. China Railway Shield has become a best-selling "Belt and Road" New business cards of China in countries and regions along the line.

Henan's high-end equipment has been able to go abroad, and the four "silk roads" connecting the air, land, network and sea have played a great role. On May 10, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Zhengzhou Cross border Trade E-commerce Service Pilot Project and Zhengzhou International Inland Port in Zhengzhou, encouraging them to move towards the goal of "buying the world and selling the world", build a logistics hub connecting domestic and overseas, radiating east, west and east, and make more contributions to the construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Now, Henan Bonded Group has developed from "buying the world" to "selling the world". The cross-border e-commerce transaction volume of the park will increase from 100 million yuan in 2014 to 18.795 billion yuan in 2021. As of May 19, cross-border e-commerce transactions in the park this year amounted to 7.293 billion yuan, up 6.75% year on year. In 2021, the total value of Henan's foreign trade import and export will exceed 800 billion yuan, and the cross-border e-commerce transaction volume will exceed 200 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 25%.

Relying on its superior geographical advantages, Henan is making every effort to build a three-dimensional comprehensive transportation hub integrating Zhengzhou Airport, South High speed Railway Station, passenger and freight multimodal transport, etc. The "meter" shaped high-speed rail network has basically taken shape, and the passenger and freight scale of Zhengzhou Airport has ranked the "double first" in the central region for four consecutive years. Over the past eight years, China Europe Express (Zhengzhou) has run more than 6000 trains in total, with a cargo weight of more than 3.6 million tons. The six indicators of the train's heavy box rate, return trip ratio, and delivery volume have all remained among the top in the country, creating Henan's advantageous and distinctive business cards such as "digital trains", "constant temperature trains", and "transportation and trade integration".

In May 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Henan and hoped that Henan would closely focus on the rise of the central region, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure with the development of advantageous industries as the leading role, promote innovation driven development with the construction of independent innovation system as the leading role, promote the cultivation of new advantages for development with the strengthening of basic capacity as the leading role, and promote new urbanization with people as the core.

Henan keeps in mind the instructions, strives to play the "four cards", insists on putting innovation in the prominent position of the overall development, and takes the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry as the main direction of attack. Since 2014, the Zhengluoxin National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone has been approved, the National Biological Breeding Industry Innovation Center and the National Agricultural Machinery Equipment Innovation Center have been approved for construction, the National Supercomputing Zhengzhou Center has been completed and put into use, and the number of national innovation carriers has reached 179. Songshan Laboratory, Shennong Seed Industry Laboratory and Huanghe Laboratory were put into operation, and a number of industrial research institutes and pilot bases were launched. Build strategic emerging industry chains such as intelligent equipment. From 2012 to 2021, the annual average growth rate of added value of strategic emerging industries in the province will reach 13.3%.

We should work together to protect and promote governance

On the south bank of Zhengzhou section of the Yellow River, a National Museum of the Yellow River, covering an area of 135 mu and with an estimated investment of 1.77 billion yuan, has been closed. The new building is built along the Yellow River, imitating the "zigzag" river course of the Yellow River. Standing at the highest view, the Yellow River is magnificent and rolling forward.

On September 17, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Yellow River Museum and went to the riverside square of the Yellow River National Geopark to learn more about the history of the Chinese nation's governance of the Yellow River and observe the ecological protection and embankment construction of the Yellow River on the spot.

"During the visit, the General Secretary looked very carefully, and had a long time to look at the front of the" River Defense Map "." Zhang Xiaolei, the interpreter of the Yellow River Museum, still remembers vividly, "I really felt the General Secretary's concern for the Yellow River governance, and sincerely hoped that the General Secretary would come to the new Yellow River National Museum to see it."

"Ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, like the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, is a major national strategy." On September 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin in Zhengzhou, calling for joint efforts to protect the Yellow River basin and promote coordinated governance, We will strengthen ecological protection and governance, ensure the long-term stability of the Yellow River, promote high-quality development of the whole basin, improve people's lives, protect, inherit and carry forward the Yellow River culture, and make the Yellow River a happy river for the people.

Henan Province conscientiously implements the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, takes ecological protection and governance as a "first step", focuses on promoting the panoramic connection of the compound ecological corridor along the Yellow River, strengthens the ecological governance of the river basin, and strives to take the lead in the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

In summer, walking along the south bank of the Yellow River, you can feel the branches and leaves floating along the ecological corridor along the Yellow River and the gentle breeze. This ecological corridor starts from Sanmenxia in the west and runs through Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and other cities. The planned total length is 710 kilometers, just like a green ribbon, connecting thousands of beautiful scenery.

We should work together to protect and promote governance. According to the idea of "harnessing mountains" in the middle reaches of the Yellow River basin, "harnessing beaches" in the lower reaches, and "weaving nets" in the water receiving areas, Henan plans to protect and harness the rivers, mountains and plains as a whole, and promotes the ecological construction of the river basin according to local conditions.

The Xiaoqinling Mountains in Sanmenxia used to be a hot gold rush spot. Five primary tributaries of the Yellow River originating from the Xiaoqinling Mountains were once seriously polluted. Now, slag mountain has become terraced fields. The grass is lush, the spring is bubbling, and the mountain is reborn.

Dongbatou Town of Lankao County is located at the last bend of the Jiuqu Yellow River. In March 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Dongbatou section of the Yellow River Lankao during his research in Henan Province, learned about the flood control of the Yellow River and the production and living conditions of the people in the beach area, and urged local cadres to earnestly care for the poor people, lead them to work hard and become rich as soon as possible.

In 1963, Jiao Yulu came here to lead the masses to build embankments and canals, plant paulownia trees, and create ecological protection forests. The "sandstorm, waterlogging, and saline alkali" three pests were eradicated. Inherit and carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, and generations of Lankao people are determined to promote ecological restoration along the Yellow River. The former saline land is now covered with trees. Today, the Dongbatou bank of the Yellow River is full of birds singing and flowers. The Yellow River turns eastward here, and the bank has become a good place for citizens to get close to the Yellow River.

The problem of the Yellow River appears to be in the Yellow River, and its root lies in the basin. Zhengzhou comprehensively prohibits all kinds of illegal construction along the main stream and primary tributaries, and more than 1800 ecological and environmental problems of the Yellow River have been rectified in place; Kaifeng has built and renewed 301000 mu of windbreak and sand fixation forests and farmland shelterbelts, and built 66 provincial forest village demonstration villages and 9 forest characteristic towns; Luoyang City has established an ecological flow regulation mechanism for the main stream of the Yellow River and the Iluo River, an important tributary of the city, and strengthened the daily supervision of ecological flow and the refined management of rivers and canals. Green has increasingly become the background for Henan to promote the high-quality development of the Yellow River basin.

The water is glittering and rippling, Danjiangkou Reservoir, and a canal of clear water is slowly sent north. On May 13, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Taocha Headworks Project in Xichuan County, Nanyang City to inspect the operation of the diversion gate on the spot, and then took a boat to inspect the Danjiangkou Reservoir, listened to the relevant reports, and observed the on-site water sampling.

The South to North Water Diversion Project is a major strategic infrastructure, which benefits both the present and the future. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that the safety of the South to North Water Transfer Project, water supply and water quality should be safeguarded from the political perspective of safeguarding the lifeline.

"The important speech of the General Secretary has strengthened our determination to take root in the front line of water sources." Huang Jin, deputy director of the canal head ecological environment monitoring center of the middle route of the South to North Water Transfer Project in Henan Province, said that he and his colleagues kept an eye on water quality safety, kept a good grasp of data early warning, prevention and control, and carried out 109 full analytical monitoring of surface water, "Last year, the qualification accreditation projects of our laboratory were expanded from 118 to 122, with 162 detection methods and 39 new detection methods, covering five aspects of water, soil, solid waste, biology and biological residues, further expanding the scope of monitoring capabilities."

As the head of the canal and the core water source area of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project, Xichuan County has carried out a special water source improvement action, completed 532000 mu of artificial afforestation, 200000 mu of mountain closure for afforestation, and built an ecological isolation belt around the reservoir with a total area of 195000 mu, with a forest coverage rate of 49.7%, 4.4 percentage points higher than five years ago. Since December 2021, a total of 7.9018 million cubic meters of effective storage capacity and 3.6 million square meters of connected water have been added, effectively eliminating potential water quality safety hazards.

On May 14, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium on promoting high-quality development of the follow-up project of the South to North Water Transfer in Nanyang, emphasizing that the implementation of the water transfer project should continue to be scientifically promoted, and the demand and supply management should be comprehensively strengthened on the premise of comprehensively strengthening water conservation and strengthening rigid constraints on water resources.

Henan conscientiously implements the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, comprehensively promotes the "five water comprehensive reform" of water sources, water rights, water conservancy, hydraulic engineering and water affairs, conserves the water source ecology, carries out the confirmation of water rights, builds water conservancy projects, builds a strong water industry team, and completes the "big article" of water resources conservation and intensive utilization with a systematic view.

By 2021, the total water consumption of Henan Province will be 22.29 billion cubic meters, and the water consumption of 10000 yuan GDP will be 38.5 cubic meters, 11.5% lower than that of 2020; Water consumption per 10000 yuan of industrial added value is 15.1 cubic meters, down 25.4% from 2020; The effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water has increased from 0.617 in 2020 to 0.620, and the effect of water resources conservation and intensive utilization is remarkable.

With concerted efforts, Henan is moving forward courageously with the "two guarantees" to write a more brilliant chapter in the Central Plains in the new era.

(People's Daily reporters Gong Jinxing, Ma Yuefeng, Zhu Peixian, Bi Jingjin, Wang Zhe)

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