

Follow the Footprint of the General Secretary · Liaoning Chapter and Strive to Create a New Situation of Overall Revitalization

The 43 million Liaoshen people remember the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the courage of "rolling stones up the mountain, climbing the slope and crossing the ridge", the tenacity of "sticking to the green mountains", the courage of "reshaping the environment, revitalizing the heroic spirit", and the strength of "rolling up the sleeves and working hard", strive to create a new situation of all-round revitalization, and turn the blueprint of General Secretary for Liaoning into a beautiful reality.

The Liaohe River in Tangtang has a long history of black soil.

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to, cared about and cared for Liaoning. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Liaoning twice, participated in the deliberations of the Liaoning delegation of the National People's Congress twice, delivered important speeches and made important instructions on the revitalization and development of Northeast China and Liaoning many times, and clarified the direction and path for new breakthroughs in the revitalization and development of Liaoning.

The 43 million Liaoshen people remember the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the courage of "rolling stones up the mountain, climbing the slope and crossing the ridge", the tenacity of "sticking to the green mountains", the courage of "reshaping the environment, revitalizing the heroic spirit", and the strength of "rolling up the sleeves and working hard", strive to create a new situation of all-round revitalization, and turn the blueprint of General Secretary for Liaoning into a beautiful reality.

Rely on innovation to make the real economy more solid, stronger and better

In the rotor workshop of Shenyang Blower Works Group Co., Ltd., machines roar and rail cranes shuttle. Ma Changchang, a CNC lathe worker, skillfully started the CNC machine tool and turned out the impeller with "perfect" precision. The work that used to take 15 days to complete now only takes 5 days with an innovative invention.

Ma Changhao clearly remembered that on the morning of August 30, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Shenyang Blower Works Group to inspect the rotor workshop and stator workshop, carefully inquired about the performance, application and technological innovation of fan products and pump products, and talked cordially with the enterprise model workers. In Tiexi District, Shenyang, the General Secretary also inspected Shenyang Yuanda Enterprise Group and Shenyang Machine Tool (Group) Co., Ltd. "The General Secretary encouraged the young generation to stick to the lofty ambition of innovation, transcendence and serving the country through industry, and make more contributions to the development and expansion of the real economy. I have always remembered the words of the General Secretary," Ma Changhao said.

The real economy is the foundation for China's economic development and winning the initiative in the international economic competition. On March 7, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during the deliberation of the Liaoning delegation at the fifth session of the 12th National People's Congress that the old industrial base of Liaoning started from the real economy, and the new round of revitalization and development also depends on the real economy. On September 28, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the forum on in-depth promotion of revitalization of the Northeast in Shenyang and stressed that we should rely on innovation to make the real economy more solid, stronger, and better, adhere to the nirvana of the phoenix, and replace the cage with the bird, actively support emerging industries to accelerate their development, and as soon as possible form an industrial development pattern of multiple support, simultaneous development of multiple industries, and diversified development.

Industry is the lifeblood of Liaoning, and the revitalization of Liaoning needs industrial revitalization first. Liaoning thoroughly implements the spirit of the important speech and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, deeply promotes the supply side structural reform, transforms and upgrades "time-honored brands", deeply develops "original brands", cultivates and expands "new brands", solidly completes the "three major articles" of structural adjustment, and speeds up the construction of digital Liaoning and a strong province of intelligent manufacturing.

In the plant area of China Shipbuilding Group Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Group Co., Ltd., a large offshore floating production and storage vessel is undergoing mooring test. This mobile oil refinery on the sea is composed of highly intensive production modules. Its hull is 360 meters long and its height is 30 stories high.

On August 28, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping braved the torrential rain to visit the company. "The General Secretary urged us to meet the needs of building a maritime power, speed up the cultivation of the marine engineering manufacturing industry, a strategic emerging industry, and constantly improve the marine development capacity to make the marine economy a new growth point." Wang Jiaquan, secretary of the Party Committee of Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Group Steel Processing and Distribution Co., Ltd., said, "At that time, we had just manufactured jack up oil drilling platforms, and we have always been driven by the important speech of the General Secretary. Now we have developed a deep-water semi submersible drilling platform, which can suspend operations in the deep sea at 3000 meters and drill down to 10000 meters below the sea level at the deepest."

Adhere to the use of AI, big data, the Internet of Things and other new generation information technologies to empower and enhance the efficiency of the "time-honored brand" industry. Liaoning's manufacturing industry is transforming and upgrading to the direction of intelligence, green, high-end, and service.

Major innovations such as metal nanostructured materials and the "Haiyi" deep-sea glider have reached the world's leading level, and the first domestic aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier based aircraft, transonic wind tunnel main compressor and a number of "big country heavy weapons" have been launched one after another... The advantages of the old industrial base with deep industrial deposits have been constantly brought into play.

A self owned brand car, dressed in the camouflage of anti exposure patterns, stopped on the ramp covered by green trees in Dalian Neusoft Software Park. Three engineers were giving instructions through the voice recognition wake-up system to conduct a comprehensive test of the intelligent cockpit.

On August 29, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Neusoft Group (Dalian) Co., Ltd. located in Dalian High tech Industrial Park. In front of the display screen of the telemedicine management system, the general secretary talked with the president of Beijing Sino Japan Friendship Hospital who was connecting via video. He heard that more than 1000 medical institutions were using this system. The general secretary was very happy and said with emotion that medical and health services, together with informatization, would be like a tiger adding wings!

"From service to empowerment, we actively promote the deep integration of software with various industries." Liu Jiren, chairman of Neusoft Group, said that Neusoft focuses on smart cities, medical health, smart car connectivity, enterprise digital transformation, international software services and other fields to make efforts. At present, research and development, services, products and other fields have spread to more than 100 countries and regions.

Focusing on promoting the development of strategic emerging industries, high-tech manufacturing, high-tech service industries and the digital economy, and accelerating the cultivation of "new brands", Liaoning is comprehensively shaping new advantages for revitalization and development.

Nearly 90000 cloud enterprises, 52000 new 5G base stations, and 18 secondary nodes of industrial Internet identity resolution have been put into operation online... Based on rich industrial scene resources, Liaoning has cultivated and expanded digital industrial clusters.

The Regulations of Liaoning Province on Scientific and Technological Innovation was issued, 1269 provincial innovation platforms were set up, 218 high-level technical research teams were introduced and established, and special actions were carried out to promote the industry led by scientific and technological innovation, New kinetic energy accelerates to gather. In 2021, the investment in high-tech manufacturing in Liaoning will increase by 71.2%, the output of new energy vehicles will increase by 1.2 times, the output of integrated circuits will increase by 42.8%, and the output of industrial robots will increase by 6.1%.

Deepen reform comprehensively based on optimizing business environment

In the service hall of Dandong Social Security Center, a window is quite eye-catching: "Nothing can be done" reflects the window. Here, various troubles of enterprises and the masses often have a warm ending.

Yang Li from Jinzhou and Yang Li from Dandong, both of the same name and school, have identical registration information in the social security system. It was at this window that Jinzhou Yang Li successfully handled the information change, and Dandong Yang Li regained her 20 years of service.

"There must be a reason why things can't be done." Lu Xuekun, director of the Dandong Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said that where enterprises and the masses are stuck, where they are stuck, where they are stuck is the breakthrough point of reform. "The window has been set up for more than a year, and has solved more than 500 problems of all kinds, reducing 75 handling links."

General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward six requirements at the forum to further promote the revitalization of the Northeast. The first is to "comprehensively deepen reform based on optimizing the business environment".

The first business environment regulation at the provincial level was promulgated and implemented, and the reform of "decentralization, management and service" was firmly promoted. The average processing time of the province's government affairs service items was reduced by 80% according to the application, and 198 government affairs service items were "all in one province", with the implementation rate of "all in one network" exceeding 75%... Liaoning adheres to the inward cutting edge, and takes marketization, legalization and internationalization as the goal, We will make every effort to create a business environment that is "convenient, well governed by law, cost competitive, and ecologically livable".

At the Symposium on Deepening the Revitalization of the Northeast, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the revitalization of the Northeast has reached the critical point of rolling stones, climbing mountains and crossing obstacles. We must solve the problem of mental state. The more difficult it is, the more we need 'real skills'. We need to work hard."

At the 13th Party Congress of Liaoning Province held in December last year, the main responsible comrades of the provincial party committee asked party members and cadres not to take "saying" as "doing", "sending" as "implementing", "holding a meeting to study" as "solving problems", and "decomposing tasks" as "completing the work", so that it became a common practice to advocate hard work and pay close attention to implementation.

Since the end of last year, Shenyang has carried out the special action of "revitalizing new breakthroughs, and I want to be a pioneer", set up 12 "race tracks" to promote industrial transformation, comprehensively deepen reform, and guide all departments throughout the city to strive for the advanced, first-class, and leader, and climb to the top, compete with the strong, and compete with the capable. In the first quarter of this year, under the adverse impact of the epidemic, the investment in fixed assets in Shenyang increased by 7.6% year on year, of which the investment in infrastructure increased by 1.8 times.

"To revitalize Liaoning, we must solve the development environment problems, including political ecology, social ecology, natural ecology, and innovation and entrepreneurship ecology." This is the consensus and action of the province. Resolutely rectify the problem of data fraud, seriously investigate and deal with violations of political discipline, and strengthen the discipline inspection force at the grass-roots level... Liaoning comprehensively promotes the construction of the cadre team by promoting the transformation of cadres' style; Adhere to the main tone of strictness, maintain the high pressure situation of punishing corruption, and create a clean and upright political ecology.

We will play a pioneering role in improving the business environment and reform into the deepwater area. Liaoning's state-owned enterprises are more important and have a good foundation, but they also encounter difficulties in their development due to the inflexible system and mechanism, unreasonable industrial structure and heavy historical burden.

During the 2017 NPC and CPPCC sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during the deliberation of the Liaoning delegation that we should take state-owned enterprises as the "leader" in the revitalization of Liaoning, unswervingly strengthen and expand state-owned enterprises, cultivate core competitiveness, strive to be the pioneer of innovation driven development, and accelerate the training of enterprises with strong innovation spirit and innovation ability.

Deeply implement the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform, launch the regional comprehensive reform experiment of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, Liaoning continues to tackle difficulties, improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, improve the market-oriented operation mechanism and other key reform areas to make breakthroughs.

The plant area of PetroChina Liaoyang Petrochemical Company is green with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The first "dacron" in New China was woven here, but it lost money for years because of overcapacity. In 2017, Liaoyang Petrochemical finally turned losses into profits. Some new products have reached the world-class level, filling the gap.

"I hope you will make persistent efforts to forge ahead and make better achievements as the 'seed team' of the Republic!" On September 27, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Liaoyang Petrochemical Company and stressed that "we should stick to the Party's leadership over state-owned enterprises, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, and strive to achieve development with higher quality, better efficiency and better structure.

Break the "iron rice bowl", bid farewell to the "big pot rice bowl", tackle the difficulties of market-oriented reform, and resolve the historical legacy problems such as state-owned enterprises running society and factories running large collectives... Strive to remove the obstacles of system and mechanism, and the reform and innovation path of Liaoyang Petrochemical is becoming more and more open. In April this year, Liaoyang Petrochemical broke through the production technology of copolyester upstream raw materials. "The production of this kind of copolyester monomer raw material will further enhance the autonomy and controllability of the industrial chain." Chen Ying, vice president of Liaoyang Petrochemical Research Institute, said that the enterprise is transforming from refining "fuel type" to chemical "material type".

We need vitality and impetus from reform. In 2021, the total operating revenue of Liaoning provincial enterprises will increase by 12.4% year on year, and the total profit will increase by 3.9 billion yuan year on year.

Reform does not stop and opening does not stop.

On August 30, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Shenyang Yuanda Enterprise Group and praised their courage to go out and seize the overseas market.

"When the General Secretary came to visit, our export volume was 20 billion yuan, and now it has increased to 57.5 billion yuan." Kang Baohua, chairman of Shenyang Yuanda Enterprise Group, said that the company's products are exported to more than 140 countries and regions.

With a coastline of more than 2100 kilometers, Liaoning has obvious geographical advantages. It is an open door household facing Northeast Asia and an important node in the construction of the "Belt and Road". Expanding opening up is an inevitable requirement and an important way for the revitalization of Liaoning in the new era.

At the Symposium on Deepening the Revitalization of the Northeast, General Secretary Xi Jinping requested that we should speed up the implementation of the key tasks of the Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone, improve the infrastructure of key border ports, develop advantageous industrial clusters, and achieve multilateral cooperation and win-win results.

In Dalian area of Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone, one transit commodity vehicle has completed railway reshuffle to Kazakhstan, and can save half of the transportation time by passing through the new mode of land sea intermodal transportation of commodity vehicles in Northeast Asia. In the first year of 2021, more than 4000 vehicles will be transported. Last year, Liaoning launched 632 China Europe trains.

So far, Liaoning Pilot Free Trade Zone has completed 123 reform pilot tasks assigned by the national overall plan, and 13 reform and innovation experiences and practice cases, such as "bonded mixed ore" regulatory innovation, have been replicated and promoted nationwide.

Releasing its coastal advantages and deeply integrating into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", Liaoning is making every effort to build a new frontier of opening up.

Let people live better and better

"Blessed people are blessed, and everything goes according to their heart."

On the Duofu Community Square in Danan Street, Shenhe District, Shenyang, a "Hui Wen Lian" with the same mindfulness and reverse thoughts is eye-catching. Not far away are Jufu Pavilion, Yingfu Wall... The community is more "blessed" and the residents are more blessed. "The party and the government care, and we should work hard to live a good life." 66 year old community resident Zhu Tong has experienced laid-off and re employment, and now has a monthly pension of nearly 4000 yuan.

On August 30, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Duofu Community for investigation. The General Secretary pointed out that to make people live a good life is the starting point and end result of all our work. The laid-off workers in the old industrial base were relatively concentrated in the past few years. The Party and the government should earnestly care about their work and life, strengthen community services, especially for the elderly, and do a good job in employment and re employment, so that people who need help in employment and entrepreneurship can be helped, and people who need security in life can be guaranteed.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. In the past decade, Liaoning has insisted on giving priority to employment, strengthened employment training, promoted more full and high-quality employment, and ensured that zero employment families are cleared dynamically. From 2016 to 2021, 458000 new urban jobs will be created annually in the province.

Fushun is a typical resource exhausted city with a hundred years of coal mining history. On September 28, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Donghuayuan Community of Fushun City to learn about the relocation and resettlement of the coal mining subsidence area in Fushun City. At the home of Chen Yufang, a retired female worker in the textile factory, General Secretary Xi Jinping sat around with the residents and talked about the family.

"The General Secretary asked with concern how much the relocation cost, whether pension and social security can be received on time, whether it is convenient to see a doctor, and whether community service is good." Chen Yufang still remembered the scene at that time.

When leaving the community, the community residents gathered around and said hello to the General Secretary. The General Secretary shook hands with everyone one by one and said to everyone that I have always been concerned about resource exhausted cities, how their economies are and how people live. This time I came here specially to see them. In the process of development and transformation of resource exhausted cities, the first thing is to ensure people's livelihood, ensure the livelihood of people in difficulty, and make people's lives better and better.

Over the years, Chen Yufang and his family have lived more comfortably and lived more smoothly. "There are 10 bus lines around the community, which is very convenient to travel; there is a primary school nearby, where my granddaughter goes to school; the new home-based elderly care service center in the community can help doctors, purchase and eat, and care for the elderly."

In Fushun, there are 6 relocation and resettlement communities in coal mining subsidence areas such as Donghuayuan. Secretary of Fushun Municipal Party Committee Lai He introduced that over the past three years, the city has completed the relocation of 1800 residents to avoid risks.

Environment is people's livelihood. The west open pit mine of Fushun Mining Group, located in the southwest of Fushun urban area, has a vertical depth of more than 400m and an area of more than 10 square kilometers. On September 28, 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Fushun Mining Group to look up at the pit of the West Open pit Mine. The General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive management of coal mining subsidence areas should be carried out in a scientific manner and spirit, and the evaluation and demonstration should be done well, so as to make good use of this big article.

In June 2019, the west open pit was formally closed. Today, a large green area in the west of the mine is verdant. "We have completed the ecological restoration of 1.15 million square meters of mine pits, initially forming a general idea of governance, and striving to let the citizens enjoy the dividends of ecological restoration as soon as possible," said Li Zhaofu, chairman of Fushun Mining Group.

Liaoning accelerated the green transformation and upgrading of mining industry in the province, and the number of non coal mines decreased by 1345 in three years, down 42%; 100 green mines were built, and 589 mining enterprises were included in the establishment database. After years of treatment, the 7-square kilometer "urban scar" Haizhou Open pit Coal Mine in Fuxin has become a national mine park.

The revitalization of a region and the happiness of its people need strong material strength as well as strong spiritual strength. Fushun is the birthplace of Lei Feng spirit. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on learning Lei Feng spirit for many times, and Fushun has insisted on selecting "Lei Feng of the People" for many years.

"More attention should be paid to improving the weak points in the field of people's livelihood, so that the people can share the achievements of the revitalization of the Northeast." Liaoning keeps in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, inherits the spirit of Lei Feng, and benefits the broad masses in terms of livelihood well-being: in the past five years, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in Liaoning has increased by 5.3% and 7.7% respectively, and 143000 dilapidated rural houses have been renovated, Renovation of old residential areas benefited 1.13 million households.

In the new era, new journey and new goals, Liaoning has made new breakthroughs in all-round revitalization, and its ability to safeguard the country's "five major security" has significantly improved; New weather, new responsibility and new action, create a new situation with good business environment, strong innovation ability, excellent regional pattern, beautiful ecological environment, sufficient openness and vitality, and high happiness index. Liaoning is working hard, running fast, and rushing forward.

"Emancipate the mind, forge ahead with determination, aim at the direction, maintain determination, deepen reform, resolve contradictions, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and give full play to advantages", General Secretary Xi Jinping's ardent instructions to the cadres and masses in Northeast China are becoming a colorful picture of revitalization and development, spreading in urban and rural areas of Liaoning and Shenyang.

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