

First sight, follow the footsteps of the General Secretary, and understand the password of party history in red resources

The green mountains are towering and the Xiangshui River is flowing. The land of northern Guangxi is eulogizing the heroic song of the Long March. On the morning of the 25th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Memorial Park of the Red Army's Long March to Xiangjiang, located in Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin, Guangxi, to present flower baskets to the Red Army martyrs in the Xiangjiang Campaign, and visit the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March to Xiangjiang Campaign. At the centennial of the founding of the Party, the first stop of the General Secretary's investigation in Guangxi was chosen here, which is of far-reaching significance.

The green mountains are towering and the Xiangshui River is flowing. The land of northern Guangxi is eulogizing the heroic song of the Long March. On the morning of the 25th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Memorial Park of the Red Army's Long March to Xiangjiang, located in Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin, Guangxi, to present flower baskets to the Red Army martyrs in the Xiangjiang Campaign, and visit the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March to Xiangjiang Campaign. At the centennial of the founding of the Party, the first stop of the General Secretary's investigation in Guangxi was chosen here, which is of far-reaching significance.

On February 20 this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the mobilization conference for learning, education and party history that "the red resources of the party should be used well". Half a month later, when the NPC and CPPCC attended the deliberation, the General Secretary again talked about "red resources".

"Red Resources" contains "the password of the party history". Follow the footsteps of the General Secretary and "see" for your detailed interpretation.

On the morning of April 25, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Memorial Park of the Red Army's Long March to Xiangjiang, located in Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin, Guangxi, to present flower baskets to the Red Army martyrs in the Xiangjiang Campaign, visit the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March to remember the revolutionary martyrs and continue the spirit of the Communists. (Photographed by Xie Huanchi, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency)

One mountain and one river, looking back at the way

There is a "red cradle" in green water and green mountains. The mountains and rivers marked the way our Party came, and also left the footprints of the General Secretary's inspection.

South Lake witnessed the birth of the Party. A hundred years ago, the dream of the Party set sail from here to govern the country. In October 2017, just one week after the 19th National Congress of the CPC, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to a special trip to the site of the first National Congress of the CPC in Shanghai, the Jiaxing South Lake Red Boat, to demonstrate the firm political faith of the new leadership of the CPC Central Committee.

The Jinggangshan Mountains are ablaze with flames. 94 years ago, the Communist Party created China's first rural revolutionary base here, and explored the correct revolutionary path of encircling cities in rural areas and seizing power with armed forces. In February 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "Jinggangshan is a mountain of revolution, a mountain of battle, a mountain of heroes and a mountain of glory."

On the Long March, thousands of mountains and rivers became extremely difficult and dangerous. Our soldiers crossed nearly 100 rivers, climbed more than 40 mountains, crossed dangerous marshes and grasslands, and created a magnificent miracle in the world. In July 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Jiangtaibao to visit the Memorial Hall of the Three Armies' Meeting. He pointed out that "we should inherit and carry forward the great spirit of the Long March. With this spirit, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome."

The red country is hard won, and the hero's blood has dyed it red. From 1921 to 1949, more than 3 million Communists died for their country. Paying homage to the East China Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery in the old Yimeng Mountain area, and the Jinzhai Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Tower in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains.

The South Lake Red Boat docked at the island in the heart of the South Lake in Jiaxing (photographed by Xu Yu, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency)

Remember the history of struggle one brick at a time

Knowing what has never happened, Fang Ming will go. Walk into the revolutionary sites everywhere and fix the struggle process one brick at a time. Why can the Communist Party of China, why can Marxism work, and why is socialism with Chinese characteristics good? Looking for answers in the depth of time and understanding the red feelings of revolutionary cultural relics can help us understand the past, present and future of the Communist Party of China.

In Gutian, Fujian Province, the new type of people's army was finalized here. In October 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping led all members of the Central Military Commission to the site of the Gutian Conference, "to think deeply about where and why we started."

Yudu, Jiangxi Province, the starting point of the Long March of the Central Red Army. In May 2019, the General Secretary arrived at the Memorial Hall of the Long March Departure of the Central Red Army after more than 7 hours' transfer by three means of transportation. He stressed that "we should drink from the source, not forget the revolutionary martyrs, and not forget the people of the Central Soviet Area."

Zunyi, Guizhou. The Zunyi Conference held here is a turning point of life and death for the Chinese revolution. In June 2015, the General Secretary visited the exhibition hall of Zunyi Conference and told the commentator: "Tell everyone how our party came here."

Xibaipo, Hebei Province, is the starting point for our party to "go to Beijing for an examination". In July 2013, the General Secretary visited the Xibaipo Memorial Hall and pointed out that "the 'exam' facing the Party is far from over."

Hefei, Anhui Province, is the seat of the General Front Committee of the River Crossing Campaign. In August last year, at the Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign, the General Secretary sighed, "The victory of the Huaihai Campaign was pushed by the people with cars, and the victory of the Crossing the River Campaign was pulled by the people with boats."

Xibaipo Memorial Square, Hebei (Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Xiao)

"Strengthening the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics, carrying forward revolutionary culture and inheriting the red gene are the common responsibilities of the whole party and society." Last month, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave important instructions on the work of revolutionary cultural relics.

There are more than 36000 immovable revolutionary cultural relics in China, and more than 1 million pieces/set of movable revolutionary cultural relics are in the collection of state-owned museums; The opening rate of revolutionary sites of national cultural relics protection units exceeded 93%, and the total number of revolutionary museums and memorial halls exceeded 1600... A group of data witnessed the "acceleration" of the protection and utilization of revolutionary cultural relics.

Light up the heart lamp word by word

What is the Communist Party? Even if the Communist Party had a quilt of its own, it would cut half of it off and give it to the people. In October 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping told the story of "half quilt" at the conference commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March. Four years later, in the exhibition hall of "the warmth of half quilt" in Shazhou Village, Hunan Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping instructed "to make good use of such red resources, tell good red stories, do a good job in red education, and let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation".

The sculpture of "half quilt" in Shazhou Village, Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. (Photographed by Kuang Xixi)

At this year's two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned the stories of "the first group of Communists in Inner Mongolia", "working together to build Baotou Steel", and "3000 orphans entering Inner Mongolia" when he participated in the deliberation of the Inner Mongolia delegation. On different occasions, the General Secretary often talks about red stories, small incisions and big principles to make red resources "live". Chen Wangdao mistakenly used ink as sugar water when translating the Communist Manifesto, Zhao Yiman, the heroine of the Anti Japanese War, wrote a moving family letter before she was sentenced to death, Jiao Yulu still insisted on his work in the late stage of liver cancer... Behind the words, there are the firm ideals and beliefs of the Communists. The light of ideal and the fire of belief will never go out, lighting up the beacon in the hearts of revolutionaries.

The red footprint traces back to the eventful years, the red cultural relics witness the deep love between fish and water, the red belief reflects the original heart like a rock, and the red temperament reflects the mission. Carrying a hundred years of suffering and glory, red resources are shining in the new era. Think about the past, learn from the history, and create a new history in learning the history of the Party. We will draw on the surging power of carrying forward the past and opening up the future.

Planner: Du Shangze

Written by: Kuang Xixi

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