

The wonderful appearance of "Happy Jilin"

——"Happy Northeast" Network Theme Activity Jilin Station Activity Summary

From September 17 to September 24, the "Happy Northeast" network theme activity was held in three northeastern provinces. The starting point of this activity is in our province. The event was hosted by the Network News and Information Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Office, the Cyberspace Office of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, the Cyberspace Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and the Cyberspace Office of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee. It was organized by China Economic Network, people.com.cn, xinhuanet, china.com.cn, internationalonline, China Daily, CCTV, China Youth Network, China Economic Network, Guangming, CCTV, chinanews.com, CPPCC, legal.com Central news websites such as Globegroup, commercial websites such as Toutiao, Fasthand, Tencent, Sina Weibo and major news websites in the three northeastern provinces participated. From 17th to 19th, the press team conducted in-depth interviews in Changchun and Meihekou, recorded and presented the happy scene of "Happy Jilin", told and spread the struggle story of "Happy Jilin".

From September 17 to September 24, the "Happy Northeast" network theme activity was held in three northeastern provinces. The starting point of this activity is in our province. The event was hosted by the Network News and Information Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Office, the Cyberspace Office of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, the Cyberspace Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, and the Cyberspace Office of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee. It was organized by China Economic Network, people.com.cn, xinhuanet, china.com.cn, internationalonline, China Daily, CCTV, China Youth Network, China Economic Network, Guangming, CCTV, chinanews.com, CPPCC, legal.com Central news websites such as Globegroup, commercial websites such as Toutiao, Fasthand, Tencent, Sina Weibo and major news websites in the three northeastern provinces participated. From 17th to 19th, the press team conducted in-depth interviews in Changchun and Meihekou, recorded and presented the happy scene of "Happy Jilin", told and spread the struggle story of "Happy Jilin".

On the morning of the 17th, the launching ceremony of the "Happy Northeast" network theme activity was held at the NBD headquarters of FAW Group. After the launch ceremony, the reporter went to the Innovation Building with the Hongqi H9 car fleet to experience the self developed driverless car of FAW Group. Subsequently, the press delegation visited FAW Research and Development Institute. In the electronic and electrical laboratory, FAW engineers introduced various advanced equipment to the press team in detail. The heart rate steering wheel and media free holographic operation board independently developed by FAW have particularly attracted the interest of journalists. The engineer said that the heart rate steering wheel can master the driver's ECG during the whole driving process to effectively prevent fatigue driving and improve safety; Media free holographic operation panel can greatly improve the handling and driving pleasure. While experiencing in person, journalists used new media means such as live webcast, high-definition graphics, panoramic exhibition hall, and micro video to share the experience process to the online platform in real time, which instantly attracted the audience and praise of netizens.

The press team also interviewed the "design team" of FAW Group. The engineers of the technical research team told about the hard research and development process over the years, and introduced the brilliant achievements. In the afternoon, the press delegation came to the new site of the Hongqi New Energy Automobile Factory, visited the Hongqi Culture Exhibition Hall, and visited the Hongqi car production line. Journalists made the hot struggle stories of FAW Group into short videos, Vlog and other new media products, and quickly formed the topic of "happy Jilin" on the Internet. The eye-catching theme pictures, such as "Red Flag Birth", "How are you in the passionate years", "Happy Jilin, starting from FAW", also spread quickly on the Internet.

On the 18th, the press delegation came to Meihekou City and first visited Meihekou Modern Service Industry Demonstration Zone. The press corps felt the long history here in Meihekou Museum, and looked forward to the future development here in the Urban Planning Exhibition Hall. Meihekou Sports Center is very lively, and the elderly exercising in the table tennis hall and tennis hall are laughing and laughing. When the old man who was playing football saw the reporter group coming to interview, he warmly invited the reporters to play a game.

In Lianhua Community, Guangming Street, Meihekou City, the staff introduced the "15 minute life circle", showing a new model of happy community that is efficient, convenient, full of humanistic details and full of human feelings. In Meihekou High tech Industrial Development Zone, reporters walked into Meihekou E-commerce Industrial Park to listen to the struggle stories of entrepreneurs returning home. In the afternoon, the press delegation came to Bowen Deer Industry in Luxiang Town, Shuangyang District, Changchun City to get close to the sika deer here and understand the characteristic sika deer industry here. In the sika deer museum, the press team quickly spread the sika deer culture here through the whole network by new media means; In Pangutun, Luxiang Township, the reporter team talked with deer farmers and saw that people here had paved the way for poverty alleviation with diligence and wisdom.

On the 19th, a press delegation came to Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. to visit a major country that represents the forefront of scientific and technological development. This is the first commercial remote sensing satellite company in China. Relying on key core technologies such as "on-board integration" and "airborne integration", it has developed into a commercial company integrating satellite R&D, production, launch, operation and application of the whole industrial chain. During the interview, the reporters were deeply shocked by the cutting-edge scientific research level, strong production capacity and rich achievements.

At noon, the press team took the bus to the north, ending the whole agenda of the "Happy Northeast" network theme activity in our province.

More than a month ago, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Jilin, he deeply encouraged the Northeast region, reflected new responsibilities in serving the overall work of the Party and the state, demonstrated new breakthroughs in building a new development path with higher quality, better efficiency, better structure and full release of advantages, and demonstrated new achievements in accelerating the journey of comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization in the new era. The journalists who participated in the "Happy Northeast" network theme activity, with the overall situation in mind, played the "Endeavour Drum" for the revitalization of the Northeast by means of media communication; Focusing on practical results, the theme publicity has triggered "empathy" and "resonance" among the masses; Innovative means have improved the "arrival power" of theme publicity. The reporters bent down, face to face with the cadres and the masses, and were close to each other. They captured the most vivid news materials, recorded the most authentic and moving stories, dug out the struggle stories and enterprising qualities behind the pursuit of happy life of the northeast people, dug out the innovation points for the revitalization and development of the northeast region, dug out the highlights of the lives of ordinary people, and practiced the "four forces" of ideological propaganda, Grasp the pulse of the times, closely follow the heartstrings of the masses, and draw a picture of happiness.

In three days, the reporters of the interview group said frankly that "happy Jilin" was in front of us when we walked this way.

"Happy Jilin" is a hot struggle story. Reporters said that happiness is not shouted out, but actually done. From the research and development of scientists and engineers to the standard operation of front-line workers; From the hard work of community workers to the scientific exploration of farmers in villages and towns, all these embody the sweat and happiness of struggle. "Happy Jilin" is a masterpiece of the strivers, and "Happy Jilin" belongs to the strivers.

"Happy Jilin" is a confident family and country feeling. Reporters said that when we saw the appearance of our self-developed scientific and technological products, and saw that core technology was in our own hands, national pride and self-confidence arose spontaneously. The journalists demonstrated the innovative achievements of "Happy Jilin" in various ways, praised the confident family and country feelings, and applauded the craftsmen of the big country who brought this confidence.

"Happy Jilin" is a happy smile of true feelings. Reporters said that the smile of true feelings is unforgettable everywhere, whether in the factory or in the community. Engineers and workers regard the products they produce as their own works; Trivia and problems of community residents can be solved in time in the community; The elderly have something to depend on and enjoy when they are old... This is the concrete embodiment of "happy Jilin". The happiness and sense of gain of Jilin people are reflected in every detail of this land and in everyone's true smile.

"Happy Jilin" is blue sky and white clouds, green water and green mountains. Jilin's pleasant climate and beautiful environment left a deep impression on the press corps. Dense woods and clear rivers in the city; The breeze blowing from the lake in the park and the beautiful night scene accompanied by soothing music made the press team linger.

"Happy Jilin" is a beautiful and rich land, a simple and harmonious folk custom, an open and inclusive mind, and an aggressive spirit... At present, Jilin has made decisive achievements in poverty alleviation, and the construction of a new development pattern is steadily advancing. "Happy Jilin" is an organic component of "Happy Northeast", and it is also a strong proof of "Happy Northeast".

Happy Northeast, set sail from Jilin. Happy Jilin, always on the way.

Jilin Daily: Wang Rui

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