

Law enforcement and warmth behind a barbecue shop

There is a small shop in Nanguan District with a special name, "Single Dad with Two Children Barbecue Shop". Liu Yufa, the shopkeeper, used to be an open-air barbecue vendor who "fought guerrillas" with the law enforcement officers of the city management every day. When talking about this small shop, we can't help mentioning the Spring Squadron of Nanguan District Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. The story of this store starts from 2018.

Column opening phrase

Each story, like a mirror, reflects the real city. The stories are linked together to outline the appearance of a city. Today, the "All Media New Story Changchun Plan" is officially launched. We will tell the story of the city's butterfly transformation in a small way, the story of the improvement of the city's spiritual character and cultural demeanor, the story of the construction of Changchun's modern metropolitan area, and record the pulse of Changchun's development with the works stained with soil, dewdrops, and hot air and the story of grounding.

There is a small shop in Nanguan District with a special name, "Single Dad with Two Children Barbecue Shop". Liu Yufa, the shopkeeper, used to be an open-air barbecue vendor who "fought guerrillas" with the law enforcement officers of the city management every day. When talking about this small shop, we can't help mentioning the Spring Squadron of Nanguan District Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau. The story of this store starts from 2018.

At the end of 2018, Xue Li'an, the leader of the Spring Squadron of Nanguan District Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau, and his colleagues found in their daily inspection that a man always set up a barbecue stall on the street. Although he was persuaded and banned many times, the man still set up a stall on the roadside when law enforcement officers were not paying attention. "Many times, we think that this man should have something difficult to say. After asking, we learned that his family lives in Yongchun Community, and we went to the community for a visit and investigation." Xue Li'an said that after investigation, it was found that the man raised two young children alone, without formal work and fixed income, and relied on stall to make a living. This person is Liu Yufa.

Xue Li'an and his colleagues understood Liu Yufa very much when they learned about this situation, but according to the urban management regulations, the outdoor barbecue stalls must be banned. How can we not only ensure a clean city, but also solve Liu Yufa's life problems? After discussion, it was decided that the squadron would come forward to contact the businesses in the community and the area under its jurisdiction to find a suitable store for Liu Yufa to help him achieve indoor business. At the same time, we will coordinate with the relevant departments of industry and commerce, taxation, etc. of Nanguan District to handle the business license and other formalities required by the barbecue shop. Xue Li'an and his colleagues also spontaneously donated 3000 yuan to Liu Yufa as the starting fund for his barbecue business.

In the first half of last year, Liu Yufa's barbecue shop opened. He named his shop "Single Dad with Two Children Barbecue Shop". The surrounding residents also supported him after learning about his situation and often came to the store to spend money. Now the daily average sales of the store has reached more than 1000 yuan.

"Our jurisdiction belongs to the old urban area, with many difficulties and difficulties in daily management and high work intensity, but we always believe that law enforcement is only a form, and service is the essence. While strictly enforcing the law, we should try our best to serve businesses in their daily operations, residents in a harmonious life, and the city in an orderly manner." Xue Li'an said that in urban management, When law enforcement officers sink into each community under their jurisdiction, they should listen to residents' opinions every week, collect reflected problems, and strive to coordinate various departments to solve these problems within their responsibilities.

The story of this small shop is just a microcosm of many urban management stories. In Changchun, the story of hard and soft urban management happens every day.

Reporter's notes: After the interview, the warmth lingered in my heart for a long time. Laws and regulations are rigid, but cities are warm. Rigid law enforcement is not opposed to soft warmth. The combination of hardness and softness makes urban management more attractive. In the streets and alleys of Changchun, urban managers, regardless of wind, frost, rain and snow, or sunny days, are quietly paying for a clean, orderly, clean and beautiful urban environment, and inadvertently become the protagonist of warm stories.

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