

The more we weave, the warmer we weave

Give warm care to people in need

In recent years, the social assistance organization system of our city has become more and more perfect. For three consecutive years, we have carried out the "four one batch" special action to cover the minimum living standard. In three years, we have formulated and implemented more than 140 social assistance policies, built a "five in one" social assistance system, built a comprehensive platform for social assistance, and promoted the "Changchun Model" information verification system nationwide.

A more and more densely woven and warmer social security network has enabled 196000 poverty-stricken people who enjoy subsistence allowances and special poverty relief in our city to receive real warm care.

A few days ago, the reporter walked into Mu Zhongbo's home in the English town of Xinyuan Street, Kuancheng District. The house with one room and one hall was simply furnished, but it was bright and clean. Mu Zhongbo was cooking lunch. With disabilities, she lost her ability to work and did not have a stable income. After divorce, she had to raise her son on her own, and the life was very difficult. In 2017, Xinyuan Street of Kuancheng District handled a minimum living allowance for her, with a monthly minimum allowance of 1420 yuan and a classified allowance of 710 yuan. Since then, she and her son have been guaranteed their lives. Last December, when Mou Zhongbo fell ill, the staff of Xinyuan Street ran around and took her to the hospital for examination and treatment, and also applied for 3720 yuan of temporary assistance. Life is full of food and clothing, and people take care of illness. Mou Zhongbo keeps thanking the government for its good policies.

In Xinyuan Street, there are 119 households and 168 people who have received social assistance and improved their lives, like Mu Zhongbo, while in the city (including Gongzhuling City), there are 127000 households and 196000 people who have received social assistance and support for subsistence allowances and people in special need. Our city also provided temporary assistance to 19000 households and 27000 people.

The low-income families take the government as the backbone, and the government also takes the low-income families as relatives. Pan Wei, the head of the Civil Affairs Section of Xinyuan Street, who has been engaged in social assistance for more than two years, recalled that two years ago, when Zhang, a low-income family, was released from prison in a childless district, the street staff were responsible for everything from illness to surgery to rehabilitation treatment to death. The staff supported a clear sky for low-income families with love. Such heartwarming events are staged in our city every day.

Changchun, "China's Top Ten Cities for a Better Life" from 2019 to 2020, ranked first in China in terms of social assistance satisfaction. This is the remarkable achievement of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, which attach great importance to social assistance, intensively introduce policies and measures, increase financial investment year by year, and continuously improve the level of assistance.

In recent years, the social assistance organization system of our city has become more and more perfect. For three consecutive years, we have carried out the "four one batch" special action to cover the minimum living standard. In three years, we have formulated and implemented more than 140 social assistance policies, built a "five in one" social assistance system, built a comprehensive platform for social assistance, and promoted the "Changchun Model" information verification system nationwide. "In January this year, the urban and rural minimum living standards in our city were raised to 710 yuan and 500 yuan per month, respectively, the largest increase ever. The basic living standards of urban and rural people with extreme poverty reached 1130 yuan and 860 yuan per month, and 26000 people with extreme poverty had no worries about life, food and clothing." Ma Xiaoqiang, director of the Social Assistance Division of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, said that our city also delegated the approval authority of temporary assistance to towns (streets) Since 2017, 63000 households and 88000 person times have been rescued and 89 million yuan has been spent. In order to strengthen the bottom line guarantee during the epidemic, 3762 people were included in the first half of the year for subsistence allowances and special hardship cases, 19000 households and 27000 people were temporarily assisted, and the temporary assistance was approved and distributed on the same day, with an expenditure of 17.8 million yuan. An epidemic prevention subsidy of 700000 yuan was granted to 14000 people; 10 million yuan of poverty-stricken consumption vouchers were issued to benefit nearly 200000 people in need. By the end of June, 27140 registered poverty-stricken people had been included in the minimum living allowance or extreme poverty, 1541 of 1703 people who had not been lifted out of poverty had been included in the coverage, and all the people who had returned to poverty had been included in the coverage.

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