National Development and Reform Commission: Macro policy effects continue to show market confidence and overall stability
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, May 22 (Reporter Xu Weina) Since this year, with the gradual implementation of large-scale equipment renewal, consumer goods trade in policy, ultra long term special national debt and other investment projects, the resilience and vitality of China's economic development has been shown. How is the progress of a series of policy projects? What work will be promoted in the next stage?

On the 21st, the National Development and Reform Commission held a regular press conference in May, and Li Chao, deputy director and spokesman of the Policy Research Office of the National Development and Reform Commission, responded to the hot issues of recent economic operation.

Make efforts in three aspects to improve the quality and efficiency of the evaluation work

At present, China's high-quality economic development continues to make new progress. However, it is also necessary to strengthen the role of macro policies and constantly improve the efficiency of macro policy regulation in order to consolidate and enhance the recovery of the economy. What has the National Development and Reform Commission done to assess policy consistency?

"The evaluation of the consistency of macro policy orientation is an important means to strengthen the overall coordination of macro policies." Li Chao said that recently, in terms of the evaluation of policy consistency, the National Development and Reform Commission has focused on three aspects of work:

First, optimize the top-level design of the evaluation system. On the basis of the practice of consistency assessment in recent years, we will further improve the assessment system, determine the scope of non economic policies to be included in the consistency assessment, clarify the subject of assessment responsibility, assessment criteria, assessment workflow, and application of assessment results, enhance the consistency of macro policy orientation, and create a stable, transparent, and predictable policy environment.

Second, do a good job in evaluation with high quality. According to the annual macro policy orientation, scientifically and accurately assess the direct and indirect impacts of various policies on the proposed policies. For the policy of accepting and accepting the evaluation, we should strictly follow the evaluation procedures to solicit opinions, research and demonstrate, communicate and coordinate, and promote all departments to constantly adjust and improve the policy according to the evaluation opinions, so as to ensure that the evaluation function is fully played.

Third, strengthen the construction of evaluation team. Concentrate on the establishment of a special evaluation team to promote the efficient and orderly operation of the evaluation mechanism. We will promote all departments to constantly improve their self-assessment capabilities and quality and efficiency, encourage local governments to actively explore and carry out the consistency assessment of macro policy orientation, and give timely guidance to relevant work. Promote relevant parties to maintain consistency with the macro policy orientation at all stages of policy formulation, introduction, implementation and adjustment, and promote the final effect of policies to conform to the decision-making intention of the CPC Central Committee.

Li Chao said that in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of the evaluation work, innovate and improve the evaluation methods, strengthen policy coordination and work coordination, promote the combination effect of policies in all aspects, and better serve the high-quality economic development.

Prosperity level and enterprise expectations continue to improve

According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in April, the manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) was 50.4%, which was in the expansion range for two consecutive months. The manufacturing industry continued to recover. How to view the development trend of manufacturing industry? What measures will be taken next to promote the recovery and development of the manufacturing industry?

"This reflects that with the continuous emergence of macro policy effects, industrial production has steadily increased, enterprise benefits have improved, and the prosperity level and enterprise expectations continue to improve." Li Chao further made specific analysis from production, demand and other aspects:

In terms of production, the added value of manufacturing industry in April increased by 5.7% year on year, 0.6 percentage points higher than that of last month; The PMI production index of manufacturing industry was 52.9%, the highest since April 2023, reflecting the accelerated production expansion of manufacturing enterprises.

In terms of demand, the total retail sales of consumer goods in April maintained growth, and the export of goods resumed growth; The manufacturing PMI new order index and new export order index were 51.1% and 50.6% respectively, which also reflected the continued recovery of manufacturing market demand.

In terms of structure, the PMI of high-tech manufacturing industry in April was 53.0%, showing a rapid development momentum; The investment data also confirms this point. From January to April, the investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 9.7% year on year. The optimization of investment structure has laid a solid foundation for the optimization of industrial structure. At the same time, the PMI of medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises was 50.7% and 50.3% respectively, and the production index and new order index were in the expansion range for two consecutive months, reflecting that small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises maintained a momentum of recovery.

Li Chao said that favorable conditions are accumulating to promote the sustainable recovery and development of the manufacturing industry. Data such as the year-on-year growth of 4.3% in profits of industrial enterprises above designated size in the first quarter and the growth of 9.7% in investment in the manufacturing industry from January to April show that the confidence of manufacturing enterprises in future market development is generally stable.

"On the whole, China's manufacturing industry will continue to maintain the trend of recovery and development and structural optimization." Li Chao said that, in the next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will also focus on expanding effective investment, promoting domestic consumption, and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

The preparations for the "dual" construction were carried out in an orderly manner

Recently, the issue of ultra long term special treasury bonds has been put on the agenda, and the relevant policy arrangements and project progress have been paid much attention.

Li Chao introduced that since this year, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments and local governments, has promoted the preparations for ultra long term special national debt to support the "dual" construction from three aspects:

First, do a good job of project reserve. Since February this year, the National Development and Reform Commission has organized various local and relevant departments to sort out and reserve ultra long term special treasury bond projects that can be started this year. At the same time, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will work together to improve the guarantee mechanism for land use, environmental impact assessment and other elements of major projects, and organize a national video training conference to guide and help local governments to accelerate the preliminary work of the project.

Second, detailed tasks and measures. Organize and hold a video conference of the national development and reform system, and assign each place to further refine and implement the key tasks of "dual" construction. At the same time, we will work with relevant departments to study and clarify the detailed requirements of "hard investment" projects and the specific measures of "soft construction". "soft construction" refers to the system construction promoted to ensure the construction of investment projects, and formulate and issue relevant special plans and implementation plans as required.

Third, prepare for the release of the first batch of projects. In accordance with the requirements of the recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the early issuance and good use of ultra long term special treasury bonds, and the work deployment of the mobilization video conference held by the State Council to support the "dual" construction deployment, on the basis of the early work, we sorted out a number of major projects that meet the "dual" construction requirements and can be immediately released for investment, and we can accelerate the construction after the treasury bond funds are in place.

"Next, the National Development and Reform Commission will take the lead in organizing and implementing the key tasks of the 'dual' construction together with relevant parties." Li Chao said, specifically, the National Development and Reform Commission will play a leading role in organizing and implementing the "hard investment" projects, accelerate the introduction and implementation of the "soft construction" policy, and strengthen the tracking and evaluation of the implementation effect. (Intern Zhang Yichi also contributed to this article)

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