Housing buyers expect the new policies to accelerate the implementation
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Securities Times reporter Wu Jiaming

After the release of a new round of new policies on the property market, the property market in many places showed signs of recovery. After abolishing the lower limit of housing loan interest rate and lowering the down payment ratio at the national level, how to specifically follow up the policy has become the most promising thing for the market.

Among a number of new policies in the property market, the new policy of provident fund was implemented most rapidly. Recently, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as Tianjin, Zhuhai, Huizhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Suzhou, Quanzhou and other cities have announced to reduce the interest rate of housing provident fund loans. In addition to the reduction of interest rates, various regions have also reduced the burden on residents to buy houses through diversified ways. For example, Shenzhen Provident Fund Center has provided the inter-bank "mortgage transfer" fund supervision service for second-hand housing for free; In many cities, the maximum amount of provident fund loans will be increased for families with more children and families who buy green houses.

Chen Wenjing, director of market research of China Index Research Institute, said that the policy related to provident fund is still one of the important measures to promote the entry of rigid and improving housing demand into the market and support the release of housing purchase demand. In order to further reduce the cost of housing purchase, local governments may continue to implement and optimize the "business to public" policy based on the actual situation of their own provident fund use Cities with relevant policies are expected to continue to expand.

"I am more concerned about whether the down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate will be adjusted, which will have a direct impact on the cost of housing purchase." In a new housing marketing center in Luohu District, Shenzhen, a buyer asked the property manager. The property manager told reporters that some buyers who were not in a hurry for online signing would also ask whether the online signing time could be properly postponed, hoping to wait until the policy was implemented so as to enjoy the benefits of the policy.

A person from a real estate enterprise said that because the policy details have not yet been issued and the building is still implementing the previous rules, it is expected that it will take some time to reflect the actual transaction effect.

According to public market information, banks in Hefei, Wuhan and other cities have confirmed to implement the new policy of 15% down payment for the first set of housing and 25% down payment for the second set of housing. Yan Yuejin, the research director of E-House Research Institute, said that this meant that there would be room for a continuous decline in the down payment ratio in all regions. It is expected that the down payment ratio of first homes in second tier cities may be reduced to 15%.

The housing loan interest rate is an important means of regulating the property market. According to the statistics of the China Index Research Institute, the lower limit of the first housing loan interest rate has been phased out in more than 40 cities across the country so far, and the housing loan interest rate has fallen to a historical low, and the cost of housing purchase has also decreased. Some insiders believe that the new policy of the real estate market makes it clear that each region can independently determine whether to set the lower limit and the lower limit level of the commercial individual housing loan interest rate in each city within its jurisdiction, and whether the first tier cities such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen implement the new policy mentioned above, which still needs to be made clear by the government departments of each city at present.

Chen Wenjing said that after the lower limit of the first house loan interest rate was cancelled in most cities, the interest rate of the first house loan was generally between 3.25% and 3.55%, and the interest rate of the first house loan of some banks in a few cities was as low as 3.1%. As the down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate continue to adjust, the down payment ratio in most cities is expected to be 15% for the first set and 25% for the second set; In terms of housing loan interest rate, more cities may refer to the current housing loan interest rate level of some cities for adjustment.

Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, believes that there are many important policies introduced by the regulators this time, but at present, only the provident fund policy has been implemented. As for the market, the details of how other policies will be implemented in different regions still need to be clarified, so it is expected that the impact of the policies will gradually appear in the market after this week.

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