Yangzhou Integrated Circuit Industry Forum, seeking a new chapter in development

2024-05-17 15:06 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Miao Su)
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Yangzhou Integrated Circuit Industry Forum, seeking a new chapter in development

15:06, May 17, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

At 9:00 a.m. on May 15, Guochuangxin Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. held its opening ceremony in Yangzhou Economic Development Zone. On the same day, the "Integrated Circuit Industry Exchange Conference" hosted by Yangzhou Economic Development Zone Guokong Group was also warmly launched, with the active participation of various enterprises from the national integrated circuit industry, and the heads of relevant industrial parks and enterprises in Yangzhou Economic Development Zone.

In recent years, Yangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone has taken the new optoelectronics industry as an important pole of the "three new and three high" leading industry in the whole district, set up a green optoelectronics industrial park, continuously increased investment and support for the integrated circuit industry, and promoted the rapid development of the integrated circuit industry through policy guidance, financial support, talent introduction and other measures, The semiconductor industry ecology with the characteristics of the Economic Development Zone has initially formed.

Yangzhou Integrated Circuit Industry Forum is an important event held by Yangzhou to promote the development of integrated circuit industry. It aims to gather industry forces and jointly promote technological innovation and market expansion of integrated circuit industry. On the forum, some scientific and technological representatives shared the company's latest research results and application cases in the field of quantum technology, demonstrating the huge potential and broad prospects of quantum technology in the integrated circuit industry. The participation of these outstanding enterprises not only added highlights to the forum, but also provided strong support for the development of Yangzhou's integrated circuit industry.

Celebrities from all walks of life gathered to witness the glory. The forum gathered capital and industrial resources from all over the world, allowing everyone to share friendship, seek common development, and discuss cooperation, so that the convergence of ideas collided with the spark of development, and the exchange of industries reached a consensus of cooperation. At the same time, it is also faced with many challenges and opportunities, which require the joint efforts of all parties in the industry to strengthen cooperation and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the industry.

The successful holding of Yangzhou Integrated Circuit Industry Forum not only provides a platform for communication and cooperation among all parties in the industry, but also injects new impetus into the development of Yangzhou integrated circuit industry. It is believed that with the joint efforts of all parties, Yangzhou's integrated circuit industry will usher in a better future.

(Editor in charge: Miao Su)