It's about the "pocketbook" of the mortgage family! 15% down payment for the first suite in many places

2024-05-22 07:25 Source: Beijing Daily client
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(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)
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It's about the "pocketbook" of the mortgage family! 15% down payment for the first suite in many places

07:25, May 22, 2024     Source: Beijing Daily client    

On May 17, the central bank's real estate financial policy was issued for three consecutive times, including lowering the minimum down payment ratio of personal housing loans, lowering the interest rate of personal housing provident fund loans, and canceling the lower limit of commercial personal housing loan interest rates for the first and second homes nationwide. After the release of the blockbuster "combination boxing" of real estate finance, banks in many places across the country recently took the lead in implementing the latest down payment standards, that is, the down payment ratio of the first set of housing was reduced to 15%, and the down payment ratio of the second set of housing was reduced to 25%.

Wuhan launched the first shot of the national "down payment ratio reduced to 15%". Staff of the Personal Loan Department of many banks in Wuhan said that some banks began to implement a down payment of 15% for the first set and 25% for the second set; In addition, the interest rate of the first house loan was reduced from 3.55% to 3.25%.

This means that Wuhan has become the first city to reduce the lower limit of housing loan interest rate after the New Deal in the property market, and also the first city to implement the reduction of the down payment ratio of first and second homes. In February this year, the lower limit of personal mortgage interest rate of Wuhan's first house was LPR-40 basis points (3.55%). After the implementation of the new housing loan policy, Wuhan's first housing loan interest rate was reduced by another 30 basis points.

On May 21, news of the implementation of the new policy also came out of Hefei. It is reported that the down payment ratio of the first house loan in Hefei has dropped to 15%, the down payment ratio of the second house loan has dropped to 25%, and the interest rate of the first house loan has also dropped to 3.45%. However, at present, various banks have taken different actions in adjusting the down payment ratio of housing loans and loan interest rates, and some banks have not yet received the relevant notice on adjusting the down payment ratio of first homes.

Zhengzhou Bank has begun to implement the down payment ratio of 15% for the first set of housing and 25% for the second set of housing. The interest rate of commercial housing loan has not changed for the time being. Previously, the minimum down payment ratio of Zhengzhou's first house was no less than 20%, and the commercial loan interest rate was 3.45%; The minimum down payment ratio of the second set of housing is no less than 30%, and the housing loan interest rate is 4.15%.

In addition, it is reported that the lower limit of the loan interest rate for the first set of housing in Changsha has been reduced from 3.75% to 3.65%, and the interest rate for the second set of housing has been reduced from 4.1% to 3.95%. The above housing loan interest rate policy has been implemented since the 21st. The loan interest rate for the housing that has been loaned has been adjusted uniformly since January 1 next year. At the same time, the down payment ratio for the first set of housing and the second set of housing in Changsha has also been reduced to 15% and 25% respectively.

The implementation of new policies by banks in many regions has lowered the initial capital threshold for house buyers and alleviated their capital pressure. The response of the first tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen to the policy is also focused on the reduction of provident fund interest rate, and the mortgage interest rate and down payment ratio have not been adjusted yet.

"The optimization of the minimum down payment ratio can lower the threshold for residents to buy houses and help boost housing consumption." At the regular briefing of the State Council's policy held by the former National People's Office of the People's Republic of China, Tao Ling, vice governor of the People's Bank of China, said that after the adjustment of the minimum down payment ratio of housing loans, the city government can still take measures accordingly for the city. On the basis of the lower limit of the down payment proportion determined by the city government, commercial banks can independently determine the specific down payment proportion according to the customer risk status.

Recently, in order to further promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, some regions have launched a number of stimulus measures. On May 20, Chongqing issued a number of housing purchase support policies, including the implementation of housing purchase subsidies for families with more children, the granting of housing purchase subsidies for "replacement", the implementation of housing purchase subsidies for talents, and the further optimization of the identification of housing units.

Since the People's Bank of China lowered the down payment ratio, abolished the lower limit of loan interest rate and lowered the interest rate of provident fund loan on May 17, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities have lowered the interest rate of provident fund loan by 0.25 percentage points. Before the new deal, except for 8 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, other cities have chosen to implement 20% and 30% of the national bottom line policies for down payment. The industry generally expects that the down payment proportion of most cities will be reduced to 15% and 20% next, and third and fourth tier cities and ordinary second tier cities are expected to give priority to policy adjustment.

As for the down payment ratio, Wang Xiaoqiang, chief analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, believes that this is an industry trend. It is expected that the down payment ratio of the first and second tier cities will be reduced to the lowest level. The down payment ratio of the first and second tier cities is expected to be generally reduced to 20% and 30%. The down payment ratio of the first and second tier cities may be reduced to 25% and 35% respectively.

"At present, the proportion of down payment of housing loans in various regions is high, which has affected the pace of home buyers entering the market, and people's livelihood also hopes to reduce the proportion of down payment." Zhao Xiuchi, president of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Real Estate Research Institute of Capital University of Economics and Business, said that only reducing the proportion of down payment will increase the pressure on later repayment for buyers. Therefore, Lowering the interest rate of provident fund loan and canceling the lower limit of commercial housing loan interest rate are more affordable for buyers, which can reduce the purchase cost and burden of buyers and enhance their purchasing ability.

(Editor in charge: Ma Changyan)