Delisting forces the scenic spot to improve quality and upgrade

2023-12-31 06:06 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wang Jupeng)
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Delisting forces the scenic spot to improve quality and upgrade

06:06, December 31, 2023     Source: Economic Daily     Fan Chuchu

Recently, 22 4A level tourist attractions in Shandong Province were delisted, downgraded, and rectified within a time limit due to serious failure or problems in the annual review inspection. Many of them are well-known scenic spots, which has attracted attention.

The reason why these scenic spots were delisted is that there are few tourists in winter and the operation of the scenic spots is difficult to sustain. There are also subjective reasons such as insufficient innovation awareness, aging facilities and equipment, and poor management services. Nowadays, tourists' requirements for tourism experience are increasing day by day, and they are no longer satisfied with "stepping on" tourism of "getting on the bus to sleep, getting off to take photos". The scenic spot must have a good management level and innovative operation means, and constantly enhance the immersive interactive experience, in order to attract tourists to "come again".

Although winter is the off-season for tourism, it does not mean that the scenic spot can "lie flat". We should work together through both supply and demand to change the off-season to the peak season. For example, to stimulate tourists' enthusiasm for consumption by lowering prices and issuing coupons; Develop seasonal tourism landscape and combine it with leisure and catering; Enrich product supply, develop iterative business formats and products, innovate consumption scenarios, and expand online and offline marketing channels, such as "cloud tourism", featured cultural and creative surroundings, etc. For some mountain and forest scenic spots that need to be closed due to forest protection and fire prevention due to objective factors, relevant departments may give certain subsidies as appropriate to help improve, enhance and perfect the scenic spots and maintain tourism resources.

In order to change the status quo of "relying on the weather" of tourist attractions in individual regions, it is necessary to constantly improve the professional operation capacity of scenic spots. It is necessary to integrate resources by introducing professional operation and management teams, and create characteristic scenic spots according to resource advantages; At the same time, cross-border cooperation with drama, music and other fields can be carried out to carry out art into the scenic area and create a cultural industry park with integrated development. For some scenic spots that are relatively far away and cannot be reached directly by public transportation, we can provide shuttle bus "point-to-point" services at some high-speed railway and bus stations, so as to ease the traffic problems in scenic spots and make remote scenic spots "hot".

In addition, it is necessary to establish the concept of taking tourists as the center and enhance the service experience of tourists. Attention should be paid to the maintenance of roads and environment in the scenic area, timely repair and update signboards, and improve basic supporting facilities such as parking lots, tourist maps, and home stay accommodation. It is necessary to make it convenient and decent for tourists to come and provide strong support for the sustainable development of tourist attractions. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Fan Chuchu)

(Editor in charge: Wang Jupeng)