Joint efforts to curb the chaos of auto loans

2023-11-14 06:08 Source: Economic Daily
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(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)
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Joint efforts to curb the chaos of auto loans

06:08, November 14, 2023     Source: Economic Daily     Clarify

The police in a certain place recently solved a serious automobile loan fraud case, and arrested 17 suspects, with the loan fraud amount up to more than 60 million yuan. All of them have been transferred for review and prosecution. The detection of this case once again revealed the seriousness and urgency of the problem of automobile loan fraud.

The frequent occurrence of automobile loan fraud cases has become a major problem in the automobile industry. Similar cases are common, and some cases are worth more than 100 million yuan. These criminal gangs of loan fraud committed crimes across provinces, recruited a large number of professional "debt payers", registered companies for them, falsely purchased real estate for credit reporting and packaging, and then bought cars with low down payment in their name. Later, by forging the purchase invoice and certificate procedures, the vehicle was "washed white" and sold to second-hand car dealers at a preferential price. The remaining loans will not be repaid, causing losses to the auto finance company.

This behavior not only brings huge losses to auto finance companies, but also seriously affects the healthy development of the auto market. For such fraud, we should not only severely punish it from the legal perspective, but also deeply reflect and solve it from the industry perspective.

Auto financing companies and auto dealers need to be more strict and meticulous in customer qualification review and loan approval process. There should be more keen vigilance and strict review mechanism for any abnormal trading behavior. At the same time, the industry should actively explore more effective risk prevention and control measures for the emergence of the professional group "debtor". The background investigation and credit evaluation of loan applicants should be strengthened, and more advanced technical means such as big data analysis can also be used to identify abnormal transaction and fraud.

As far as consumers are concerned, they should learn about the information of cars in many aspects when buying cars, including the source, price, quality, etc. of the cars, and try to choose the car dealers with brand guarantees. They should not blindly trust some unreliable businesses because they want to be cheap. At the same time, consumers also need to understand the relevant knowledge and laws and regulations of auto loans. They should carefully read the contract terms and understand the loan interest rate, repayment period, liability for breach of contract and other important information. In case of unclear terms or contracts suspected of fraud, professionals or relevant institutions should be consulted in a timely manner to avoid being cheated.

In addition, the government departments should strengthen the supervision of the auto finance industry and establish a cross sectoral and cross regional cooperation mechanism. In case of loan fraud, the relevant personnel shall be severely punished and investigated for legal responsibility. At the same time, government departments should also promote the improvement of relevant laws and regulations, provide more powerful legal protection for the healthy development of the industry, and strive to build a fair, just and transparent automobile market environment. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Gou Mingyang)

(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)