Zheng Qingdong Meets with Chen Yonghong and His Delegation

2023-08-22 06:01 Source: Economic Daily client
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(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)
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Zheng Qingdong Meets with Chen Yonghong and His Delegation

06:01, August 22, 2023     Source: Economic Daily client    

On August 21, President and Chief Editor Zheng Qingdong met Chen Yonghong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Maanshan Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department of Anhui Province, and his delegation in the newspaper.

Chen Yonghong and his delegation also visited the All Media Center of Economic Daily and the social history exhibition.

Qi Dongxiang, the editorial board member of the Economic Daily, and the heads of the Theory Department, the Resident Press Department, and the News Development Center attended the meeting.


(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)