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Economic Daily: Focusing on "efficiency" to help return to work and achieve production

05:50, June 11, 2022     Source: Economic Daily     Li Wanxiang

At present, the epidemic situation in the whole country has remained stable, and all departments around the country continue to help enterprises to rescue according to the needs of market players. With the help of a series of measures, the positive factors of economic operation increased and market confidence increased. Recently, the State Council sent a supervision team to carry out a special inspection on 12 provinces to ensure stable growth and market entities to ensure employment. It was found that in some places, there are still problems such as inadequate and inaccurate policy implementation, simple work, "one size fits all", arbitrary fees and fines. This shows that it is still necessary to further improve the scientificity, accuracy and pertinence of measures to create a good environment for returning to work and reaching production.

Since this year, market players in catering, tourism, foreign trade, transportation and other industries have been greatly impacted by the repeated COVID-19 epidemic. The "hard measures" of taking multiple measures to continuously optimize the development of the "soft environment" and effectively help enterprises solve problems and overcome difficulties have become the key to stabilizing the main market and stabilizing the economic market. Policies and measures have been introduced to balance the relationship between effective epidemic prevention and economic development. On the one hand, we should accelerate the implementation of the policies and package of measures to stabilize the economy determined by the central government, and enhance the confidence of market players; On the other hand, we should pay attention to the time effect of the connection between management and decentralization, break the policy inertia in special periods, adjust the prevention and control policies accurately, and do not use epidemic prevention and control as a reason to limit the normal business activities of market entities. Only practical measures can promote greater policy effects.

In order to coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, efforts must be made on "efficiency". On the one hand, we should unswervingly adhere to the general policy of "dynamic zeroing", pay close attention to the key work of epidemic prevention and control, and firmly consolidate the hard won achievements of epidemic prevention and control. On the other hand, it is necessary to implement precise control by category, resolutely prevent "one size fits all", create a good business environment for market players, actively and timely understand the needs and difficulties of enterprises, adjust and improve policies and measures that are not conducive to restoring market confidence, and enhance their pertinence and operability. Promote more open and transparent prevention and control policies, timely release information, and ensure the public's right to know. At the same time, strengthen supervision, pursue accountability and efficiency, and actively respond to reasonable demands. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Li Wanxiang)

(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)

Economic Daily: Focusing on "efficiency" to help return to work and achieve production

2022-06-11 05:50 Source: Economic Daily
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