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Only by preventing the epidemic can we stabilize the economy

05:37, May 11, 2022     Source: Economic Daily     She Ying

Preventing the epidemic and stabilizing the economy is an important task for the current overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Some people believe that as long as control is relaxed, the economy can rapidly improve. This idea views the current problems in economic and social development in a one-sided way, and also reverses the relationship between epidemic prevention and control and economic development.

First of all, we must see that the complexity, seriousness and uncertainty of China's economic development are rising, which are not only affected by the internal impact of the multiple distribution of the domestic epidemic and the prevention and control of the epidemic, but also affected by the global epidemic and the external environment of the complex international situation. Over the past few years, with the global pandemic of COVID-19, many countries in the world have been repeatedly struggling in the cycle of "blockade - epidemic slowdown - deregulation - epidemic rebound - blockade again", dragging down their own economic recovery.

Over the past two years, China's epidemic prevention and control practice has proved that the "dynamic zeroing" approach has the lowest cost, the best effect, and can restore economic and social vitality as soon as possible, which is in line with China's reality. During the May Day holiday this year, places with relatively stable epidemic prevention and control situation, such as Chengdu Chongqing region, the Pearl River Delta, and the central and western regions, have seen a higher degree of tourist activity, injecting impetus into the holiday economy. To stabilize the economy and ensure safe development, we must effectively coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. If the epidemic cannot be prevented, there will be no way to talk about economic and social development. Vacillation and uncertainty will only lead to a rebound in the epidemic. The temporary problems and difficulties in the domestic economy and society are precisely due to the failure of some regions to always keep a clear head and unswervingly adhere to the general policy of "dynamic zeroing".

Persistence is victory. It is believed that as long as we maintain our strategic determination, unswervingly adhere to the general policy of "dynamic zeroing", and firmly build the epidemic prevention and control barrier, we will be able to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, so as to put production and life back on track as soon as possible. (Source: Economic Daily Author: She Ying)

(Editor in charge: Feng Hu)

Only by preventing the epidemic can we stabilize the economy

2022-05-11 05:37 Source: Economic Daily
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