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Counting the two sessions | Ensuring food security is an eternal topic, and the Chinese people's jobs are firmly in their own hands

09:47, March 7, 2021     Source: Economic Daily - China Economic Network    

If you have food in your hand, don't panic. After long-term efforts, China's grain output has exceeded 1.3 trillion kg for six consecutive years, and the Chinese people firmly hold their jobs in their own hands. However, the foundation of food security in China is still not solid. We must not neglect and relax food production because of successive bumper harvests. We must always tighten the string of food security.

Under the situation of large population and less land, China's grain production and demand will be in a tight balance for a long time. At present, the total annual demand for grain in China is approaching the historical peak. Although the consumption of rations has declined, the demand for feed grain has increased significantly, and maintaining the balance between grain supply and demand is still under great pressure.

From the current point of view, China faces multiple constraints and challenges in ensuring stable grain production and supply. The hard constraints on cultivated land and water resources are prominent, and the problem of water shortage in the two major grain producing regions of Northeast China and North China is increasingly prominent; Low income from grain planting affects farmers' enthusiasm for grain planting.

In the face of the severe situation of food security, we must attach great importance to food security, strengthen and improve the construction of the food security guarantee system, improve the level of food security governance and the ability of food macro-control, improve and innovate policy tools, enhance the orientation, pertinence and effectiveness of policies, and build a solid food security barrier, To provide fundamental support for consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and lay a solid material foundation for stabilizing the economy, society and the overall situation.

On the one hand, we should continue to improve the comprehensive grain production capacity, deeply implement the strategy of storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology, solve the problem of farmland and seeds, and ensure the basic stability of grain production capacity. On the other hand, we should further improve the central and local grain reserve systems, optimize the variety structure and regional layout, and tamp the "ballast stone" of food security.

Article/Economic Daily - Liu Hui, reporter of China Economic Network

Picture/Edited by Dong Qingsen, Li Tong and Lin Wei: Ni Mengting

Video/Editor: Xu Yi Later: Zhou Yuanyuan

Data from Economic Daily

(Editor in charge: Miao Su)