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Counting the Two Sessions | A milestone in China's economic development, a million billion yuan is hard won

09:58, March 6, 2021     Source: Economic Daily    

In 2020, China's GDP will exceed 100 trillion yuan. This achievement is hard won, but it is hard to achieve, and it is precious.

Throughout the year, from a 6.8% year-on-year decline in the first quarter to a 3.2% positive growth in the second quarter, a 4.9% growth in the third quarter and a 6.5% growth in the fourth quarter, China's economy has achieved a V-shaped rebound and achieved extraordinary achievements in an extraordinary year.

This achievement means that China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength and comprehensive national strength have reached a new high.

From 2000, China's total economic output reached 10 trillion yuan, to 2020, it will exceed 100 trillion yuan, and the scale of China's total economic output will be expanded to 10 times, making remarkable achievements. In 2020, China's economy is expected to account for about 17% of the world economy, and the gap between per capita GDP and high-income countries will continue to narrow. In 2020, China's total volume of trade in goods will rank first in the world, and it is the largest trading partner of more than 120 countries and regions; The total grain output has reached a record high and continues to rank first in the world; The output of more than 220 industrial products ranks first in the world; The added value of the manufacturing industry is expected to rank first in the world for 11 consecutive years

Picture/Dong Qingsen, Li Tong, Meng Fei, Lin Wei Artistic Editor: Gao Yan

Video/Editor: Xu Yi Later: Xu Zijie

Data from Economic Daily

(Editor in charge: He Xin)