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Guard against unauthorized charges for door-to-door services and guard against private transfer traps

09:16, November 9, 2023     Source: China Quality News    

□ Reporter Wang Yue

It is the "Double 11" of the year again. Have consumers who want to save money found a good strategy for low prices? In general, after years of development, the "Double 11" promotional activities have gradually become more rational. This year, many e-commerce platforms are simplifying preferential rules, thereby reducing consumer decision-making costs. It can be seen that "simplifying rules and reducing routines" is the development trend. However, the reduction of routine is not without routine. While consumers enjoy happy shopping, they cannot ignore the prevention of consumption risks. For this reason, Guangdong Provincial Consumer Committee (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Consumer Committee") specially issued the "Double 11" consumption tips.

Consumer tips remind consumers that formal shopping platforms and stores, both in terms of commodity quality and after-sales service, are more standardized and guaranteed. Consumers should choose large e-commerce platforms with high popularity, giving priority to self run, direct run, official flagship stores, brand authorized stores, and live broadcast lead anchors. Before payment, you should check the introduction of goods, user evaluation, use of coupons, return and replacement rules, delivery time, express company, after-sales security and other information in detail. If necessary, you should conduct pre-sales consultation to confirm the detailed information of goods and after-sales service content. Upon receipt of the goods, they shall be unpacked for inspection. After receipt, they shall check whether the goods are consistent with the promotional description or customer service commitment. Do not place orders through unknown platforms, web links, WeChat chat and other channels in order to pursue low prices.

According to the survey of relevant institutions, this year's "Double 11" marketing method has reduced complicated "playing methods" such as red envelope deduction and deposit inflation to some extent compared with previous years, but most platforms still retain pre-sales. This mode allows consumers to pay a deposit in advance for their favorite goods, and then use the deposit to lock in the discount. However, due to the "guarantee" attribute of the deposit, all major platforms stipulate that "the deposit is not refundable". If consumers do not want to buy after paying the deposit, they will lose the deposit. Therefore, the Guangdong Consumer Council reminds consumers that they must think carefully and think clearly before "selling", and for the goods that have paid the deposit, they must pay off the balance within the agreed time limit. If you really don't want to buy after paying the deposit, you can pay off the balance first, and then apply for return, which can avoid the loss of the deposit.

In recent years, during the "Double 11" period, major e-commerce platforms will also promote a variety of door-to-door service consumption, including items that will be charged after door-to-door service. This kind of project is easy to lead to consumption disputes, and Guangdong Consumer Council has accepted and handled many similar complaints. If there is a complaint about the house waterproof leak repair service, the merchants did not specify the charging standard and detailed fees before coming to the store, but they charged more than 5000 yuan after the service, and the selling price of 500g glue alone was up to hundreds of yuan. Therefore, the Guangdong Consumer Council reminds that consumers must ask for details such as service scope, charging standard and refund standard before placing online orders for various on-site services such as maintenance, cleaning, beauty salon, health massage, etc.

The consumption prompt also reminds consumers that at each promotion node, consumers will receive promotional messages or messages such as redemption of various points, coupon collection, etc. They should carefully click the link; While waiting for express delivery, when receiving calls, text messages, and private messages claiming that there is no goods to help with the return, refund, and collection of gifts, you should carefully screen and check them; After receiving the express delivery, especially the unknown express delivery, do not scan the card with the QR code attached; Do not transfer payment through links or private channels to avoid fraud.

In addition, the Guangdong Consumer Council reminded all e-commerce platforms, merchants, and cargo anchors, as the main body of the "Double 11" promotion, to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the quality control of goods and services, not to make false propaganda, not to falsely mark prices, not to induce impulsive consumption, and at the same time to increase the pre-sales and after-sales service guarantee. During the "Double 11" period, Guangdong Consumer Committee will continue to strengthen the supervision of online shopping commodity services, and effectively maintain the order of online consumption.

(Editor in charge: Tong Mingbiao)

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