The Blue Book of Pharmaceutical Development (2023) was released. Drugstores ushered in an important period of online operation

2024-06-17 15:56 Source: China Economic Network
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(Editor in charge: Guo Wenpei)
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The Blue Book of Pharmaceutical Development (2023) was released. Drugstores ushered in an important period of online operation

15:56, June 17, 2024     Source: China Economic Network    

On June 15, the press conference of the Blue Book of 2023 Pharmaceutical Industry Development and the Report of China Pharmaceutical Materials Association on Industry Development was held in Changsha. The conference released the Blue Book of Pharmaceutical Development (2023) (hereinafter referred to as the Blue Book) organized and prepared by China Pharmaceutical Materials Association.

The Blue Book released relevant reports around "personal account of medical insurance", "retail pharmacy development", "grassroots party building work in the pharmaceutical industry", "Chinese herbal medicine and Chinese herbal medicine decoction piece industry", "drug food homology industry", "China's medical and health industry first-class market investment", "medical equipment", "new retail development of medicine", "transdermal drug delivery technology", It is not only a summary and review of the industry keywords in 2023, but also a vane for the high-quality overall development of the industry in 2024.

Zhou Li, secretary of the Party branch of China Medical Materials Association, and Dai Hang, deputy secretary general of the Association/executive president of the Institute, respectively introduced the key contents of the Blue Book.

The Blue Book points out that China's pharmacies are ushering in an important period of continuous extension of online operation as a whole. According to the data provided in the "2023 Retail Pharmacy Development Report" of the Blue Book, China's pharmaceutical retail industry has rapidly entered the "era of thousands of stores", and the competition for regional leading market position has become more intense. The financial reports of six private listed chain drug retail companies show that from the online channel operation data in the first half of 2023, the six listed chain retail pharmacies have carried out an omni channel layout, vigorously improving their online channel market share, and there are three online businesses with a year-on-year growth rate of more than 60%. In 2023, whether it is the new digital retail and online transformation and upgrading of retail pharmacies, or the change of business types, high-quality expansion and development model, capital dynamics also deserve attention. The leading enterprises have launched an expansion competition in full swing, and continue to expand by means of mergers and acquisitions, self construction, and franchise in the capital market, so as to maintain a high increase in the number of stores.

The challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry require it to embrace new retail. The "2023 Report on the Development of New Pharmaceutical Retail" pointed out that to realize the transformation from traditional retail to modern medical health service ecology, traditional chain pharmacies should not only overcome their own transformation difficulties, but also seize the opportunities brought by digitalization. The development of new medical retail is not only benefited from the positive changes in the external environment, such as technological progress and policy support, but also deeply affected by changes in consumer behavior and demand, especially the popularity of mobile payment habits and the general improvement of health awareness. These factors together shape the market pattern of new medical retail.


(Editor in charge: Guo Wenpei)

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