The wholesale price of "Concubine Smile" is less than 10 yuan/jin. Although the output of litchi is reduced, the price is not expensive

2024-05-30 08:02 Source: Chengdu Business Daily
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(Editor in charge: Liu Peng)
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The wholesale price of "Concubine Smile" is less than 10 yuan/jin. Although the output of litchi is reduced, the price is not expensive

08:02, May 30, 2024     Source: Chengdu Business Daily    

"8 kg to 10 kg is still a super grade product, and it is also a day of discount." Recently, at the Mengyang Fruit Wholesale Market in Pengzhou, Chengdu, the wholesaler Mr. Liu jokingly said that the price of a 10 kg package of concubines has dropped to 99 yuan. Mr. Liu introduced that at present, the litchi in Chengdu are mainly two varieties, Feizixiao and White Sugar Poppy, and the wholesale price is about 10 yuan per kilogram.

According to many domestic media reports, the price of litchi has plummeted from more than 70 yuan/kg just listed to the lowest single digit. How about the litchi market in Chengdu? On May 29, the reporter visited many fruit stores and found that the price of a kilogram of litchi was mostly between 11 yuan and 18 yuan. At the beginning of May, when the reporter visited the fruit market, the newly listed litchi cost 30 to 40 yuan per kilogram.

"Concubine Smile" has reduced the price several times

"Litchi King" is still the king forever

On the morning of the 29th, after visiting many fruit stores in Qingyang District and Jinniu District of Chengdu, the reporter found that the price of lychee was not as expensive as it was when it was first listed. The highest price of "Feizixiao" was 18 yuan/kg, and the lowest was 11.8 yuan/kg; The quantity of white sugar poppy litchi is less, and the average price is about 18 yuan/jin.

According to a staff member from Manpeng Vegetable Farm, Jinrui Road, Jinniu District, the price of lychee has been reduced for many times. A few days ago, the concubine laughed at 18.5 yuan/jin, but today it has dropped another five or six yuan.

Recently, in Pengzhou Mengyang Fruit Wholesale Market, the prices of two varieties of litchi are also falling. From 99 yuan for 7 jin to 99 yuan for 8 jin, 90 yuan for 8 jin, and 99 yuan for 10 jin. Since the middle of May, the price of Concubine Smile sold by Mr. Liu, a wholesaler, has been very attractive, attracting numerous fruit merchants and group buying consumers.

However, although the two main varieties of litchi in the Chengdu market, Feizixiao and White Sugar Poppy, have been falling, the price of Litchi King is as high as in previous years. Ms. Guo, a citizen, bought a box of Litchi King at a fruit shop in Jinniu District, about 1.264 jin, at a cost of 95.94 yuan, about 75.9 yuan/jin.

According to the merchants, the reason why Litchi King is expensive is because of its low production and the scarcity of goods. In addition, it is a large variety that is more suitable for gift giving. According to the wholesaler Mr. Liu, the wholesale price of Litchi King is about 30 yuan/jin, which is much more expensive than other varieties.

Production reduction caused by multiple rainstorms

There are also lychees that "escaped a disaster"

As the saying goes, "The world's lychees see China, and China's lychees see Guangdong". It is understood that Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan are the main production areas of litchi in China. According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, the last April was the wettest in Guangdong since the meteorological records were kept, and the accumulated rainfall in 41 districts and counties in Guangdong broke the extreme value in April. Affected by the rainstorm, the output of litchi has been greatly reduced this year. Statistics show that this year, the output of litchi across the country has decreased by nearly 40%, with different varieties showing different performance. In the interview, many businesses said that the price of litchi was slightly higher than that of the same period of previous years when it first came into the market this year due to the low output caused by the weather.

However, compared with other lychee producing areas in Guangdong, Maoming, Zhanjiang, Yangjiang and other places in Guangdong were less affected by the rainfall in April. This year, the lychee production in Maoming is generally good. In addition, the planting area of litchi in Hainan is about 340000 mu, and the annual output is about 200000 tons. Because of avoiding several rounds of heavy rainfall in April, the main variety of litchi, Feizixiao, has not reduced production this year.

The recent decline in the price of lychees is due to the fact that a large number of Concubine Smiles produced in Hainan are on the market, and lychees in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places are also gradually maturing. (Reporter Dai Jiajia)


(Editor in charge: Liu Peng)

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