China provides a sample of global cooperation for biodiversity conservation

2024-05-22 07:31 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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(Editor in charge: Wang Wanying)
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China provides a sample of global cooperation for biodiversity conservation

07:31, May 22, 2024     Source: Science and Technology Daily    

◎ Our reporter Bi Weizi, Chen Chunyou

Yunnan, China, is rich in natural resources and has the largest biodiversity in the country, known as the "Plant Kingdom" and "Animal Kingdom". On the occasion of the 24th International Biodiversity Day on May 22 this year, reporters from Science and Technology Daily went to Xishuangbanna and Dali, Yunnan, to interview three foreign experts working in China. They shared their understanding of biodiversity with reporters, and agreed with China's measures and achievements in biodiversity conservation, And is full of expectations for the future global promotion of this common cause.

Give consideration to ecology in development

Tang Lishen, an Irish plant ecologist at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, told reporters that biodiversity can be divided into three levels: first, biodiversity of biological species; The second is the diversity of biological functions; The third is ecosystem services, that is, various economic and social value services provided by natural ecosystems for human beings.

"The protection of biodiversity is closely related to the fate of mankind. With the improvement of people's living standards, ecological protection has received more and more attention." Brian Linden, an American traveler and writer who lives in Dali, Yunnan Province, China, told reporters. He came to China to study abroad for the first time in 1984 and is a witness to the development of China's ecological civilization. He believes that economic development and ecological protection are equally important for improving people's living standards, but what is rare is to balance the relationship between the two.

"Giving consideration to ecology in development is an important way to achieve sustainable development. Benefiting from the green development policy, human beings can protect more habitats and achieve harmonious coexistence with nature while developing," said Kang Musa, the Spanish chief researcher of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

China is a safe haven for Asian elephants

In recent years, China has accelerated the construction of the national park system, setting up several national parks, including Sanjiangyuan, Giant Panda, Amur Tiger and Amur Leopard, Hainan Tropical Rainforest, Wuyishan, to protect large-scale ecological processes and maintain the species and ecosystem characteristics of this region.

Kang Musa said that the construction of national parks is the active practice of strengthening ecological protection. "At present, Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve is actively promoting the upgrading to a national park. In the past 25 years, the number of elephants alone in the reserve has doubled, which is crucial to the in-depth study of the relationship between humans and elephants and the behavior of elephants, as well as the scientific formulation and implementation of elephant conservation strategies."

"For Asian elephants, China is a safe port." Kang Musa has long been concerned about the protection of Asian elephants and tropical rainforest ecology, and he believes that China's Asian elephant protection measures are very perfect.

He said that under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative, China helped jointly build national infrastructure. This model is also applicable to ecological protection. China is working with neighboring countries to promote the construction of protected areas and create a good ecological environment. In particular, joint monitoring and protection has been carried out in the border areas between Xishuangbanna and Myanmar, Laos, which can be regarded as a model of cross-border ecological protection.

International cooperation is indispensable

The theme of this year's International Biodiversity Day is "Biodiversity You and I Participate". In order to participate in biodiversity conservation more effectively, Tang Lisen suggested that the public understand the ecological problems facing humanity by listening to lectures, watching science popularization, going into nature and other ways.

Linden also encourages the public to immerse themselves in nature and interact with rich natural resources.

In Tang Lishen's view, in addition to the individual efforts of the people, international cooperation plays an indispensable role in ecological protection. "No country is an island, and the ecosystem will not stop at the border." Tang Lishen said, "Protecting the rare and endangered wildlife on the border needs the joint efforts of all countries."

This is not only for living things, but also for human beings themselves.

(Editor in charge: Wang Wanying)

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