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Changde First Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine organized a visit to the Clean House
Time: June 11, 2024
Source: Changde Daily · Changde Financial Media Client
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Changde Daily reporter Wang Lang Correspondent Wu Xiuying He Kewen/photo In order to practice the socialist core values with practical actions and promote the inheritance of excellent family rules and family training, Changde No. 1 Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recently organized more than 60 cadres, staff and their families to carry out the theme activity of "Good Family Style, Good Inheritance" in the Clean Family Style Museum.

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Under the guidance of the interpreter, the participants walked into the five exhibition halls of "Family Style Idioms, Inherited Family Education, Red Family Style, Civilized New Style, and Ancient Style" in the Clean Family Style Museum in turn, learned about the development of family style through the scenes and stories, and perceived the fine family style of historical and cultural celebrities, the red family style of revolutionary ancestors, and the family style stories of model figures of the times, Absorb incorruptible nutrients in imperceptible influence.

Qu Guishun, the secretary of the Party Committee, gave a clean party lesson with the theme of "Inheriting a Clean Family Style and Cultivating a Clean Spirit" to the cadres and workers present at the Clean Family Style Lecture Hall, More importantly, we should encourage our families to cultivate a clean family style, build a solid family anti-corrosion wall on this basis, jointly resist the impact of bad customs, and maintain good social customs. At the meeting, participants also watched the warning educational film Mirror Mirror, and family representatives made speeches.

The purpose of this theme activity is to make all cadres, workers and their families deeply understand the value connotation of family style and family training contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture through field visits and learning, and further enhance the consciousness and sense of responsibility of honest politics and medical practice.

In the future, the hospital will further gather the strength of the whole hospital to respect virtue and learn from others, promote the construction of "clean hospital" with practical actions, strive to build a clean and upright medical environment and service environment, and comprehensively improve the social influence and patient satisfaction of the hospital.

Editor: Tang Wenjie