Qinghai Disabled Persons' Federation Continuously Strengthens Work Safety

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on work safety and the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the China Disabled Persons' Federation, the provincial party committee and the provincial government on strengthening work safety. On June 17, the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation organized a work safety conference to convey and study the spirit of the work safety conference of the China Disabled Persons' Federation and the National Disabled Persons' Federation system, and study and deploy the work safety of the provincial Disabled Persons' Federation system.

The meeting pointed out that work safety is related to the life and property safety of the disabled, and is the prerequisite for the work of the disabled. It will further promote the gateway forward and examine the weaknesses. We should make overall plans for the development of the cause of the disabled and work safety, keep a clear head at all times, earnestly implement the policy of "safety first, prevention first", and thoroughly study and judge the status of work safety, especially in service institutions such as rehabilitation, foster care, and auxiliary employment for the disabled, and in crowded places such as homes and canteens for the disabled, as well as boiler rooms, power distribution rooms, network rooms, archives The Finance Office and other key parts shall organize and carry out comprehensive and thorough re inspection and re rectification. It is necessary to comprehensively promote the safety risk prediction work in the construction project of the provincial blind massage hospital, pay attention to the safety management and control in the hospital area, take safe production and safe travel as the "required courses" for providing services, often speak, often say, and remind service objects and parents to tighten the "safety strings".

The meeting stressed that we should pay close attention to the "three management and three necessities" of safety production, continue to consolidate the foundation of work and improve emergency response capability. Strictly implement the "territorial" responsibility, strengthen supervision and inspection, improve and improve the safety management system of various disabled service institutions, effectively strengthen safety publicity and education, tighten the "safety valve" and manage the "safety door". Improve the safety emergency plan, strengthen responsibility, and consciously shoulder the responsibility of the safety subject. Strengthen the prevention awareness of cadres, staff and service objects, and improve the ability of emergency risk avoidance and handling. It is necessary to further improve various emergency plans, refine emergency response measures, strengthen the implementation of facilities and equipment support, medical treatment, information reporting and other systems, and properly respond to various situations that may occur.

The meeting required that the safety precautions for flood control and extreme weather should be effectively carried out, supervision and inspection should be strengthened, and timely rectification and cancellation should be made. It is necessary to increase the frequency of troubleshooting of potential safety hazards in service institutions such as rehabilitation and employment for the disabled and homes for the disabled, take practical and effective measures, do a good job in troubleshooting and governance of potential safety hazards, resolutely overcome formalism in work, make precise efforts to solve the problems found in troubleshooting, and make prompt changes. It is necessary to strengthen accountability, timely criticize and educate the units and personnel with weak safety awareness and management, and immediately rectify the problems and weak links found in the inspection to ensure that every link and corner is not missed. Educate and guide disabled people, cadres and workers to do a good job in their own safety protection, conscientiously enhance their safety awareness and awareness of safety work, and be the first person responsible for their own safety.

Members of the leading group and responsible comrades of all departments and affiliated institutions attended the meeting.