Customer service complaint hotline:
95541 / 4008895541
(Credit card business)
Lenders ToolBox

The following data are for reference only, and should be subject to the actual deduction balance of Bohai Bank. Unless otherwise specified, the amount unit is "yuan"

  • Repayment method:
  • Total loans:   10000 yuan
  • Loan term:   month
  • Loan interest rate (annual interest rate): %
Start calculation Recalculate
View Results (The following results are for reference only)
  • The repayment method you selected is:
  • Loan interest rate (annual interest rate): %
  • Loan term: (month)
  • Total loans: (Ten thousand yuan)
  • Monthly average repayment: (yuan)
  • Total amount of initial repayment: (yuan)
  • Initial repayment of principal: (yuan)
  • Initial repayment of interest: (yuan)
  • Total amount of final repayment: (yuan)
  • Final repayment principal: (yuan)
  • Final repayment interest: (yuan)
  • Total interest: (yuan)
  • Total repayment amount: (yuan)

Monthly repayment details:

Number of periods Repayment of interest in the current month Repayment of principal in the current month Monthly supply of the current period Remaining principal