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Financial services

         Personal wealth management service refers to a series of service processes in which banks develop customer financial management objectives and plans by understanding and according to customer needs, and help select financial products to achieve customer wealth management objectives.

    Personal wealth management business of Bohai Bank is divided into six series products of income type and net value type, including closed and open wealth management products.  

    Our bank has launched the business of selling wealth management products on a commission basis since January 2017, and we strictly abide by relevant financial laws, regulations, rules and regulations. At present, the cooperation with each commission bank is normal, and there is no risk in the sale, operation and payment of financial products. The financial products issued by our bank are welcomed by the clients of the commission bank, and we have not received any relevant complaints and penalties up to now.  

      1、 Product specification

    1. Closed fixed income public offering: non breakeven floating income financial products, financial funds invested in financial assets or financial instruments with high credit rating, including but not limited to:

    (1) Fixed income: cash, deposits, monetary funds, pledge style repo, bonds, asset-backed securities

    Non public directional debt financing instruments, bond funds and other fixed income assets;

    (2) Equity: priority shares of structured securities investment plans, equity securities investment funds, equity ETFs, separable bonds, exchangeable bonds, convertible bonds, private placements and other equity assets;

    (3) Other financial assets meeting regulatory requirements;

    2. Closed fixed income private placement: non breakeven floating income financial products, financial funds invested in financial assets or financial instruments with high credit rating, including but not limited to:

    (1) Fixed income: cash, deposits, monetary funds, pledge style repo, bonds, asset-backed securities, non-public directional debt financing instruments, bond funds and other fixed income assets;  

    (2) Equity: priority shares of structured securities investment plans, equity securities investment funds, equity ETFs, separable bonds, exchangeable bonds, convertible bonds, private placements and other equity assets;  

    (3) Other financial assets meeting regulatory requirements;  

    3. Bosheng series: non breakeven floating income financial products, where financial funds are invested in financial assets or financial instruments with high credit rating, including but not limited to cash, treasury bonds, financial bonds, central bank bills, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes and other bond assets publicly rated above investment grade; Money market instruments such as interbank borrowing, interbank deposits, interbank borrowing, bond repurchase, etc; Trust assets, asset management plans and other fixed income financial assets or financial instruments that meet regulatory requirements, as well as their related beneficial rights.

    4. Boxiang series: non breakeven floating income financial products, where financial funds are invested in financial assets or financial instruments with high credit rating, including but not limited to cash, treasury bonds, financial bonds, central bank bills, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes and other bond assets publicly rated above investment grade; Money market instruments such as interbank borrowing, interbank deposits, interbank borrowing, bond repurchase, etc; Trust assets, asset management plans and other fixed income financial assets or financial instruments that meet regulatory requirements and their related beneficial rights; Equity assets such as priority shares of structured securities investment plans, equity securities investment funds, equity ETFs, private placement, preferred shares, etc.

    5. Botai series: non breakeven floating income financial products, where financial funds are invested in financial assets or financial instruments with high credit rating, including but not limited to cash, government bonds, financial bonds, central bank bills, corporate bonds, corporate bonds, short-term financing bonds, medium-term notes and other bond assets publicly rated above investment grade; Money market instruments such as interbank borrowing, interbank deposits, interbank borrowing, bond repurchase, etc; Trust assets, asset management plans and other fixed income financial assets or financial instruments that meet regulatory requirements, as well as their related beneficial rights.

    6. Other series: according to the market situation, our bank will wholeheartedly provide you with more and more wealth management products.  

       2、 Product features

    1. Closed fixed income public offering: the degree of risk is low, and the investment period is more selective, to meet the diversified financial needs of customers.

    2. Closed fixed income private placement: with low risk, it is a non breakeven floating income net worth financial product sold to qualified investors to meet the diversified financial needs of customers.

    3. Bosheng series: low risk, more selective investment term, suitable for individual clients with certain risk awareness and investment experience.  

    4. Boxiang series: flexible term: during the opening hours of the opening period, subscription and redemption can be applied, and the holding period is only one day at the minimum. Customers can freely allocate funds and manage their finances calmly. Fast arrival: during the opening hours of the opening period, after customers choose to redeem, the funds will arrive quickly and have strong liquidity.  

    5. Botai series: flexible term: investors' funds will not be locked for a long time. During the trading hours of the trading day, investors can redeem at any time according to their own liquidity needs when meeting the corresponding product constraints. Graded income: match according to the actual investment period to improve the efficiency of capital investment.  

       3、 Product awards

    1. In the selection of "Sohu 2010 Financial Financing Network Festival", we won the title of "2010 Most Trusted Bank Financial Brand by Netizens";  

    2. "Premier Bank Wealth Management Team Award" of 2010 Financial Wealth Management Forum;  

    3. "Premier Bank Financial Products", the award of the 2010 Financial Ranking List held by Premier magazine;  

    4. The financial products of Boxin and Bosheng series won the "Premier Financial Products" of the "2012 Financial Excellence Ranking" sponsored by Premier magazine.  

    5. "Personal financial products and fund underwriting and marketing cases" won the "2012 China Financial Innovation Award - Top Ten Financial Product Marketing Award" jointly sponsored by the Banker magazine and the Financial Product Center of the Institute of Finance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and jointly released with CCTV, Beijing TV, Phoenix Finance, China Securities News, Xinhua, Sohu, etc Honor.  

    6. The brand of "Vast Wealth Management" won the annual gold medal influential brand award issued by the "Gold Brave Xiu Award" of the 2012 third China's gold medal wealth management Top10 general review list sponsored by the Financial Wealth Management magazine.  

    7. In 2013, it won the Best Financial Product Brand Award issued by the "Leading China Excellence List" of the "Financial Industry" website.  

    8. In 2014, our bank ranked among the top ten banks in terms of comprehensive financial management ability in the first half of the year

    9. In the "2014 Bank Financial Product Management Capability List" of the Investor Daily, our bank stood out from 215 banks on the list, ranking ninth.  

    10. In 2015, the Bank won the "Excellent Organization Award" in the "First Wealth Management Essay Contest" sponsored by the China Banking Association.  

    11. In the "2015 Bank Wealth Management 'Langya List'" released by the Investor Daily in 2015, the average expected yield of our wealth management products ranked second among nationwide joint-stock banks.  

    12. In 2015, the Bank was awarded the "Best Financial Innovation Bank of the Year" at the 5th Golden Tripod Award Ceremony of the Daily Economic News.  

    13. In December 2015, in the "2015 Sixth Jinding Award Selection" activity of the Daily Economic News, BQD won the "Best Wealth Management Bank" of the Jinding Award again.  

    14. In the "Golden Bull Award" selection activity sponsored by China Securities Journal · Jinniu Financial Network, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, we have successively won the "Golden Bull 2014 Best Wealth Management Bank", "2015 Golden Bull Financial Bank Award" and "2016 Golden Bull Financial Bank".  

    15. At the 2014 China International Finance Exhibition, our "Tianjinbao" won the "Golden Tripod Award" annual outstanding financial brand award.  

    At the award ceremony of "China Financial Innovation Forum and 2016 China Financial Innovation Award" hosted by the Banker magazine, our "TiJinBao" won the "2016 Top Ten Financial Product Innovation Award".  

    16. In the "Golden Portfolio" Fund Investment Firm Competition co sponsored by Financial Alliance, Yingmi Wealth and China Fund News, BQD won the "2016 Best Investment Consultant".  

    17. In May 2016, the China Banking Association released the 2015 China Banking Wealth Management Business Development Report and the "2015 Commercial Bank Wealth Management Product Issuer and Product Evaluation Results", and BQD won the "Best Social Contribution Award", "Best Risk Control Award" and "Best Product Transformation Award". In July 2017, the China Banking Association released the 2016 China Banking Wealth Management Business Development Report and the "2016 Evaluation Results of Bank Wealth Management Product Issuers", and our bank won the "Best Risk Control Award" and "Best Transformation Award";

    18. Awards of the "National Outstanding Wealth Manager Selection Activity" jointly sponsored by the China Banking Association, the Hong Kong Banking Association and the Financial Times Newspaper: in 2012, the "Fourth National Outstanding Wealth Manager Selection Activity", one person won the title of "National Outstanding Wealth Manager" and the silver medal; In 2013, three people won the title of "National Outstanding Wealth Manager" in the "Fifth National Outstanding Wealth Manager Selection", one of whom won the bronze prize; In 2014, four people won the title of "National Outstanding Wealth Managers" in the "Sixth National Outstanding Wealth Managers Selection", two of whom won silver prizes; In 2015, six people won the title of "National Outstanding Wealth Managers" in the "Seventh National Outstanding Wealth Managers Selection", two of whom won the bronze award, and our bank won the "Outstanding Organization Award"; In 2016, in the "8th National Outstanding Wealth Manager Selection", five people won the title of "National Outstanding Wealth Manager", one person won the gold award, and our bank won the "Excellent Organization Award".  

    19. In the "China Financial Planner Competition (2014)" hosted by the International Financial Management Standards Committee (China), two of our bank were awarded "China's Top 100 Financial Planners"; In the "China Financial Planner Competition (2016)", one of our staff won the "China Top 100 Financial Planners" and three won the "China Excellent Financial Planners".

    20. On June 23, 2017, the fifth "Jinniu Wealth Management Forum" of China Securities Journal in 2017 and the 2016 "Jinniu Wealth Management Products" Award Ceremony were held in Beijing, and our bank was awarded the "2016 Jinniu Wealth Management Bank". This is the third consecutive "Annual Jinniu Financial Bank" after "2015 Jinniu Financial Bank Award" and "2014 Jinniu Best Wealth Management Bank".

    21. On June 30, 2017, the China Banking Association held the "2017 Annual Meeting of Private Banking Professional Committee", where one of us won the "2016 Outstanding Private Banker Award" and two won the "2016 Outstanding Private Wealth Advisor Award".

    22. On July 14, 2017, the 8th "National Outstanding Wealth Managers" Award Ceremony jointly sponsored by the China Banking Association, the Hong Kong Banking Association and the Financial Times Newspaper was held in Hangzhou. Our bank won five of the 61 "National Outstanding Wealth Managers", one of whom won the gold award of "Wealth Management Group" (Group B), and one of whom won the "Outstanding Selection Award", 3 people won the "Primary Excellence Award"; Bohai Bank won the "Best Organization Award" for a second time.

    23. On December 14, 2017, the results of the "Selection of the Second Wealth Management Essay Contest" sponsored by the China Banking Association and China Banking Magazine were announced. With the theme of "adapting to the new normal of economy and promoting the continuous innovation and development of bank asset management business", this competition has received positive response and strong support from all member units, and collected more than 1000 papers. The experts of the sponsor finally determined 120 award-winning essays after various reviews, including 10 first prizes, 20 second prizes, 30 third prizes and 60 excellent prizes.

    24. On May 9, 2018, at the General Meeting of the Private Banking Professional Committee of the China Banking Association and the first meeting of the second standing committee, our bank was awarded the title of "the best standing member unit of the Professional Committee of the China Banking Association", and three comrades won the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Business Work".  

    25. On July 13, 2018, the "Results Conference of the Ninth National Outstanding Wealth Managers Competition" and the "Launching Ceremony of the Tenth National Outstanding Wealth Managers Competition" jointly sponsored by the China Banking Association, the Hong Kong Institute of Banking and the Financial Times Newspaper was held in Qingdao. Five of our staff won the "National Outstanding Wealth Managers", and the Head Office won the "Outstanding Organization Award" for three consecutive times.  

    26. On July 21, 2018, the 6th "Jinniu Wealth Management Forum" and 2017 "Jinniu Wealth Management Products" Award Ceremony hosted by China Securities Journal · Jinniu Wealth Management Network was held at the National People's Congress Conference Center in Beijing. Our bank was awarded the "2017 Jinniu Wealth Management Bank" for a second time, and the "Bosheng" series of products were awarded the "2017 Jinniu Wealth Management Products" again.  

    27. On September 18, 2018, sponsored by the International Financial Management Standards Committee (China), the fourth "China Financial Planner Competition (2018)", which was named by E Fund, was announced. One of our bank was awarded the "Top 100 Financial Planners in China", and three were awarded the "Excellent Financial Planners in China".  

    28. On November 2, 2018, the list of the first "China Private Banking Classic (2018)" hosted by the International Financial Standards Committee (China) was announced, and two of us won the "Excellence Award".  

    29. On November 17, 2018, the final and award ceremony of the "2018 Sina Top Ten Bank Financiers Competition" jointly sponsored by Sina Finance and Yinhua Fund was held in Beijing. The "Vast Star Sky" team of Beijing Branch won the team's season team, and one of our staff won the first prize of "the most popular financial manager in China".

       4、 Handling process

    Please refer to the following procedures when you go to our outlets to handle financial management business:

    1. For new customers, please open a debit card or passbook of Bohai Bank; Online banking is required when purchasing wealth management through online banking.  

    2. New customers must sign personal financing contracts through the financial management system and complete the Evaluation Form of Investment Risk Tolerance of Personal Customers of Bohai Bank; Existing customers must verify whether the risk tolerance assessment results are effective.  

    3. Read the financial product specification, financial product risk disclosure, Terms and Conditions of Financial Product Agreement of Bohai Bank and Notice on Customer Rights and Interests of Investment Products of Bohai Bank and other sales documents, select suitable financial products, and sign relevant sales documents. (If the risk rating of the product you choose does not match your risk tolerance assessment results, you will not be able to purchase such products.)

    4. The purchase of financial products was completed through our financial management system, the purchase results were printed, and the Bohai Bank Financial Product Agreement was signed. Our bank completed the stop payment of funds, and the bank automatically deducted funds after the end of the product raising period.  

       5、 Risk warning

    Unlike ordinary bank deposits, wealth management products are not protected by deposit insurance or other relevant security mechanisms. Investors need to take certain risks to obtain the possibility of higher returns.  

    As the management and application of wealth management funds may face a variety of risk factors, according to the requirements of relevant regulatory regulations, before investors choose to subscribe to this wealth management product, Bohai Bank asks you to carefully read the following important contents:

    Due to the existence of various risk factors (including but not limited to policy risk, credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, management risk, legal risk, etc.), the transaction objectives such as risk aversion and profit expected by investors may not be achieved, and the above consequences shall be borne by the investors themselves, and the bank will neither provide guarantee nor bear any responsibility for this.  

    Investors' principal may suffer heavy losses due to market changes. Therefore, investors should fully understand the investment risks of various types of financial management plans and invest cautiously.  

    See the financial product specification of Bohai Bank for specific risk tips of current products.  

    For more information, please contact us at 400-888-8811, or go to the nearest branches for consultation.  

    Note: The above contents are for reference only, Bohai Bank has the right to adjust according to market conditions, and Bohai Bank has the right to interpret the above contents.  
