Persimmons can't be eaten with anything

Source: Vegetable Piaogu Published: 2018-10-09 14:14:13 Browse: one hundred and twenty-three thousand two hundred and fourteen

When autumn came, many children began to eat persimmons. Persimmons have very high nutritional value and contain many essential nutrients for human beings, such as sucrose, glucose, protein, carotene and vitamin C, which are much better than ordinary fruits. However, although persimmons are good, you can't eat them casually. There are many taboos about persimmons, and you must remember them. The following is the cooking of Piaogu, which reveals what persimmons can't be eaten with.

1. First of all, persimmons cannot be eaten together with seafood, such as crabs, rain, prawns, etc. They are all cold food and easy to solidify.

2. In addition, persimmons cannot be eaten with liquor, which will cause chest tightness. Moreover, it is not suitable to eat with potatoes, which will lead to indigestion. A lot of hydrochloric acid will be produced in the stomach, causing precipitation. It is extremely difficult to digest and discharge.

3. In addition, persimmons cannot be eaten with common foods such as sweet potatoes, spinach and white wine. And people with diabetes should never eat persimmons, because the sugar content of persimmons is too high, which is very harmful to the control of blood sugar, and even harmful.

4. Finally, everyone should pay attention that it is better not to eat persimmons on an empty stomach, because persimmons contain a lot of pectin, which may form hard lumps and eventually cause stomach stones. If there are other foods in the stomach, this will not happen, and although the persimmon is good, you cannot eat too much.