What is the cause of back pain

Source: Vegetable Piaogu Published: 2018-09-20 10:27:52 Browse: one hundred and eighteen thousand five hundred and seventy

The working pressure of modern young people is generally very high, especially some white-collar workers, who often sit in front of the computer for a long time, will have back pain, but many children do not know what back pain is, so I will tell you.

First of all, the most common reason for back pain is that you have been sitting in front of the computer for too long and constantly tapping the keyboard, which leads to excessive muscle fatigue. If this is the case, it is not serious. You can only pay more attention to rest and massage more.

In addition, back pain is likely to be caused by cervical spondylosis. Many children may have questions about why cervical spondylosis can cause back pain, because the end of the cervical vertebra is in our back, which is often the most vulnerable location.

In addition, back pain may also be shoulder periarthritis, which is a common problem among many white-collar IT groups in the office today. It is mainly caused by the usual work habits. At first, it is just on the shoulder, but after a long time, it will spread to the back. Everyone needs to pay more attention.

Finally, there is another situation, that is, ankylosing spondylitis, which is a very troublesome disease. At the beginning, it was just back pain, but after a long time, there was still back pain. Especially when we got up in the morning, it was very painful. At this time, we need to see a doctor in time.