What to eat with high cholesterol

Source: Vegetable Piaogu Published: 2016-09-24 18:59:58 Browse: one hundred and forty-nine thousand one hundred and seventeen

Many special diets have been proven to lower cholesterol.

1. DASH Recipe: This is a dietary way to prevent hypertension. It has been proved that lowering blood pressure can lower cholesterol at the same time. The DASH diet is high in grains, fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to serve 7-8 portions of cereals, 8-10 portions of fruits and vegetables, and 4-5 portions of beans, nuts and seeds every day. Dairy products are limited to 2-3 servings of low-fat or nonfat products per day. There should be no more than 2 servings of lean meat, fish or poultry (peeled) every day. Fatty fish, such as salmon, are considered particularly beneficial to the body.

2. Mediterranean diet: Mediterranean diet focuses on heart health and nutrition, such as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Although the Mediterranean diet has a high fat content of 35%~45%, most fats are unsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. A diet that includes olive oil can improve insulin and blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. Rapeseed oil is rich in omega - 3 fatty acids. Avoid high-fat diet and meat products, and take fish as the main source of protein. The diet relies heavily on fresh fruits and vegetables, including large quantities of nuts, beans, broad beans and whole grains. Enjoy 1 to 2 glasses of wine, garlic, onions, herbs and some seasonal food every day.

3. Honest project: If you plan to implement Honest project (named after its creator Dean Honest), you need to strictly limit the intake of saturated fat. Only 10% of the diet can be obtained from saturated fat. At the same time, carbohydrates account for 75% of the diet. Therefore, most of your diet will consist of whole wheat, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables. If you continue this diet, you also need to use regular stress relief techniques, at least 90 minutes of exercise 3 times a week. Smoking is prohibited. At the same time, the daily consumption of alcohol cannot be more than 50ml.

4. TLC diet: This diet focuses on low saturated fat and low cholesterol foods. Foods with low saturated fat content include skinless poultry, whole wheat, lean meat, fish, nonfat or 1% fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Limit the consumption of full fat dairy products, viscera and egg yolks. Good sources of soluble fiber include oranges, pears, kale, carrots, dried peas, pods, and oats. If you choose this diet, less than 7% of calories come from saturated fat. You should only take 200mg cholesterol every day. This diet includes higher levels of soluble fiber and food, including plant sterol esters (naturally occurring substances are believed to reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the internal organs).

 High cholesterol diet

In addition to the above recipes for the treatment of high cholesterol, the following specific foods are also suitable for patients with high cholesterol.

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