
dazzlingly beautiful Jingdong Supermarket and Jingdong Self run

2023 What is the difference between JD Supermarket and JD Self run,? Let's get to know What is the difference between JD Supermarket and JD Self run? 1. Different nature JD self operation is the B2C network sales mode of JD, where merchants go directly to buyers. JD purchase and after-sales JD issues invoices. The non proprietary mode is that JD provides sales leveling tables, which are delivered by manufacturers or other merchants, and Jingtai charges the merchants for the use of the platform. 2 Different flow The mall will give the self run stores the most traffic and activities to ensure the sales volume to earn profits; So inside

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Professional Jingdong Supermarket and Jingdong

 The difference between Jingdong Supermarket and Jingdong Self run  The difference between Jingdong Supermarket and Jingdong Self run

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