Qin Fengyu Meets with the Delegation of the Netherlands China Federation of Industry and Commerce

In the afternoon of September 18, Qin Fengyu, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of the city, met with Zhou Xiaoping, the delegation of the Netherlands China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and witnessed the signing of the cooperation agreement. Qin Fengyu said that he hoped to strengthen communication and introduce more Dutch competitive enterprises [View details]

Government information disclosure

Government services

  • social security

  • Transportation

  • Marriage and childbirth

  • Household administration

  • Judicial services

  • accumulation fund

  • Educational examination

  • Rent and purchase

  • Housing security
  • Purchase and sale of real estate
  • lease of houses
  • Social Security Card
  • medical insurance
  • Comprehensive query
  • unemployment insurance
  • endowment insurance
  • Traffic violation
  • Travel Assistance
  • driver's license
  • Family Planning
  • Maternity allowance
  • newborn
  • Notarial authentication
  • legal service
  • extract
  • loan
  • adult
  • College Graduation
  • junior middle school
  • high school
  • Housing security
  • Purchase and sale of real estate
  • Social Security Card
  • medical insurance
  • Comprehensive query
  • unemployment insurance
  • endowment insurance
  • employment injury insurance
  • Traffic violation
  • Travel Assistance
  • driver's license
  • Driving license
  • Marriage registration
  • Family Planning
  • Maternity allowance
  • Childbearing and adoption
  • Household registration
  • national religion
  • Educational research
  • Employment and entrepreneurship
  • Change of establishment
  • Business approval and office approval
  • more
  • Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Grain and Material Reserve Bureau
  • municipal public security bureau
  • Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
  • Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau
  • Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
  • Municipal Market Supervision Administration
  • Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
  • Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau
  • more
  • change of an enterprise

  • Equity contribution

  • Enterprise cancellation

  • Enterprise tax payment

  • Quality supervision

  • Welfare subsidies

  • Enterprise credit

  • Company Filing

  • Change registration
  • Change registration
  • Cancellation and cancellation of registration
  • Enterprise cancellation
  • Enterprise tax payment
  • special equipment
  • Employee social insurance
  • Enterprise subsidies
  • Credit inquiry
  • Institutional filing
  • Business license filing
  • Trademark registration
  • Change registration
  • Change registration
  • Cancellation and cancellation of registration
  • Enterprise cancellation
  • Change of establishment
  • Annual inspection
  • Tax Finance
  • Business approval and office approval
  • Investment approval
  • Qualification
  • Mortgage and pledge
  • Business trade
  • more
  • Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Grain and Material Reserve Bureau
  • municipal public security bureau
  • Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
  • Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau
  • Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
  • Municipal Market Supervision Administration
  • Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
  • Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau
  • more
  • one
  • two
  • three