How will the music platform develop after going to "exclusive"?

The end of the era of exclusive music copyright will benefit the platform, users and industry. In the long run, it is the first step for the online music platform to become "exclusive". It is also necessary to return to the original intention of service, care about user experience, and actively participate in healthy market competition.

Up to 70% of the return rate... Why do the live goods often roll over?

In the live broadcast room watched by millions of people, anchors worked hard to promote and encourage fans to place orders.

Inventory e-commerce enters the race period, and players from three camps take stock

If you want to live on this track for a long time, the three elements of "human goods yard" cannot have shortcomings. "Players with shortcomings will be eliminated in the first stage. In the next stage, there must be a competition of" goods "among the remaining players.".

What's the use of "Double 11" twice a year?

Who needs two "Double 11" promotions a year?

Can Apple Turn Back the Storm in the Chinese Market

Domestic mobile phones have gradually narrowed the gap with Apple in terms of brand, quality, publicity, etc. Apple's advantages are becoming weaker and weaker, and it is difficult to have greater growth space, especially China's smartphone market has become saturated. "Apple is more likely to be in overseas markets than in China."

How to eliminate the pains in the hotel industry from "towel door" to information disclosure?

In case of similar incidents in five-star hotels, once verified, stars will be picked up and a huge amount of money will be fined. If chain hotels have problems, corresponding punishment will be given according to the seriousness of the circumstances. The most serious cases can even be ordered to suspend business, revoke the license, etc. It is believed that the "towel door" and data leakage incidents in the entire hotel industry will be greatly reduced.