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ZS-1041 flue gas anti-corrosion coating is selected for serious corrosion of anode baking flue gas in Heilongjiang Province

2024/2/26 13:15:39 Source: Beijing Zhisheng Weihua Chemical Co., Ltd Views: six

Pre baked anode is a supporting industry of aluminum industry and a by-product of oil refinery Petroleum coke It is made of aggregate and coal tar pitch, a byproduct of coking plant, as binder through a series of processes. The pre baked anode is mainly used as anode in the pre baked aluminum reduction cell, which is called the "heart" of the cell. 1 ton of aluminum is produced by electrolysis, and the gross consumption of the pre baked anode is about 0.5 tons.

The production process of prebaked anode generally includes several steps such as pre crushing, calcination, crushing, screening of raw materials, pretreatment of binder, kneading, molding, roasting and cleaning. Anode baking mostly adopts Ring roaster The ring type baking furnace is arranged in double rows by several furnace chambers with the same structure, which is the most critical large-scale thermal engineering for the production of carbon products furnaces Equipment.

During the production and use of prebaked anode, flue gas corrosion has always been a problem puzzling the industry. About 10000~12000 m of flue gas is discharged from 1t pre baked anode block produced by anode baking furnace three The main pollutants in the flue gas are particulates and SO two Asphalt fume (The main component is tar) and fluoride (the main component is HF), which are highly corrosive. The highly corrosive flue gas not only affects the anode quality, but also causes corrosion damage to the flue gas system equipment such as the subsequent flue and chimney.

It is difficult to reduce the corrosion of flue gas on anode in baking production, but it is not difficult to solve the corrosion of subsequent chimneys and flues: paint ZS-1041 flue gas anti-corrosion coating with temperature resistance of 750 ℃ for protection. ZS-1041 is a kind of coating specially developed for high-temperature corrosion environment. It has the characteristics of high hardness, good abrasion resistance, excellent corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance and impact resistance. The pre baked anode baking furnace chimney and Flue system Applying ZS-1041 coating can effectively prevent baking smoke corrosion, extend the service life of equipment, and ensure the continuity and stability of production process.

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Beijing Zhisheng Weihua Chemical Co., Ltd

Building Materials General

eight year

  • Enterprise type:

  • Business model:

    Production and processing

  • Honors and qualifications:

    1 item

  • Main business:

    Heat insulation coating, sunscreen and heat insulation coating, radiation heat dissipation and cooling coating, high temperature resistant anti-corrosion coating

  • Address:

    108A, West Area, Liandong U Valley, Jingsheng South 4th Street, Tongzhou District, Beijing

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